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I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - Printable Version

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I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - jacob w.c. - 06-25-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was just going to host a simple game. He hadn't been sure if he'd have the energy to do anything more than that. There was supposed to be a grand celebration with Typhoon this week to show off the new territory and to prove their collective victory but the death of Pincher had affected him more deeply than he'd wanted to admit or show his clanmates. He'd stayed locked in his room for days, swaying dramatically between eating nothing to eating far too much. Sometimes he swore he could hear Pincher's voice in the crackle of flames or the faint smell of salt water in the smoke that lingered in his mind. It was terrible. But then he'd visited Typhoon with this very invitation. He still hadn't been sure if he was going to go through with it at the time but he supposed he should. He needed distractions anyway. Maybe some work would help.

Then he'd seen him. And they talked and they laughed and they kissed and it was wonderful. So, with that on his mind, he decided to throw the best party he'd ever tried to throw. There were all sorts of foods spread out. There were various kind of pasta and fish (he'd wanted to include Typhoon-like food as this was supposed to be a celebration for both of them) and salads of all sorts. There was a wide range of desserts, everything from cookies to elaborate cakes of different flavors like lemon and orange. There was all sorts of alcohol out, though it was set high enough that he was sure no children would be able to get into it, and there was some hot chocolate with peppermints and whip cream and marshmallows, as always. Jacob had tried to think of everything and, looking out on those that had gathered so far, he smiled. "Thank you all for comin' ta' this celebration! There's all sortsa' food n' drinks out so feel free ta' help yourself ta' anythin'. I'll also be holdin' a game ah' truth or dare if anyone would like ta' join n' there are board games out if anyone's interested," he explained before stepping away from the center of the groupand going off to the side, settling down with whoever else would decide to join him. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - Character Graveyard. - 06-25-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha was not one to normally attend parties. She did not have birthday parties when she was a child. Instead, she was given a task on every birthday. She had decided to show up, as she didn't want to worry her fellow Snowbounders.

The black-lupine had approached the celebration and took a seat near Jacob as he was starting a game of Truth or Dare. "I'll play." She said.
© madi

Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash was still a bit wary of Caesar being around, but the she-cat decided that it was probably best if she just faced her worries up front and if Caesar was here, deal with him then. Besides, she knew that Jacob and the rest of Snowbound would protect her and stand by her side if he got too close or tried to attack her again. She wasn't aware that Jacob had left to confront Caesar and Pincher about the situation, but she would be relieved to hear that The Typhoon was also on her side as well, even to go as far as to hit her bastard of a brother.

Atbash took in a breath as she came to the party Jacob set up, placing her pawsteps carefully as she made her way over. This was going to be fine. Everybody was going to be friendly and nice, and surely Caesar wouldn't be that much of a dumbass to attack her in Snowbound's own camp, right? Atbash took notice of Jacob's announcement of the games he had planned and when he said that he was going to start a game of truth or dare, the demon made her way over. "I'll play, too." She stated.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - arcy - 06-26-2018

Izuku wasn't really in the mood for interacting with anybody right now. He was just kind of ... exhausted. He'd rather nap or be anti-social right now than anything, which was kind of shocking, but you couldn't blame him. But even so, the Maine Coon had, of course, forced himself to get up and participate. Which is how Izuku finds himself here, blearily glancing around. There is, of course, food, and games. Food first, and then whatever game Jacob himself is hosting. Board games by himself would be sad. Was it truth or dare? That'd be fine. But still. Food. Which Izuku plans to eat a lot of. Thank god for events with food, or else Izuku would be a truly sad, skinny thing, considering his tendency to just kind of ... not ... eat. And hot chocolate. That would be all Izuku wanted at the moment, though. He considers just eating it over here, but figures he might miss the game if he doesn't, and Izuku has been trying to actually participate in stuff rather than just ... eat. In other words, he'll do it at the same time, hopefully nobody minds.
So, Izuku lugs himself and his plate over to the trio of his clanmates with ... plenty of difficulty. He doesn't have hands. And even if he did he'd only have one. And if he got anything on his bandage he was gonna like ... die. He somehow manages it, though, and curls up next to Natsha, making himself small. "I'll play," He chirps softly, just in case it wasn't obvious. Other than this, though, he's quiet, and maybe just a little sleepy. He hopefully won't doze off while they're waiting, though.
what was i worth

Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - bubblegum - 06-29-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl had never been to snowbound's territory, but she had wanted to visit for a long, long time now. since she was six months old and her papa was alive again and so close to mister jacob, she figured this event would be the perfect time to come, even if her injuries made it hard. she wondered how many of her crewmates would come to, but for now it seemed she was the only one. so, the young injured girl entered with a friendly, eager smile. her eyes revealed her exhaustion, but the rest of her body communicated nothing but excitement. she was very excited to be here.

the female walked towards the group of snowbounders, deciding to introduce herself. she eyed atbash for a moment, noticing her similarities to caesar. she wondered if this was the female that he had been punished for injuring. she decided she would lightly bring it up, just to start some small talk. she took her green gaze away and instead looked to the rest of them. "hiya, i'm from the typhoon! it's nice to see you all," she greeted in a friendly manner. "my name's goldenluxury roux, but i just go by goldie. truth or dare sounds fun." she then turned back to atbash, saying, "you look kinda like one of my crewmates. he's a jerk. oh- i'm sure you're not a jerk, though!"

Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-29-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash gave a nod of greeting to Izuku as he came over and joined her, Natasha, and Jacob. She opened her mouth to say something to him when the smell of salt and water hit her nose, and she turned around to see a little bengal kitten smiling up at her. "Hi, Goldie. My name's Atbash." The Arcticplayer purred, although she frowned whenever Goldie mentioned that she looked like one of her crewmates. If Atbash hadn't known Caesar was in The Typhoon, she could probably still assume she was talking about him. Only one of her siblings could truly be considered a jerk, although then again, Vigenere could be a bit of a jerk at times, especially since he had a tendency to be so cynical. "Oh, you mean Caesar." The she-cat finally responded, her short tail flicking. "Yeah, he's... my brother." She really shouldn't consider him one, but she still couldn't shake off the fact she did care about him, even if he tried to kill her recently.
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - Dimitri - 06-30-2018

Dimitri arrived next, sitting next to Atbash. He wanted to play. He looked over at her, ears qupping at the mention of Cesar. So they are related.

"Hey- Hey guys. I’m Dimitri. I’d like to play too."

Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - jacob w.c. - 06-30-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — Jacob watched as his clanmates arrived, lightly dipping his head in greeting as they did so. He was glad to see that so many had come out for this little party. Maybe he should try to do things like it more often. When he heard Goldie, a wide smiles spread across his maw as he listened to the little girl. He'd gotten to know her fairly well after staying with her and Pincher for the duration of his visit in Typhoon and he was glad to see she came, even if there weren't other Typhoon members here yet. "Alright, well, I think this is plenty ah' people ta' start. If anyone else comes 'round, then we'll jus' invite them ta' join in n' it shouldn' change nothin' about the game," Jacob stated, taking a drink of the got chocolate he'd gotten for himself. "Um, so ta' go 'head n' start things off I'll pick someone first," he said, his eyes drifting around the group as he debated who to go with. He wanted to keep things pretty calm at first but thankfully he couldn't imagine any of the people here coming up with dares or questions that were too wild while a child was around. "Dimitri, truth or dare?" — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - melantha - 06-30-2018

It's no surprise the Melantha arrives later than everyone else. She is not fond of parties, or socialization in general. But she arrived after some serious mental preparation, and that's all that matters, really. Now, it's worth noting that the young mountain lioness did not pay much attention as to where the party was being held, but all she needs to do is follow her nose. Jacob is nothing if not consistent when it comes to setting the scene of events, and that includes a plethora of homecooked food. The aroma of sweets and grilled meats is a powerful one, and that is all the huntress needs to locate the party. Sleek golden fur is freshly groomed, chiseled muscles rippling beneath her wheat-colored pelt as she approaches the group. Looks like they're playing a game of some sort. Truth or dare, perhaps? Seems she missed the beginning of it, but she might as well join in before it gets too rowdy. "Sorry I'm late," she apologizes somewhat genuinely. She is mostly sorry about interrupting than she is spending as little time as possible at the event. the young female takes a seat quietly, hoping that the others might gather that she's participating without her having to explicitly say it.

Re: I promise that you'll // open+celebration feast/games // never be lonely - Dimitri - 07-01-2018

Oh no. Dimitri felt his paws suddenly shaking then a pressure in his chest. Don't do dare. But what if he asks something personal? Doesn't matter. Lie.

"I'll- I'll take truth, Jacob."