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TOYS IN THE ATTIC // open, writing a letter - Printable Version

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TOYS IN THE ATTIC // open, writing a letter - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

Alright, so he had to write a letter to Snowbound to apologize to Atbash. Caesar definitely wasn't happy about being told that, but he supposed he had to do that to get his position of Officer back. So that's what the demon currently was doing in his room, his tail lashing back and forth as he tried to think of ways to start the damn letter.

Dear Atbash,

Pincher is making me -

No, he couldn't do that. That wouldn't be 'sincere' now, would it? With an irritated growl, Caesar crumbled up that piece of paper and threw it at the wall, where it bounced off and onto the floor. There were several other crumpled pieces of paper on the floor where Caesar had decided that Pincher wouldn't accept the letter as 'sincere', so he just ended up throwing the paper away.

With a sigh, Caesar focused back on the now blank sheet if paper and just wrote 'Dear Atbash' and sat on his bed, claws flexing in and out as he tried to think of how to properly apologize to his sister in the most 'honest' way possible.

Re: TOYS IN THE ATTIC // open, writing a letter - PINCHER - 06-27-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Yeah, Pincher was making Caesar right a goddamn letter to apologize for his actions towards one of Snowbound's members. It was something he frankly didn't really want to do but he knew that it was some stupid tactic of ensuring that Caesar would show that he apologized without distressing Atbash any longer. He was sure the demon would be able to eventually figure out what to write or at least bullshit through. He had never really been one for writing except some gooey romantic letters for Jacob every now and then to show his care for the chief of Snowbound. He just hoped that nothing he had worked into achieving would crumble down because one Typhoon crewmate was unable to contain himself though Caesar seemed to be improving with his attitude.

"'s the letter going?" The rumbling sharp voice of Pincher broke the silence that surrounded the temporarily demoted Officer as he walked towards the scowling figure of Caesar, a faint veil of amusement covering his face though he didn't smile or chuckle at the sight of the struggling male. He only glanced at the crumbled pieces of papers that would soon pile off if Caesar was unable to brainstorm anything. He aimed to paw one of the papers, slowly pulling it open to spot what he had written. As he read it, a soft snort escaped his throat as he looked away to lock chilling blue eyes onto the male as he stated directly "Yeah it's best you don't tell them that I'm making you. Make's it not so sincere as an apology letter should."
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: TOYS IN THE ATTIC // open, writing a letter - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

Writing a note to Atbash rather than going to see her personally was probably a good idea. Not only for Atbash's health, but for Caesar's sanity as well. Being that close to his sister would only want to make him want to dig his claws into her more and harm her much more than what he did at first. She betrayed him, abandoned him whenever he needed her most. So of course he was angry at her! Atbash deserved what she got, although Caesar wished he had done more. But whatever, apparently doing that in the first place was a bad idea, and Caesar quickly learned that doing that while he was here in The Typhoon definitely wasn't a good idea. But, oh, if he ever became leader...

Yeah, no shit. Oh, the urge to say that out loud to Pincher. Caesar bit his tongue at that response, though it was probably clear on his face that he wanted to make some smartass remark back at the doberman "I assumed not." Caesar drawled, turning his attention back on the blank sheet of paper again. "I think it's funny how you assume I know how to do things 'sincerely'." Caesar mused, deciding to be honest with the Captain. Maybe he could give some ideas on how to write this letter properly.