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give me direct support || egg, open - Printable Version

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give me direct support || egg, open - pallid-i - 06-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It had been a rather stormy night, but when morning came in, things were calm once again. The waves gently lapped at the beach and birds chirped. Something was amiss, however, and if one walked long enough along the beach, they would come across a rather giant leathery, egg. It was roughly at the height of the shoulders of a human being, making it quite large. It seems it had washed up on the shore during the storm, but its exact origins would remain unclear.

Re: give me direct support || egg, open - ROXANNE R. - 06-24-2018

Roxanne had been walking along the beach with Kalayavan following after her even if he complained a bit since he wanted to be held. The Siamese wasn't paying attention and ended up running into the leathery egg letting out a soft "oof", she fell back and picked up Kal starting to say quite angrily "Hey! Watch where you're walking assh-" She stopped realizing what it was and would blink her eyes at the large egg and eventually said "Whoa! You're huge!" She still held Kalayavan in her arms as she flew onto the top of the egg and settled on top of it only to pat the surface, she set down the crocodile infant on the egg proceeding to press her ear onto the eggs surface listening. She found a grin on her maw, she scooped up Kal as she said quite happily "Looks like you're going to have a brother soon," Now she had to figure out how to get it into her room or somewhere dryer. Huh.
© madi

Re: give me direct support || egg, open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

Despite Caesar's disdain of the ocean, he quite liked how chaotic the waves were. He just didn't want to be caught in or near the water; staying a bit away from it was fine, though. The demon was currently walking along the beach, trying to check out any treasures that may have washed up on shore ('treasures' meaning bones), when he heard Roxanne call out. With a tilted head, Caesar would trot over to where she was, being the nosy demon he was. "The hell is that?" The Officer asked. "You're not fucking keeping it." He stated rather quickly after his question, glaring at Roxanne. Why the hell would she need an egg that big anyway? Better question: what creature would have an egg that fucking big?

Re: give me direct support || egg, open - ROSEMARY - 06-25-2018

Holding a fairly intense dislike for Caesar, she didn't like the tone he held with her sister - the red highlighting his words bothered her in an itchy, irritating manner. The ocelot's four eyes flashed in an eerie orange color for a millisecond as she wandered over. Shortly afterwards, the sand around Caesar started to saturate with water, rising from below. Soon enough, the sand became nothing but a goopey puddle of ick.

Not seeming to notice the puddle - not even acknowledging Caesar, except to give him a curt glance and flash of a false smile of greeting - the ocelot turned her attention to the giant, leathery egg. Her main eyes stared at it, scanning its surface, while her auxiliary pair looked up to Roxanne - it was good to see her aura colored with bright grass green, rather than the doom and gloom navy blue it'd been for a while. "You sure? By the looks of it, the thing is going to grow to become a huge dragon," she spoke, guestimating on the species. Dinosaurs, even the largest of the species, never laid eggs bigger than an ostrich - for good scientific reason. Given the size of the thing, the witch naturally assumed a more mystical reptile laid it.

Re: give me direct support || egg, open - guts - 06-25-2018

He wasn't too big of a fan of the ocean himself, but he did enjoy walking along the shore. It was nice to watch the waves roll in, and it was especially beautiful when the sun was setting over the distance, it all just had a very calming atmosphere. It was a good break from the usual chaotic nature of the group. But, when he had set out that morning, he hadn't expected what he would see.

Stopping at the sight of the two, he quickly took notice of what they were looking at. It took him a moment to realize what he was seeing, and even then, it was hard to believe. That wasn't any chicken egg, that was for fucking sure. He trots over and is somewhat surprised to hear that Roxanne was planning on keeping it, a hint of doubt clouding his brain. Would they really want something this big around? But Greed wasn't the most cautious person, and he quickly decided that it might be cool to see what was inside.

"Yeah, and who says?" he says to Caesar's rebuttal, giving him a challenging grin. Even if he was a higher up now, he wasn't the kind to take orders from others, especially if they weren't leader. "It could be neat. Imagine having something like this on our side," he's speaking to both the male and the newly arriving Rosemary, his purple eyes trailing back over towards the egg.


Re: give me direct support || egg, open - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

"Hey, lemme break it to you. You don't own me nor do you tell me what to do, lemon boy." She stood on top of the egg with her wings spread out and her pink claws clicking against the egg as she glared down at Caesar "I'm fucking keeping it." She would hop off of the leathery egg only to smile sweetly at Rosemary putting an arm over her in a familial gesture "A dragon? I sure hope so. Maybe I can train it to crush Caesar?" The last part was whispered to Rosemary as she let out a happy giggle, she would move away from her adopted sister and get close to the egg once more watching as Kal would let out chirps since he obviously wanted to come down though her attention would move over towards Greed, her smile widening "I like you." She finally said with a nod of her head flying up onto the leathery egg and picking up Kal cooing quietly to him "Exactly! Either way, it could be disastrous or beneficial for us and well, it'll imprint on the first person it says. No worries, I volunteer myself." She would flap off of the egg with Kal in her arms adding "I just need some help moving it."
© madi

Re: give me direct support || egg, open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

Caesar barely had any time to react to the sand underneath his paws becoming slick, which only caused him to sink into the mud that Rosemary had created. The demon winced as he felt the mud touch his wounds, a burning sensation briefly flickering through his body. Yeah, he should probably get those wounds checked soon, if he didn't want to risk infection. Caesar tried to struggle out of the mud as much as he could, although his attempts were feeble and only ended up getting more stuck. Every time he moved, that burning sensation returned and lingered a bit more as he stayed in the mud, and the Officer grit his teeth together.

"Imagine having to deal with some baby dragon who could possibly eat our asses." Caesar retorted back with a growl, narrowing his eyes at Greed. He heard Roxanne and Rosemary's comments of course, but he just choose to focus on Greed right now. "I, for one, don't want to deal with another possible feral creature on my ass." He would rather not get eaten. It was a damn miracle that he survived the raptor attack.

Re: give me direct support || egg, open - guts - 06-25-2018

Greed grins, unable to help himself from bursting out into laughter at Caesar getting trapped in mud. It probably wasn't good for his wounds, but damn if he didn't deserve it. It was funny how he had sunk down lower than them, yet he was still running his mouth. Turning back to Roxanne, he nods in agreement, the feeling definitely mutual. A dislike towards the yellow devil and a maternal streak towards random eggs? She was fucking cool.

He trots over, volunteering himself to help carry it. "I'll help out," now, could he lift it was the question. Someone else would probably have to help him, even if he was stronger than the average. Or maybe he wasn't anymore, he hadn't really found out yet.


Re: give me direct support || egg, open - PINCHER - 06-26-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher adored stormy nights especially when he was able to hear the explosive thunder that crackled in the heavens above. Perhaps it was because it reminded him of the times when he had been trapped in the sea during times when weather was at its worst, how everyone would yell and work together to stay alive. It was perhaps the only time Pincher had not minded taking order from his father because he had better knowledge of what to do in those situations. Now when he heard it, the memories would shuffle into the male's mind and he would chuckle. Memories. They were becoming fickle to Pincher ever since he had returned. He despised it but knew better than to try and dwell on why he was struggling to connect ties together.

His powder cyan blue eyes were flickering down at the sand as he walked, slowly chasing after a crab that was trying to flee from him. However, Pincher was rather craving crab and he pawed after it with his velvety ears pricked with playful interest. Just as he was about to end the game of cat and mouse, the voices nearby caught his attention and forced Pincher out of his state of focus. The tall captain directed his attention now to his crewmates who appeared to surround some large...egg. His fictional eyebrows quirked up with confusion as the sleek onyx black canine trotted towards the scene, quickly sidestepping to avoid the mud that Caesar appeared to get stuck on. He knew only one creature that would do that and he glanced towards his older sister, a sly amused expression brushing onto his facial features before turning to face the egg. "The hell did it come doesn't look like anything I've known." He leaned forward to sniff at it with his pepper black nose, slightly recoiling. Damn, this egg was fucking weird and he wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: give me direct support || egg, open - ROSEMARY - 06-28-2018

Looking up at the egg while Roxanne spoke, her main pair of eyes went to her adopted sister - specifically on darting around about her. It seemed that Roxie really wanted this egg, though Rosemary couldn't honestly understand why. Reptiles seemed more primitive, compared to mammals, and they lacked the intelligence necessary to be interesting. Yet, Roxie seemed to enjoy babying the crocodile baby, so Rosemary supposed this lack of intelligence might be a pro to those like the pink and brown feline.

Sighing, she nodded in agreement with Greed. "I'll help as well. I can use wind from below, but you probably don't want to trust me on lifting the whole thing by myself," she stated, twin tails flicking as she curiously considered how to get it back to the ship. Tilting her head to the right, she added, "We'll need to make sure not to tip it over. In some reptile species, that causes the baby to drown in their own fluids, because they've attached to the sides of the egg. We don't want the baby to drown, after all." Her tone remained mostly flat, void of horror or compassion for the creature's fate. Because it was still in its shell and likely dumb, like most reptiles.

Glancing at Caesar, she huffed slightly. "Do you think it's an accident that none of us have scars from feral animals, except you? If you had more sense than arrogance, you wouldn't have to worry," she stated pointedly, motioning with her right paw to his mud-stained scars.