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YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - Printable Version

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YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - Margaery - 06-24-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Anyone who knew Margaery knew of her love for wine. Besides Suiteheart and her children, it was her favorite thing in the world- made even better only by the addition of blood. She had expensive tastes too, refusing to touch anything that was even close to under a hundred dollars in worth. Was that a bit... much? Oh yes, most definitely. Did she care? Not at all. Her family had spoiled her her entire life, giving her anything her heart desired and indulging her with the finest of wines from all over the world. It wasn’t really her fault that, in the times that the Mikaelsons weren’t completely transfixed with the idea of power and murder, they decided to ruin their single daughter’s appreciation for cheaper things.

Presently, the chocolate point was relaxing in the Observatory, a bottle of rosé to her left and a bottle of blood to her right. In her paws, a glass rested, her wonderful combination coming to life within it. This was a good idea - a very good idea - and the amusement in her copper eyes said as much. She could feel the affects of the alcohol already, causing her to feel as if she was floating on cloud nine. Being pregnant had sucked. Dying had sucked. Making a deal with Selene... well, it hadn’t sucked... but still.

She needed this.

Really, she did.

Re: YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - Roy Mustang - 06-25-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Well, the past few days have certainly been stressful for the Ascendants. It's always difficult to loose someone you love or care about. In those few days, Roy was in mourning for his friend, but in the same time, he felt concern towards Suiteheart. Suiteheart was Margaery's wife, Suiteheart clearly loved Margaery with all of her heart, and she lost her in childbirth. Roy tried his hardest to be there for Suite, give her as much or even more support she gave him with Hughes, but she didn't let him in. His concern only grew from there, but thankfully it didn't have to last forever. Margaery returned, though it left him in questions that couldn't seem to be answered. He wishes he could know how Margaery came back to life, as much as he understands that it's really her and not Envy, the Alchemist was still having a hard time wrapping around the idea that the dead can come back in this world. He wasn't sure how she did it, and wasn't confident that he'd be figuring it out any time soon.

This must also be a stressful situation for Margaery. She died after the birth of her children, left Suiteheart to raise their kittens by herself, and managed to return home. Roy has no idea what Margaery could have possibly done to get a second chance at life. When it was asked, no affirmative answers were given. It seemed like she didn't want to give them answers, maybe the answer was too dangerous for them to know. Perhaps you may only discover the way to come back to life once you're dead- similar to discovering the truth, but only at the gate.

Roy was limping his way into the Observatory, returning from a short walk, when he spotted Margaery relaxing. He noticed the bottle of wine at her left and a bottle of blood at her right, as well as the glass at her paws. While Roy thinks about it, a glass of wine wouldn't be a bad idea. These past few weeks have been stressful- all the way to Hughes death, to his accident, and finally the death and return of Margaery(also, those raptors weren't helping his stress levels either). So the Flame Alchemist found himself padding over to the chocolate point feline, his blue gaze landing on her. "Would you happen to have a spare glass?" Roy spoke up with a flick of his ear, with his usual confident(perhaps some would say cocky) tone.

Re: YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - Suiteheart - 06-26-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]During her year alone, Suiteheart had lived drunk. She downed bottle after bottle in a feeble attempt to try to save herself from the pain of waking up without family or friends. Though it did little to fix her mind while she was actually sober, it did wonders while she was drunk. However, after one seriously bad drunken night where her past still haunted her, she put the bottle down for good. She couldn't live like that anymore. It made her feel sick.

So, when the beginning feelings of intoxication traveled down the bond she shared with Margaery, Suiteheart was caught off guard. She felt lighter than she had a few moments ago, but not even that could save the terrible thoughts rolling throughout her mind. She remembered how intense the feelings of that awful night had been. She recounted the horrible mistakes she had made - including one that had almost cost her her life.

Without announcing herself, the white feline stepped forward. The look on her face full of worry. She knew both Margaery and Roy were responsible, but the past was ever-present. It scared her to no end. She just wanted the both of them to be alright. Presenting a tense smile, she wordlessly took a seat beside Margaery.


Bastille didn't know what to do with himself. On the one hand, being attached to Hazel was like carrying around a little flame in his gut, full of warmth and honey and golden light that heated his skin and made everything fuzzy-warm-good. It was grounding and reassuring and sometimes it was... nice. But most of the time? He was too busy shying away from the connection between them, struggling not to infringe too much on her space, feeling guilty every time he felt a pang from her end or he remembered that she didn't want this.

Because he could feel again now. Sometimes. In flashes, feedback from her end of the bond; it was like she'd accessed a small part of him that could still feel, and sometimes he reacted to her emotions. His souls had become less stable, shifting restlessly in response to this new development, and he'd get flickers of sensation from their influence. But overall? Overall there was still nothing, and it was starting to drive him a little crazy. Being bonded to Hazel ate at him, made him feel like he was supposed to be trying to fix himself, and there was a burning obligation to get those sensations back. To be able to mourn Margy like everyone else and to feel relief when she returned.

His alcohol intake had doubled in the past few days, if only because it seemed to require the right mix of substances to get to that sweet spot of emotions. Two pills in for the day and he was in need of a drink anyways to keep it going, and so it was with a hint of a smirk that he stumbled upon Margy with a bottle. And it was rosé -- his favorite.

"I do," he drawled, conjuring a glass at Roy's paws as he conjured one for himself. He considered Margy's label before conjuring his own bottle, one that was a little sweeter than her dry choice; there was a flicker before his glass was full, taking advantage of not having to open the cork, and he settled back with a lazy, "I'm sure it's Wednesday in some dimension."

Re: YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - Lokisaurus - 06-27-2018

Quite unlike everybody else in the room, Aaliyah under no circumstances would ever be allowed near alcohol if the rest of her group had anything to do with it.

That's exactly why she was toddling towards the collected "adults" on shaky baby legs.  It was time to mess something up.  It was time to be what some would call "a nuisance."  Very fun.

Aaliyah made her presence known with a loud, confident mew of a growl.  With her gloriousness announced, she attempted to settle into the group next to Roy, attempting to sit on one of his front paws.  Her paws now.

Re: YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - Margaery - 06-27-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery took another sip of her blood-wine concoction as Roy arrived, a faint smile tugging on her lips when she realized that he wished to join her. Drinking wine was fun but drinking wine in the company of others was priceless. There wasn’t anything quite like a good conversation and an even better glass of alcohol, that was for sure, and as both Suite and Bast appeared, she figured that she was going to get much more than she had initially bargained for. It was no matter, each new face that decided to sit down and stay awhile provided her with a new distraction from the shadows that were clouding the back of her mind. Genevieve, as always, hissed to her, begging for control. They were more fused than they had been in the past but Margaery still treated the monster like a delicate flame. She’d be making no special appearances as long as Margaery was around.

The Lunar Lieutenant could feel her wife’s hesitance through the bond, a brief frown appearing upon her face as she fixated her copper gaze upon her. [color=#b14767]”It’s okay, love. I promise I won’t go wild,” She assured softly. She had initially planned on sending the message down the bond but thought against it- the words came better from her mouth, not her mind. Glancing at Bast, she watched as he first conjured Roy a glass and then himself, a sweeter choice than her own dryer rosé. Margaery had initially been tempted to opt for something far sweeter than she had, but the blood she added made the drink perfect- sweet and wonderful with that little bite of copper. [color=#b14767]”It certainly is. Cheers!” She exclaimed brightly, the smile on her lips and gleam in her eye not betraying the mental torment she was currently faced with. She refused to make her issues a public manner, not with alcohol in her system and Suite - who hated alcohol - nearby. She’d simply continue to play the role of the happy-to-be-Alive girl who was given a second chance at life. What else could she do?

Just as she was about to take another sip, her attention was piqued by the arrival of Aaliyah. A child? Oh dear. Typically, she wouldn’t be too perturbed by the presence of someone young, but the tiny wildcat could barely talk let alone be exposed to adult-behavior such as this one. At least she seemed to gravitate towards Roy who, in her experience, was one of the most responsible people she knew. [color=#b14767]”Hm... hello, little one. How are you today?” She finally inquired, deciding not to mention the alcohol. For all the child knew, it was just special juice that only adults could touch. Yeah... that was perfect.

Re: YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - Lokisaurus - 06-27-2018

Aaliyah paused in her apparent kneading of Roy's leg and turned, looking at the vampire that dared speak to her.  She knew what she was saying, but her mouth wouldn't quite work to replicate a sound to respond with.

Instead, the baby bobcat hunched herself together, wiggling her lil' butt and leapt.  If all went as planed, she would land easily on Margaery's head with no real issue.  If her leap was miscalculated, as it was probably was... well... Margy was gonna get a face full of squirming bobcat tummy.

Re: YOU NEED A BIG GOD | OPEN, WINE - ★ HAZEL - 06-27-2018

Listen: Hazel had been through a lot.

Some might say hell, some might say life. But never had she gone through something quite so inexplicably difficult. The bond bridging her mind to Bastille’s was torturous. All she could feel from his end was the misery of what he’d done and that he needed to stop it but he didn’t know how. All day, it was just rolling confusion and indecision. It didn’t take a genius to see it, either; his alcohol intake had doubled and Hazel was sure that at some point she’d feel it.

She wanted to avoid him...wanted to avoid him and his goddamn coping methods. But there was something about that stupid bond that just tugged on her soul when he got close. It was infuriating, because she was positive that he could feel her reluctance at this situation, at her want to cut it off because of the emotions that would travel. The truly hurtful emotions that would change everything completely.

Like fear.

Because her fear of his drinking problem was beginning to be a very real thing, and she was desperate to keep it from him. But she was about to not have a choice — as soon as she felt the tug in her gut, her tired paws were trailing towards the group, weary and anxious. She could smell the wine; could smell the richness of it from a few yards away, and it brought back everything she was expecting: the cabinets, the broken glasses, the late nights, the bloody hands. Wine isn’t as strong, Mother said once. It’s healthy for you. All the adults drink it.

Hazel took a seat next to Suite, tucking her paws underneath herself and wrapping her tail tightly around the rest of her body, mourning the fact she couldn’t do the same with her brain and her emotions. Because the second her eyes fell on Bastille, a different sort of scene flashed behind her eyelids: a memory of the last time he’d been inebriated and she was close enough for him to reach out and take hold of her, acting like he’d never let go. Hazel couldn’t stop the fleeting shock of fear that coursed through her veins and thudded in her heart, knowing that this had all the right circumstances to let it happen again. It slipped her mind that the emotion would shoot across the invisible tether between them — so she swallowed and ignored it, deciding it would be better for everyone if she just kept her mouth shut.

Instead she focused on Aaliyah and Margy, forcing a bright smile when the infant bobcat launched herself at Margaery.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]