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HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - Printable Version

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HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-25-2018

The panther had been out and about, strolling through the territory. It was something he often did when there was nothing interesting going on at the ship. Instead of waiting for something to happen, he'd go looking for something to do. Sometimes it got him into trouble, other times it just left him even more bored and with sore paws. It was usually a fifty-fifty chance. When he had gone out that afternoon, though, something was going to happen--just not anything fun.

Luckily for him, it began to rain. He wasn't too concerned, though he did grumble a bit about his coat being ruined. But then what began as a simple drizzle turned into a downpour. Thunder rumbled above him, triggering him to quickly decide to take shelter somewhere. The clouds clogging up the sky had made it quite dark out, but he was able to navigate towards a fallen tree by the light provided by cracks of lightning. It was a somewhat tight squeeze, but he managed, laying down on his stomach despite the gross feeling of moss and bark against his body.

Then it was simply just a matter of waiting. From his makeshift shelter, he watched the sky as it lit up and crackled, rain pouring down in heavy drops. Hopefully it wouldn't last much longer, as it was getting increasingly uncomfortable inside the dead tree's body.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]Roxanne had been out watching Kalayavan swimming in the water making sure he wouldn't swim too far. It was a nice day at the beach and she would splash some water at the baby crocodile which made him snap his tiny jaws at the small waves that sent him back a few centimeters before he swam over. She started to feel droplets of rain starting to fall and she shook her head as some of the droplets would hit her head, she let out a soft sneeze and glared at the sky using her own wings as a type of umbrella still watching over Kal as he splashed around with soft chirps and catching some bugs that had hopped too close to the water. Eventually the sound of lightning startled her to the point where she let out a yelp, she would scoop up Kal from the water and murmur to him [b]"Alright, let's go. . ." She finally decided as she walked about though the lightning was scaring her so, of course, she'd go for the first thing she saw which happen to be a fallen tree.

Her pierced ears would swivel forward feeling her fur on her belly, chest, and tail starting to get drenched. God, she hated water but she had been making the sacrifice of going to the ocean for Kal since he needed to have a good swim once in a while. By the time, she reached the tree she was mostly drenched with rainwater and droplets would be hitting the somewhat dry ground. She let out a soft huff setting down Kal noticing that the inside of the tree was rather dark and it was somewhat hard to see. She sighed staring out of the tree only to hear Kalayavan hissing at something, that's when she saw the glisten of glasses. She nearly jumped out of her skin until she realized that it was Greed. She let out a soft breath as she stared at the male, her pupils narrowed a bit  "Well, I didn't know I'd be having company." Oh god and she wasn't even the least presentable. Wait why did she care? This made her squint at the panther as her whiskers twitched "Is this your little getaway from eyestrain?" She asked, eyestrain being Caesar, a single tooth sticking out of her mouth as she gave her signature smile.


How was she supposed to socialize with these kind of people? Greed talked to her so differently compared to everyone else. He was an obvious lady charmer and well, she was a lady to say the least so how was she supposed to handle this? She felt her cheeks growing a bit warm out of self frustration only to shuffle her paws a bit, she turned away from Greed proceeding to stare out at the storm. This was typical and a cruel joke, she would kill God if he even existed. She had forgotten that she had set Kalayavan down so the crocodile baby was loose to say the least and took the opportunity to "intimidate" Greed and make him go away from his mother. How he did this? He aimed to snap his tiny jaws down on the panthers tail, that's how.

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-25-2018

The sudden arrival startled him slightly. With all the noise outside, he couldn't hear the approaching paw steps, so the silhouette that ducked in with him nearly got the sharp end of his claws. Luckily he managed to get a glimpse of who it was and quickly stopped himself, retracting his claws that had dug into the tree's decaying bark. At least it wasn't some stranger, or worse yet, Caesar. Though under other circumstances he would have found it amusing if he got caught in the middle of a storm. He knew that he absolutely hated water, thanks to the prank he had pulled on him. He had definitely deserved it.

"Me neither. But if company is this beautiful, then I don't mind," he says with a confident twitch of his lips and a wink. Shuffling away to give her more room, he wrapped his tail around himself, trying to avoid it getting soaked. He was already, but it would just be annoying to have it hanging outside the log. "Eyestrain? Oh, you mean that jerk! Haha, that's a good one! But nah, I just found it. Would be a pretty nice hide-out, though," he glances around as he speaks, the only set-back being the small size of it compared to his body.

Greed was indeed a lady's man, though his charms weren't exclusive to women only. He could pull it off on anyone he saw fit--or at least he could most of the time. But his skills often didn't have the purest intentions behind them. He wasn't the relationship kind of guy, and while he respected females, he also saw them as means of having a good time, in other words. Really, anyone could be a good time. So the goal behind his words now weren't any different.

The panther would start to speak, about to ask her something or other, when he's interrupted by a sharp pain riding up from his tail. He yelped, jumping up only to hit his head hard on the top of the log they were sheltered in. "FUCK!" of course that was his go-to word to yell while he was in pain. Looking down at the source, he grits his teeth, too concerned to try and pry it off in case it was to only bite down harder. "Hey, let go, you lit-I mean, uh. Please?" he quickly corrects himself, not wanting to go and call Roxanne's pet or whatever it was a little shit while she was right there. That wouldn't be good and would probably only result in him being kicked out into the storm.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]Oh God, it was him and well, she probably would have done the same if someone approached her hiding place or means of shelter. The winged Siamese would blink her mismatched gaze at Greed listening to him flirt at her quite smoothly, she felt her cheeks grow even warmer as she continued staring outside with a roll of her eyes [b]"Calm down, lover boy," She said with a playful purr and well, Roxanne was easy to toy with if the other had wanted to he could tell her things and she'd probably believe them. A good time. She supposed she'd be good for that since she didn't have any capability of having kids of her own though it would take a while before she would even give in to give anyone a good time. Her longest relationship only having lasted a month before a certain incident had occurred, the mere memory of it made her slightly depressed though she did her best to hide said depression behind her spunk and sass. She flicked her soaked tail to the sides admitting with a slow shrug "Get too close and I might have to take a bite outta you," She said as she rumbled quite playfully turning around briefly to wink at Greed before her attention would return to the thunderstorm and let out a soft snort "It is a nice hideout. Also thanks, I have some more things I call him but y'know its at home, the list anyways."

She lifted up a paw only to start licking it and began to groom herself in an attempt to get dry. She was starting to think a few things in her mind, she kept her eyes closed through the whole grooming process. Her slender body soaked but she was starting to get somewhat dry until she heard Greed swear and hit his head at the top of the tree causing it to move. She turned around with her tongue still sticking out and she had a confused expression on, God she probably looked stupid but Greed looked even more ridiculous. She blinked as she licked her lips only to see what Greed was looking at. It was Kal! She had forgotten that she had brought him along, she felt her face heat up with embarrassment. Why was Kalayavan biting Greed? She didn't know but she would remove him from Greed's tail and immediately apologize "My bad. I shouldn't have let him go, he's actually pretty docile. . . Well, he sometimes gets aggressive towards other guys. . . But that's aside the point, I'm sorry." It was a genuine apology too as she held Kal in her arms and starting scolding him "Kalayavan Carter Roux! We do not bite people! Don't do it again!" Kal would chirp at Roxanne before his eyes locked onto Greed once more letting out another loud hiss.

"R-really, I'm s-sorry. He isn't usually like this." She said stumbling on a few of her words as she held Kal close to the heart marking that she had on her chest. Roxanne acted confident and flirtatious but really she just felt like she was lost and doing everything wrong. Every single thing, it just felt so wrong or she felt horribly out of place like being part of the Roux family. She had never had a family before and well, Kal was the beginning of her own family. Her whiskers twitched for a moment putting Kal on the ground once more removing her paws slowly, the crocodiles gaze concentrated onto Greed the whole time. His tiny feet carried him as he made a mad dash towards Greed but Rox caught him with a sigh only to giggle "One day, I won't be able to stop him but I'll try getting him out of this bad habit." There was a pause before she asked "So, how are you? Despite getting bitten and getting stuck here with me."

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-25-2018

There were a lot of people who acted differently than they felt, and he could be considered one of them, too. He had always felt like something was missing, like there was some hole inside him that needed to be filled. So he sought out materialistic things, like money and food. But it was still there, aching. At some point he had just accepted that it was going to be that way for a long time. At least until he reached his goals.

Greed huffs as the animal's removed from his tail, quickly scooping it up and rubbing at the marks left by Kal's teeth. Oh well, he didn't really need it, anyways. He gives her a somewhat shaky grin, simply shrugging off her apologies. "It's all good. Better than having my paw gnawed off, anyways," he jokes with a wary glance towards her pet. Needless to say, he nearly bumps his head again when it makes a move for him before being caught by Roxanne again.

Now that he was safe from it's wrath, he relaxes again, listening as she asks how he's been. "Heh, well, with all things considered, I'm pretty good. Being with a lovely lady is always nice, too," he'd never let up a chance to be flirty, after all. "And how about you? That egg doing good?" he was pretty curious to see what would hatch out of it, hopefully it would happen some time soon.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]In all truth, Roxanne didn't like playing this game of pretend making people think she's this spontaneous and outgoing person. She was actually quite self-conscious and anxious about what people thought of her, she had a fear of abandonment yet she'd never say. That was probably why she was so heartbroken when Pincher had died, she felt it had been her own fault and that he had abandoned her due to it. She could act and play this game very well but she enjoyed coming back home to Kal and the leathery egg knowing she didn't need to pretend to be anyone but herself. Really, she brushed off insults like it was nothing but when she was alone those very same insults would bruise her "pride" and her feelings. Roxanne still felt this kind of emptiness though she couldn't quite identify it at all, it was odd really she often thought it was because she was hungry though she hadn't realized that it was because she had lost the first person she ever loved. . . To her own hunger. Just the thought of it made her uneasy and nauseous, sure, maybe she'd joke about eating her first boyfriend but really she felt disgusted to the point where she wanted to tear into herself or vomit though these thoughts had been brushed away and she was more soothed, she was starving but she was better. She only starved because she believed the death of her own sibling was a fault of hers luckily, the fur that she had hid the ribs that poked out.

Unfortunately the rain exposed her skinny body and just looking at it made Rox disgusted. Though she was shoved out of her own thoughts when Greed began talking to her once more [b]"For sure, for sure." She couldn't help but notice him nearly bumping his head again and that mischievous twinkle reappears in her eyes as she mews quite smoothly "What? Are you scared of a little crocodile, handsome?" She cooed before feeling herself burst into a bout of giggles, Kal wasn't even her size and the panther was already scared of Kalayavan. She ran her paw over his scales staring at the ebony panther with her whiskers twitching with amusement trying to figure out what to say next "If it makes you feel any better. . . His name means as horrible as death." She would still pet the small crocodile, she had actually did some reading on what Kalayavan was and well she hoped he grew large "And saltwater crocodiles grow to be rather large," She would then say with a giggle "But no worries, I'll try training him!" She piped out curling her somewhat dry tail into a type of nest and setting Kal down onto it, the little croc seemed pretty smug and would glare at Greed.

She looked at her pink claws for a moment hearing what he said next, it made her heart race though she kept her cool. She stared at him starting to find his flirting more amusing than charming itself as she finally said flicking her paw from the last droplets that clung to it and looking at her sharp claws once more "You say that to all the ladies you meet, dontcha?" She finally said, she mainly said this so she could make herself snap out of it since it wasn't everyday she got flirted by an actual good looking fella and Greed passed that fucking 'good looking fella' bullshit. He was handsome and well his words were quite charming too. "Or men. I don't judge," She added quite smoothly sheathing her claws and setting her paw down staring at Greed with her mismatched gaze that started to glow for a moment before she'd answer his question drawing little circles in the sand with a single pink claw "Well, aside from getting completely soaked and getting stuck with you on this romantic getaway, I'm doing alright. . . Not necessarily fine per say but doing alright. As for the egg, I managed to have it placed somewhere more dry and made sure its getting a proper amount of heat. . . I also gotta get some kind of food supplies for it since that egg is pretty large. I doubt something small will come from it," She finished still wearing that smile of hers and with that alluring twinkle in her eye.

She truly was something. She just didn't see it right now.

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-25-2018

Even if she had already noticed, he wasn't about to admit that her crocodile did kind of intimidate him. It wasn't his fault it tried to chew his tail off, it was only natural he'd be a bit distasteful towards it. But at least he wasn't full size just yet, otherwise he would have went to find some other place to hide. He feels a pang of triumph at what she refers to him as, glad to see his flirting was working thus far. But it'd only take him so far, it wasn't his first rodeo. "Oh, that's reassuring," he says with a snort upon hearing the name's meaning.

He wasn't sure if she'd be successful in training him, but he'd trust her on it. He had a feeling it wouldn't be easy to train a crocodile. Grinning smugly, he simply shrugs at what Roxanne says, a glimmer in his eyes behind his shades. "Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?" then he listens in as she starts to go over how she's been and all the recent events, nodding his head. "Well, let me know if you need any help with it. Being single mother won't be easy," he joked, but he was being serious when he offered his help. It would be neat to see what would come out of it.

As thunder rumbled overhead, he angles his neck to stare outside, watching the dark clouds pass by overhead. He wasn't sure what else to say, since he hadn't been planning on actually getting to know her or getting close in any capacity. He had planned on having a simple fling, but apparently it wasn't about to go that way. Still, as much as he tried to, he couldn't get frustrated or annoyed. Roxanne had been pretty cool so far, and he wouldn't mind possibly regarding her as an equal (friends weren't his thing or so he said). "Hey, what do you like to do? Y'know, for fun and stuff," he definitely wasn't good at making friends.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]Kal intimidated Greed? Good. She continued to taste the baby crocodiles back as she listened to what Greed said next and it made her snort with amusement [b]"Well, of course. The least I could do is provide reassurance for my crewmate. Besides, it's not everyday you meet a girl who takes a liking to large scaley beasts equipped with rows of teeth." She hummed quietly with amusement adding as she stuck out her tongue playfully "Guess I'm one of a kind." She doubted that but she could at least give herself those thoughts that she was anyways, she kept her eyes trained on Kal, who apparently didn't even want to sleep because Greed was there. If the crocodile was able to squint at the panther, he definitely would have been doing it now. She tried letting the small reptile that everything was fine as she murmured inaudible things to Kalayavan, a soft smile tugging at her lips eventually the croc released one last hiss before burying himself into Roxanne's fluffy tail.

She didn't think she'd be able to train Kalayavan out of it either but she had some faith in herself as she took a deep breath and sighed. An alligator would be easier to train but a crocodile was a different story so she would have to see what she could do to train Kal anyways or at least, direct him away from people he hissed at. Seeing that smug grin of his made her turn away her gaze from him nodding slowly "Well, I'd know someone who'd know." Well, two someones really; Greed and Pincher. She was sure that her brother knew more about flirting than she could ever know especially if these type of flirting was aimed to get something out of the other person. She bet he used the same shitty flirting tactic with Jacob but she knew that it was actually genuine love something she'd never feel again especially after what she did. Again being pulled out of her thoughts, she turned around to look at the panther with a small amount of confusion. Why would he want to help her? He could barely handle Kal and well, she doubted he could probably handle whatever the leathery egg held. "Mmm I'd gladly take that offer, thanks." She finally said her pink claw still drawing circles in the sand though in a place where Greed couldn't see she had been doodling little checkmarks and hearts. Why? Who knows. She was mysterious.

The thunder startled her as she let out a soft squeak, the eyepatched feline would let out a soft huff flicking her ears back until they touched the back of her head. She wished she was in her room with a bundle of blankets and pillows, somewhere she knew she was safe yet despite just being in a log. She felt somewhat safe. She supposed that having company and Kal made her feel more comfortable, Kal making it easier to adjust. She would remove the eyepatch from her eye and set it down over the little doodles she had been making, she didn't turn around to face Greed for a moment blinking both of her eyes briefly. She didn't know why she felt so insecure about this bubblegum hued eye of her, she supposed she felt weird with it. She forgot to put it back on having the habit of looking at people when they spoke to her and well, now with both eyes revealed she got a better look at Greed. Wow. Oh wait, he was talking to her. Fuck, she thought with a bit of embarrassment taking in his inquiry and thinking over it. What did she do for fun? She supposed she loved flying, drawing (even if she believed she wasn't any good at it), hanging out with her brother and new sisters, and taking care of Kal. She considered those fun. "Well, I like to fly around the island and scare the seagulls," She found her smile grow as she continued "I enjoy spending time with my new sisters, my brother, and well. . . My new family. I like taking care of Kal. . . Drawing is pretty fun too." There was a pause as she added "Teasing and tormenting Eyestrain and meeting new people." Her smile was wide but she had held some words thinking it was too early especially since she didn't know Greed's first intentions. Meeting you was pretty fun, she thought holding these unspoken words.

"How about you?"

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-25-2018

He definitely encouraged chasing seagulls away. They were always so loud and annoying, and often times they'd fly down and agitate him. Overall they were a nuisance, and he'd give a medal to anyone who would go against their crimes. He nods, pleased to hear about her rebellion against the birds, though he would hope that they wouldn't one day retaliate somehow. It probably wouldn't be easy to get bird droppings out of such a thick pelt. "Good! The bastards deserve it. Once I was out on deck with my lunch, and one of those fuckers swooped down and grabbed it up! I was pissed, of course," he retells the story with a sour expression on his face, softly shaking his head.

Unfortunately, Greed couldn't really relate to having family. It wasn't that he had bad relatives or anything--he just didn't have any, or at least not technically. He had his 'siblings' and his 'father,' but they weren't really. They were humans that were created and there was no genetics bounding them together. Besides, they couldn't give less of a shit about him. He had been made in the first place just to carry out orders, after all. But in the end, he had gone down his own path.

"Sounds nice. Uh, you any good at it?" his voice wavered in it's luster for a moment, but it quickly returns, instead focusing on how she liked to draw. When the question was turned on him, he paused, playfully tapping his chin. "Hm, I'd have to say...drinking and partying. Those are pretty fun. Meeting people is always fun, too," he finishes with a goofy grin, adjusting himself as he started to lose feeling in his paw. Hopefully the storm would be over soon, it was definitely uncomfortable in there.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]Well, she certainly did chase the seagulls away but sometimes she'd tussle with them while they were in the air. They would peck her with their sharp beak and in turn she bit them with her sharp pair of fangs almost to the point where they struggled to get free but that made the seagull flap their wings wildly before Rox would finally let out. [b]"That stinks. They don't mess with me or dare steal my food, I've already fought with them plenty of times that they keep their distant. It's funny really," She recalled those times where she would be eating a fish, which she didn't always feel in the mood for, they would fly nearby before flapping away realizing that it was her. She offered a small toothy smile at Greed with a twitch of her whiskers "Just call me over and they should leave you alone." She finally said with a soft giggle escaping her.

Family was a bit of a touchy subject for her really, when it was her current family then there was no fret but if anyone realized that she wasn't actually related to Pincher well, they would want to know about her actual family. The ones who abused her and kicked her out of her own home at the rough age of three months old, she had been so scared. Hungry and alone, Rox had to fend for herself. During that time she believed that family was just a minor term for a small group with worthless, meaningless connections yet she didn't feel that way about her new family. The Roux family. They all cared about each other and that's all Roxanne ever wanted, a true family. She glanced down at the necklace around her throat touching the heart made of mineral, she was once again distracted by her own thoughts.

"Drawing? I like to think I'm good, I drew Kal at some point and it was decent!" She piped out recalling the drawing she had in her scrapbook though she noticed how Greed seem to shift around uncomfortably, it was rather small in the log especially for someone his size. She watched him with amusement only to perk up a bit at what was his response "You're a dork, you know that?" Her voice had suddenly taken a different tone, gentler and softer, it held a tiny hint of something else though she didn't dwell on the thought as she slipped Kal onto her back with her tail luckily he was still sound asleep. She slipped out from the log only to scoop up her eyepatch from the sandy floor forgetting about the doodles that were hidden under it "As much as I'd love to be huddled up in a log, I think it would be better to be inside a house." She wanted to get out of the rain "C'mon, I'll invite ya in. Just don't tell anyone or Pinch will find out and kill me for having someone over." Especially if that someone was Greed.

She started to walk forward resisting the urge to shake and would make her way to her home, she pushed the door open slowly looking around her room and switching on the lights. She would place Kal on his little dog bed and pull a small blanket onto him, she smiled before turning over to look at Greed if he had followed her "Welcome to the Rox Parlor, make yourself at home." She grabbed herself a pink towel aiming to throw it at Greed with a playful smile tugging at her lips before she got one for herself to dry off. She tossed her eyepatch on top of her mini-fridge (which was pretty for her since she was so short) and would ask Greed with a twitch of her whiskers "Ya like ice cream?" She would pull out a medium sized tub of ice cream and grabbed some plastic spoons before hopping onto her bed. The theme of her room being pink and soft browns to balance it, she patted a spot next to her inviting Greed over. She grabbed onto the remote controller switching on the television only to see a chicken screaming about the sky falling, she opened the ice cream grabbing her plastic spoon only to scoop some ice cream with it and put it in her mouth.

"The little chicken reminds me of Jacob."