Beasts of Beyond
I LIVED, BITCH — RETURN - Printable Version

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Death. It was inevitable to anyone that was contained in the mortal world. One could try their best to drag out their years or months or weeks of life to run from death's grasp but death was one of patience, ready to hold the hand of whoever died to pass them wherever they wish. Hell. Heaven. Limbo. Pincher had honestly expected to be trapped in the burning fires of hell, dragged into the agony of being a horrible sinner alongside others who had failed to be considered "good" in the standard way of living. But when Pincher opened his eyes, all he saw was darkness. All he felt was the feeling of crushing pressure against his chest and the slowness of time. Then he parted his lips...and exhaled. Tiny bubbles of air floated out of his throat and went upwards causing Pincher to stiffen, confusion enveloping him. Was he underwater? He never believed there was some sort of hell that trapped him in a place he sought comfort in when alive, his glazed glacier blue eyes flickering around in the darkness as he decided to move. Everything was pitch black, the darkness trapping Pincher in a state of panic as his drowned out ears heard nothing. Occasional flashes of bright lights flickered in the distant, brilliant colors of luminescence the only difference that he could make out.'re finally ours.

A voice. Was it even a voice? It sounded nothing that he had heard of before, it's warped cry piercing his eardrums and causing the canine to stumble backward, his body finally reacting and moving. His paws sunk into the sand yet it wasn't the dry surface that he was used to when he had lived on the tropical island he had called home once. The sand slowly floated around him, wrapping around him for a second before sinking back to where it was as Pincher glanced around, twisting his head to figure out where he was but he couldn't speak nor could he hear anything except that sudden shrill voice that echoed inside his aching skull. Everything felt so slow to him, even his movements that tended to be quick and nimble were now interrupted by the heavy pressure that weighed him down yet not enough to destroy him though it felt like it could at any second. His jaws parted once again as he exhaled, watching another trail of bubbles dance out of his lungs and swirled up, his wide eyes staring up as he suddenly realized where he was. At the bottom of the ocean. A place of mystery, his memory flashing to the idea of how books said that humans held more research about the moon than the ocean that covered the majority of the earth.

Pincher had no clue where he was supposed to go or what he was supposed to do, all he knew was that he was not safe here. That at this moment, he was locked in a cell of saltwater and fear. How was his body now destroyed? Or stripped of its flesh? He knew plenty of creatures would have already torn into him especially the bottomfeeders that lurked in the infinite abyss. The skies above had stars and galaxies, lights that one could find comfort in...the sea was not so kind to its inhabitants. It held no mercy for the weak, forever changing and only the ones that could adapt to it would be the survivors. And this is what Pincher had to do. Adapt or die. He then heard a soft ringing, high-pitched yet wavering as if it was bouncing up and down in frequency. With each passing second, it grew more intense which caused the canine to wince, his skull feeling like it was about to shatter into a million pieces. Pincher lowered himself to the dull sand, his trembling legs forcing him to collapse. As the cry grew louder, Pincher stared at the darkness in front of him, wanting to know why he was imprisoned in it when a sudden face lurched out of the darkness, wide eyes of emptiness staring straight at him with the color of sea green waves. His jaws cracked open to release a scream yet all that came out was a gurgled muffle, the water destroying the sound that Pincher desired to let out. His heart should be racing, thumping against his chest at a lightning fast rate. But he felt nothing. He felt no aching ribcage out of the sudden scare nor did he hear the soft thump of the organ swallowing his hearing.

But he heard nothing. He felt nothing. He had nothing.

Pincher tried to draw back from the staring disgusting face, it's smooth skin the color of cobalt as it parted its lips, the shrill shriek returning but this time in a language that he did not understand. Was it even considered a language? All he knew was that it was speaking to him, the indescribable words searing his mind from any thought processing that was racing in his head. Who were they? What did they want? Why did it speak to him? All those thoughts seemed to destroy themselves as it controlled Pincher's focus in some horrifying way that reminded him too much of the twisted stories of mind-control. It gripped him, locking him into place as he was forced to stare into its eyes as its lips parting as if was speaking quickly, rushed as if it had no time in the warped reality that Pincher was currently surviving in. Then he noticed other glowing eyes beginning to part from the darkness, multiple sizes of eyes staring down at him. His eyes flickered around, wide with horror. The creature's voice increased in volume which caused the doberman to focus back on it, glued to the face as it suddenly stopped speaking, the shrill whispers no longer filling his head. Then it smiled. Pale yellow fangs that did not glint in the darkness were revealed as its lips peeled back and then it spoke.

You will return, Delmar.

Air. Pincher let out a loud gasp as he inhaled it for the first time, his sleek ink black head breaking through the ocean's waves as he finally reached the surface. His glacier cyan blue eyes blinked rapidly, recoiling at the sudden brightness that shined down on him. The sun. It seemed like such an important piece in one's life and now as he finally adjusted to it, he only felt a sense of irritation for it. Despite it's all mighty power, Pincher had not seen it at the bottom of the ocean, his faith for it now a crumbled thought as he unfolded on what the sun meant in the mortal world. Day. Movement. Sight. A frustrated expression began to twitch on his sharp facial features as he kept kicking to keep himself above the water's line, his velvety ears drawing back at the odd sound of the ocean crashing currents with itself. Then the taste of it. Salt. Bitter. His forked tongue stuck out briefly as Pincher began to turn to figure out where he was. With his senses now returning to his body, the numbness that had overtaken him when he had been down there slipped away. He could taste, hear, see, and smell. He was free. Or so he thought. Pincher's mind was in a state of haze, foggy with memories of his life and afterlife blending in together with him attempting to pull them apart as the canine swallowed, trying to get a hold of where he was and what to do from there. Each direction held no speck of land for him to find shelter in and so Pincher realized that he would have to swim to where he believed he once roamed. To return to a family. A crew. A home. Home. With a sudden rush of energy to find what he had once lost, the obsidian figure began to swim.

He had died two days ago. It had taken him two days to travel. Too long. What was happening? What did he miss? Had anything wrong happened while he was gone? Were Goldie and Blue okay? Were Jacob and Roxanne okay? Were his crewmates okay? The paranoid side of Pincher's mind began to overtake him as he kept swimming, believing he was going the right way. His mind bounced to the memory of his death, the "afterlife" he had been forced to endure, and the returning promise. He wasn't exactly himself nor was the perception around him. Everything felt different. And Pincher was unsure how to feel about that or how it would affect him, all he desired was on that island he constantly recalled in his mind. So the male would swim against the waters, the scars that marked his neck now turned into gills allowing him to swim easier. His navigating skills helped as he would follow the temperature of the ocean's currents, the sun's location in the sky. During the navy blue night, he would follow the constellations that twinkled above him. Hunger and tiredness began to develop but Pincher focused on the goal set. Water. Just water. It allowed his mind to float away but he couldn't think at the same time. He wanted to remember what had happened beneath the ocean's surface, he wanted to remember the darkness and what it had held. Yet, all that managed to be pulled out was the thought of was a name. Delmar. Why was that name of any importance?

Then he heard a shrill cry. But not the one he had heard before in the depths of the sea. This time, the cry was from above and it caused his head to tip upwards, electric blue gaze fluttering around to catch sight of the creature that had made the noise when a flash of bone white ivory caught his attention and Pincher stopped swimming for a brief second. Seagull. And that meant he would be near land. His attention now became honed onto reality, his long muscular legs kicking against the water as he finally noticed the smoke in the distance. Land. Home. He began to quicken his swimming, his velvety long ears pricked as he began to notice the speck of island begin to grow in size, it's rich tropical vegetation becoming more detailed as he closed the space between them. The excitement began to race through his veins, the adrenaline surging him forward and perhaps had caused his heart rate to quicken...if he had one. But Pincher was oblivious to the fact that he no longer possessed a vital organ. All that he could focus on was returning home. As the canine pushed through the rougher currents and into the coral reef, he glanced down through the crystalline clear water to spot the colorful schools of fish and coral as if it was the first time he had ever seen it. He noticed the towering figure of the Tempest, it's sable black wood glinting in the sunlight with its sails ready to be used to seek freedom in the seven seas. However, Pincher didn't find any freedom in the sea any longer. He only felt entrapment. Pressure. One that he knew he would not be able to escape alive.

A large wave managed to push the doberman forward enough to make him feel land beneath his paws again as he stumbled onto shore, his legs worn from the travel and causing him to slump to the floor. He let out a small groan of pain as he crashed to the wet sand, his tired eyelids sliding over his gaze as he let out a sigh of relief. He was back home. Pincher remained on the ground for a solid moment, embracing the relief that he had managed to do what only sea stories had been known for. Returning from the dead. However, Pincher was oblivious to the differences of his body. He had become slightly larger in height, his back legs now tattooed with an eerie bright blue ink that did not wear off, and new scars that marked just above his tail as if a monster had dragged their claws or teeth against him. He was different. Everything around him was different. But he would manage. He would survive. He would live.

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Re: I LIVED, BITCH — RETURN - bubblegum - 06-25-2018

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goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

she was in indescribable pain. the physical pain of her wounds was clear, but that is not the pain she worried about. her scratches would heal, and her head, while damaged, would get better. the ripped fur and skin would come back and it would soon enough be as if it never happened. this pain, though, would not be so easy to get rid of. she could not forget or ignore this pain. she could not sleep with this pain. she could not even manage with it. it would take much longer to fade, but even then, it wouldn't be gone completely. it would still hurt. the girl didn't want to feel like this anymore. the girl wanted it all to go back.

the thing that bothered her more than anything else about it all is knowing how easy it would have been to avoid. she so easily could have woken up and helped him. he so easily could have woken her up. she knew it all started in the submarine because there were bloodstains there when she woke up. she could still so visibly picture them. she could still so visibly picture him. his lifeless, still body. her desire to hold on and never let go. she still felt it. she still wanted to hold onto him. but, she couldn't. they had to send him out to sea. give him a proper goodbye for everyone. and, while she wasn't usually selfish, she felt so now. she wanted papa all to herself. she wanted to lay by his side forever, even if it was a lie. she didn't want to let him go. she wanted to see him again. so badly. more than anything, she wanted him to come back. she needed him.

goldie was fully aware of how much she relied on adults. she knew that she depended on them all for help. she was getting better, but she still couldn't do it without them. they knew better than her, most of the time. they could help her. losing the adult she depended on most was terrifying and she couldn't bare it. it has only been a few days and she already felt like the world was caving in. everything was crashing down and no one was here to help her hold it up anymore. she felt all alone. she knew she wasn't. she knew she had so many people, including her dear brother now, but it still felt so lonely. she didn't know how to explain it. nobody could really help her. no one could bring papa back. death is final. or so she thought.

the girl quite honestly shouldn't be moving around as much as she is, seeing as the injuries she received haven't even been here for more than a day. her shoulders and head hurt more than anything else, physically. her head especially. the bright sun brought her pain. thinking is hard to do now. normally she could come up with lots of words to say easily, but now it took her a little while. remembering is harder to do, too, unless it is something significant. she couldn't even remember how she got hurt in the first place. what she did know, though, is that it sort of messed up her papa's feather earring. blood had dried on it. this bugged her a lot, actually. it was tainting something that was her papa's. something that was an extreme comfort to her now. something that she definitely did not want anyone to mess up. this earring was near sacred to the girl now. it is an important memory.

she had tried to clean it. she had washed it very, very carefully and hesitantly in the water. she didn't want it to lose papa's scent, so she aimed specifically for the small parts that did have blood on them, making the soft feather crusty. but, she couldn't get it off. it wouldn't come off. she didn't want to push too hard, or else she would potentially damage it and ruin it even more. so, instead, she just silently dealt with it. it made her feel pretty darn bad, though. she almost cried over it. the fact that she had only worn it for a couple days and it already started to lose its original touch because of her own accidents was embarrassing and sad. she didn't want to lose that part of papa so quickly. she needed to hold on. she didn't know what else to do. she should have protected it instinctively when she had been injured, however that did happen. it was one of the most important things she had and she already screwed it up. how disappointing.

she moved around now, though, because she needed something to do. she couldn't handle thinking, she really couldn't. moving was the easiest way of distracting herself. she stared at the ground and her movements were slow and silent, her walk still wobbly and struggled. she drowned out most everything, except for minimal details around her. she mostly focused on smells and touch, as those hurt her head less than seeing or hearing. she try to stay in shadier parts of the beach when she could, though. goldie was doing that now, her eyes half-shut as she peered at the ground in silence. her tail dragged and her head and ears were lowered. her steps were rigid as she tried to keep her balance and ignore the pain that arised from moving too much. her surroundings were hard to focus on right now, and that's why she would start to slowly walk right past the most important person in her life without even realizing it. that is, until she heard him call out. she stopped in her tracks at that, nearly falling over.

she knows that voice.

the girl was several feet from him, but not enough that her eyes had to strain to see him. she didn't move at first, her scratched face simply staring. her expression was unreadable as she seemed to look over him quietly, green eyes moving slowly. she lifted her head and perked her ears just moments before she seemed to come to a sudden realization. "papa!" she screamed his name for all to hear. her voice held no joy in it, though. it held relief. and, almost, maybe, disbelief, too. how was this possible? she had no clue, but so long as it was real, she didn't care. perhaps it had been a bad dream all this time. a cruel, horrible, bad dream. and now she gets to wake up. she leaped towards him, her shoulders screaming in protest, but her emotions driving her forward despite it. she would quickly try to cling onto him, her hold tight, as if he would crumble away if she let go. she wouldn't let go.

she wouldn't say anything for a few moments, and would just hold onto him. she wanted to make sure nothing could take this away from her. she didn't trust it. and, quite honestly, she was at a loss for words. there was so much she could say. so much she wants to say. perhaps she should say the most important things first. yes, that would be a good idea. she closed her eyes slowly, letting her throbbing head focus on this and only this. this was too important. "why didn't you wake me up? i would have helped you." the words held a sort of intention to scold him, but the tone was shaky and absolutely hurt. the sadness and terror and guilt, and everything else she had been feeling spilled out solely in her tone. this has bothered her more than anything else now. she needed him to know that she would help him. she needed him to ask for help when he needed it. this couldn't happen again. she was right next to him. she was right there.

"please don't go again. i love you, papa," this one was more sad than the last and her voice was pleading now. she couldn't bare the thought of him going again. she went quiet again after this, not sure what else to say. she still had so much to tell him. only when she shifted her head did she realize that she should return his earring. "o-oh, i've been wearing this," she said softly, pulling the feather gently off of herself and offering it to her papa. "i-i got some blood on it by accident...i'm really sorry. i didn't mean to. i tried to clean it but it wouldn't come off."

Re: I LIVED, BITCH — RETURN - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

Roxanne had coped in a way though she refused to eat and sometimes ended up killing things out of utter anger yet her newest companion kept her somewhat stable since she had to watch after the little one. She was anger and in disbelief yet she stayed in her room for the most part, her ribs sticking out from her usually long, smooth fur which was a bit unattended to. She had been walking out of her room leaving Kal there bundled up like a little burrito, an exhausted sigh escaped her as she made her way through the ship only to hear something from far away. It was Goldie. Shouldn't she be in bed where she could heal from her wounds? Roxanne frowned tiredly as she started to quicken her pace until she leaped off the ship with her wings spreading in a quick movement as she glided in the direction of the beach. What she saw next made her fall face first into the sand not even landing where Goldie was, the skinny Siamese would sit up hastily with blood starting to drip out of her nose as she heard Goldie talking. Papa. Papa. Pincher.

She turned around quickly not caring if she was bleeding, she would let out a shaky breath as she stared at the Doberman who seemed much larger than the last time she had seen him. He had these weird ass tattoos and scars above his tail, she could feel tears starting to form in her eyes as they stung as she started to cry but along with her crying came a small bit of hiccups. "Yoh f-fucking asshole, I'll k-kill y-yo-" Her voice was completely unsteady as well as her legs as they seemed to shake, her body bouncing because of the hiccups that seemed to be released before she aimed to punch Pincher harshly in the leg if that had worked she would then attempt to cling to it. God, she hated crying. It made her look bad. She sniffles softly "Don't d-do that again. . . Please don't,"
© madi


Two days since Pincher's death and Caesar was getting increasingly antsy about The Typhoon being without a leader. Two days the group was left without somebody controlling over them, and it was clearly starting to show. Goldenluxury had talked back to him multiple times, and so did Coldblue. Just because they're Pincher's kids does not mean they can disobey me. He was in a higher position than them. They should be listening to him. And the same with Roxanne as well, the little bitch.

But just taking over the group would not work. Almost all of the members of The Typhoon had proven that they would not listen to him if he just started ordering them around, so Caesar had taken to their religion. The demon wasn't a religious person at all, but he knew most of the Crewmates followed the religion that Pincher had in place. If he faked a sign by them, then surely they'd listen to him. So that's why Caesar was making his way towards the ocean, despite his disdain for it.

At first Caesar didn't quite sure what to make of the figure that was coming towards the camp but as he saw Goldenluxury and Roxanne rush by, the demon suddenly realized who it was, and immediately he felt anger rise up in his body. Caesar dug his claws into the sand, gritting his teeth as he heard Roxanne and Goldie talk to Pincher in the distance. He should be dead! The Officer growled to himself before he took in a breath of air, trying to force himself to relax. This is fine. He told himself. This will be fine. You can still ruse in the ranks.

So Caesar slowly made his way towards where Pincher, Roxanne, and Goldenluxury was and forced a smile on his face. He had to act like he was happy to see Pincher, he just had to act like everything was fine. "You're back?" The demon asked, trying to make his voice sound as genuine as possible. "Well, then. It's great to have you back." Not really.


Rosemary, making her way through the jungle to stock up on herbal supplies, happened to nearly cross paths with Caesar along the way. Hating the demonic asshat, she naturally climbed a tree and avoided the gremlin, keeping one pair of eyes on him and the other on her search. Hence, when she observed an angry red flash in his aura and accompanying body language, she found herself interested - thus far, the bossy creature seemed harmless. Annoying, but harmless. Now, however, she saw him enraged.

Tailing him from a distance, up in the trees, she quickly spotted what caught his attention. Even from this distance, she could pick out the strange glowing tattoos on her half-brother's body, and she found herself terrified for him. And terrified that the sea simply barfed up his rotten, lifeless corpse for them all to cry over again. Thirdly, she became enraged, as she realized the source of Caesar's own anger flash: the fact her half-brother lived. Tempted to attack the swine where he stood, she shook that thought from her mind. As one of the necro mambas capable of healing serious injuries, she needed to get to Pincher as quickly as possible, and that meant minimal messing around. Even for a good cause, like beating up an asshole.

Tails lashing, she flicked into invisibility and intangibility as she quickened her pace through the treetops. But before she got out of range, she attempted to hurl a telepathic suggestion to Caesar to eat a minimum of five raw snails a day for optimal nutrition. Not to take place immediately, but... in an hour or so, if she timed her powers right.

Now free to go about her actual business doing real good to her brother, the spotted wildcat dropped out of invisibility and intangibility right before she made the jump out of the last tree. Falling quickly, in quite an ungraceful manner, she landed heavily next to Goldie and Roxanne, her split tails twitching nervously as Pincher's scent hit her. He smelled weird, like he'd lived inside a shark's mouth for the last two days. Quickly walking circles around him, she attempted to testingly boop him in various places - his glowing tattoos, the bite marks on his body and his snoot - searching for anything to help her puzzle together an explanation.

This kind of magic always held a price; she doubted Pincher returned on his own, otherwise he probably never would have given his family here such a terrifying scare. Frowning, she continued to walk circles around him as she muttered, "The fuck?" Unusual for her, seeing as she usually refrained from using such profanity.

Re: I LIVED, BITCH — RETURN - PINCHER - 06-25-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Was anyone around? Pincher glanced around in a state of confused nervousness, his thin tar black pupils flickering and bouncing to his surroundings as he allowed a small sigh to escape his jaws, tiredness now wearing him down as he was ready to simply collapse back onto the ground. Yet, before he allowed himself to unfold from his standing position, an explosive cry caused him to jump back to reality with his vibrant aqua blue eyes snapping towards the direction to where the voice had come from. It caused his throat to tighten as he suddenly began to search for why that voice triggered something inside him. Who's voice was that? Hazy thoughts began to finally pull back, allowing Pincher to step through the fog and allow himself to figure out who the young savannah was as she rushed towards him. His fictional eyebrows furrowed for a brief instant, confusion swimming in his widened stare as she grew closer. Those emerald eyes. That radiance that she eminated. Suddenly, flash of memories with the child filled his skull and the canine's ears pricked with realization as he called out "Goldie!" His own voice was filled with disbelief and shock, amazed that this wasn't some weird mirage that he would endure in the afterlife. He began to rush towards her as well, his cinnamon brown paws softly splashing on the waves as they finally embraced, immediatly feeling her cling to his large form as the canine aimed to wrap his forelegs around her and pull her in close to his chest in a tight hug. He lowered his head to gently draw his forked tongue over her forehead in a loving lick and aiming to nuzzle her as he felt joy now begin to function inside of him.

He slightly stiffened as he heard her questions, his small daughter demanding why he had foolishly not sought help which had lead to his demise. The returning captain swallowed awkwardly, pulling his head upwards so he could lock his icy blue gaze onto the wide ivy green colored gaze of his daughter. Just like her mother's. Despite Guru and Pincher never being able to connect romantically, Pincher appreciated that she had gifted him with a beautiful daughter and a beautiful son. His broad shoulders sagged as the male leaned back into a sitting position with his tattooed haunches now finding relief in settling down after days of travel. "I...I thought I could reach the jungle temple without aid. I didn't want to wake up. You needed sleep, sweetheart. I'm sorry...I love you so much, honey." His usually low sharp voice was soft and gentle, Goldie being one of the few to be able to be spoken in the tone that Pincher used for her. Guilt began to burn within his ribcage as he realized how selfish it had been for him to do that, his pride the responsible one for his unfortunate death. He had caused grief for his family, the opposite effect that he had wanted on them. He hoped there was a way to make it up for them and already Pincher was thinking of ways even if he was struggling in figuring out who was his family. Being trapped in the ocean had done something to his memory, entrapping it an illusion of fragmented past, present, and future. Yet, his attention was focused on the injuries that now littered his daughter's figure, his brows furrowing with perplexity. Had she had those when he had died? They seemed fresh, more recent than his death and his eyes narrowed with sudden anger to what had happened to her. Had someone done something to his daughter during his absence? Seething anger boiled within him as the doberman's large ears drew back as he began to inspect her, sniffing her as she began explaining why his feather earring now was splattered with dried blood...from her. "Don't apologize, darling. What accident? Did somebody hurt you?" He questioned worriedly, upper lip already curling to reveal his multiple rows of jagged teeth that were ready to tear into the bastard that had hurt his child.

Yet before he could bombard his child with even more worried questions, he heard a flutter of wings and then footsteps. Pincher glanced up from Goldie's small frame, his wide ocean blue eyes locking onto the figure of a brown siamese with a brilliant lavender eye and an eyepatch on the other. He noticed the small trickle of blood that came from her nose as he parted his jaws to question what had happened when suddenly the crying small siamese suddenly struck his front left leg though due it only caused his leg to only shift a little on the sand, Pincher flinching slightly at the sudden ache of pain though it was good to know he still could feel things outside of emotions. Then another eruption of memories filled his brain and he remembered Roxanne, his eyes widening for a split second before a lopsided toothy grin began to trace his muzzle as he snorted "Aw, Roxxie. I really don't want to die again especially not from a gremlin." He allowed a light airy laugh to escape his throat as he aimed to pull her in to allow her to cry on his chest alongside Goldie before frowning softly at her demands. "I won't. I missed you too." He murmured as the tall doberman then heard another set of footsteps.

This time it was a brightly colored savannah, his coal black gaze boring into Pincher as frustrated with seeing the canine alive. Pincher immediately was able to recall who this was, the impression of holding mixed feelings as the memories clashed against one another. Caesar. The Officer with the snapping turtle attitude. Pincher raised a fictional questioning eyebrow at the male greeting his return as Pincher gave a light nod, answering "It is good to be back. Anything important happen while I was gone? Politic shit I gotta deal with?" He hoped nothing permanent had been placed for Pincher enjoyed being on top of everything, satisfied with being able to maintain the system he had set for the crew. Then another face revealed itself and this time, it was someone that Pincher was unable to truly place a paw on. She seemed someone much deeper in his fast, a name that had stuck to him but never enough to hold a face or a meaning. Yet, Pincher observed the peculiar wildcat as she began to circle him with her only commentary being a curse word. He blinked twice, straightening his form to follow her vigilant gaze with his own as he questioned "And you are?" Pincher tipped his head ever so slightly to the side as he found no memory of her except the possible name being Rosemary. He wasn't sure why or how he knew that single strip of information but he decided to hold it in until she answered his request for identification.
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Had Pincher missed anything for the two days he had died? Oh, absolutely. There was him getting punched in the face multiple times - which he really didn't mind, it was more of a pain in his ass to heal rather than being actual physical pain. Caesar's ears flicked as he listened to Pincher talk to Goldenluxury and Roxanne, telling them from his point of view what happened and how sorry he was, and all that sappy stuff. It was disgusting.

"No, believe it or not." Caesar lied with a shrug. Of course he wasn't going to outright admit he started some shit around The Typhoon while Pincher was gone. He may be a prideful guy about certain things, but he definitely wasn't going to compromise his position just to admit he was right. Not yet, anyway. He still wasn't Captain so he still had the possibility of being demoted and stripped of his rank just like he was stripped of his powers. "Although there were a couple of dinosaurs that appeared on our territory. That... didn't quite work out." The demon briefly glanced at his side, where one of the feral reptiles had practically taken a chunk out of it. The wound was still healing, but there was still a lot of dried lot plastered to the side of him. "Not sure where they disappeared to, though, but they're gone for the moment."

Re: I LIVED, BITCH — RETURN - guts - 06-25-2018

Believe it or not, he had had some experience with dying and coming back. As an artificial human, his soul had simply been something to be transferred and disposed of when he lost his usefulness. A large part of him was happy that those times were over. Either way, when Pincher died, he had long since left to do some 'business.' So when he came back only to find that their captain was dead, it was some pretty surprising news. He had liked the guy, so it was a shame.

But then he was suddenly alive, standing at shore. Naturally, he was a bit taken aback. But it didn't last long, though he was still pretty puzzled. Pincher couldn't have possibly been like him and his siblings. It wasn't possible, was it? He sure hoped not. Pushing the questions away, he trots over with his signature smirk. The doberman had definitely looked better, but he hadn't expected him to look good after dying, anyway.

"Yo, welcome back, capt," he felt a bit out of place as the family was reuniting, so he kept it short and sweet, despite his curiosity about what had happened to the male.



Contently observing the reunion between the rest of the Roux family, the pale ocelot busied herself with analyzing his form - with her second pair of eyes checking over Goldie's injuries for a moment, just to make sure the girl hadn't fussed with them after Rosemary doctored them up last. Something seemed off about Pincher's body and his aura, but her inability to precisely identify the problem frustrated her. Sniffing, her nose twitched as she tried to identify the smells. He certainly stank to high heaven, like a cocktail of salt and expired seaweed.

Her right ear twitched as she heard Pincher's question to Goldie, her auxillary eyes drifting over to his face as she readily answered him. "Unlikely - it seemed to be an accident. She's healing... fairly well, but we can talk about that later," Rosemary told him, whiskers twitching. She didn't want to worry her brother the moment he got back with Goldie's head injury; besides, she only guessed to the extent of the injury. Honestly, she should probably just met with the both of them and try to figure out how serious the long-term symptoms of that nasty head smack were.

Tail tips twitching as she thought about this - as well as continued to internally spitball ideas about Pincher's "offness" - she suddenly flinched, body frozen as she heard Pincher ask who she was. Sharply turning her head to face him, her four eyes stared him down - her black ertical pupils popping against the bright orange-amber glow from her irises.

Unsure whether she should be offended or sad that he forgot about her, the spotted wildcat remained still as a statue while her mind tugged between two different courses of action. On one hand, she wanted to run away and hide in shame. On the other, she wanted to smack him upside the head. After a few seconds, her split tail lashed behind her. Jaw clenched, she turned her head away from him to stare at his glowing tattoos. Just how many four-eyed freaks did he have as siblings, to forget her so easily? Sure, they hadn't exactly been close, but she made a point to visit him occasionally and bond.

"You taught me chess, and I taught you cigarettes are cancer sticks," she grumbled, side-glancing at him for a moment. Then, however, she frowned slightly; perhaps this had more to do with why he suddenly had glowy tattoos, rather than him not giving a shit about her? Her main pair of eyes snapped back to his face as she asked him, "Does your brain feel weird?" Well, that was probably the weirdest way to ask if he had any headaches or other weird memory problems.

Re: I LIVED, BITCH — RETURN - bubblegum - 06-25-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
"and you needed help," her reply was simple and quick. it wasn't hard to think of this one. his situation was much more important than her sleep. she could always sleep some other time, but he couldn't really control bleeding out without some help. "that's always more important." she emphasized this more than anything, hoping he would know better from now on. she would always help him if he needed it. she wanted him to be okay and she was more than willing to drop everything to make sure he was.

it's funny that he brought up her sleeping, though, because she has done absolutely none of that. the most rest she had gotten was when she had been knocked out after hitting her head. which is what he brought up next. his questions would leave her quiet for a second, having no good response. did somebody hurt her? surely none of her crewmates would do that, and she wasn't sure she smelled of anything other than the typhoon. maybe something did? she didn't really know. she hadn't considered the possibility, even thought the scratches would support it. she wouldn't ever really know, though. not on her own.

rosemary responded before she could, and her ears would twitch slightly. "i-i don't know. i can't remember. my head got hit pretty bad," she admitted honestly, knowing that the damage to her head was what caused her to forget. like rosemary, though, she didn't want her papa to worry. nor was she too concerned about herself at the moment. "it's okay, it's not a big deal. i hope it's okay that i was wearing the feather." the girl would say next, her words quick as she brushed it off. it certainly didn't matter too much. she would be okay. the main pain could go away now. papa is home. no one would take that away from her. she wouldn't let them.

she became more and more aware of the others who had appeared, but like his death, she didn't really focus on any of them. she couldn't. she was being selfish again. she wanted papa all for herself for this moment. she knew better than to do more than feel that, though. everyone deserved to see him. even the ugly duckling. even if he wasn't even grateful for it. she would just have to be extra grateful in his place. yes, she was grateful. she thanked everything that he was here. right here. living. he was different, she had noticed, but it didn't really matter, because he was here.

caesar's blatant lies annoyed her a little bit, but she wouldn't ruin the mood for now. she could always tell papa later of what all happened. fighting was not something she had the energy for. his confusion on who rosemary was would concern her slightly, and she was about to say something, until she responded herself. when she had hit her head, family was the first thing she could remember, and it came pretty easily. it was important to her that it did, too. her family is important. she remained silent as rosemary responded, eyeing her papa with a curious gaze.