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LET IT ALL BURN | {OPEN, RAPTOR FIGHT} - Printable Version

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LET IT ALL BURN | {OPEN, RAPTOR FIGHT} - Sorrel - 06-24-2018

(Please don't post will Echo posts!)

She stayed the hell away from the human building. She didn't know what it was for, but she didn't care. The Alpha had no reason to be in the likes of that when she had an entire forest by herself. Blue was a great hunter like the rest of her sisters, and she was also the largest compared to them. The Utahraptors had little to fear when it came to others, that being that there were few physical attacks that would really work on them that would actually cause damage. Anything that was the size of a lion and large would be more than capable of ripping their flesh if they were strong enough. Thanks to their size, their scales basically worked like that of armor. Having a thick hide that protected them from the likes of a domestic cat's attack, or even the likes of smaller wildcats. It was hard to get through their thick skin, but air elementals were usually the quickest way to injure the likes of them. Something that Blue had plenty of experience with. Blue had been through a lot thanks to the groups that hey had gone back and forth between. Blue having several different scars across her body that had only been made while she was in a clan. Hence why she didn't trust the likes of them as her sisters did sometimes. They were a threat and they were another pack. Compared to those that lived inside of the Ascendants territory, the pack themselves almost seemed to carry their own scent with them. Which made it easier to distinguish them from the rest of the group if someone wanted to find them. The large scar that was on Blue's body was on the middle portion of her tail. Where it seemed a good amount of muscle had been ripped off, leaving a large divet in her tail. Which was no covered over with scar tissue. Scars were around her arms and her side, in the shape of claws, as those scars were made by large wildcats. The burns that she had gotten over the years with the clans had fully healed leaving no traces behind that she had indeed been burned. She also happened to be the largest out of her sisters and had more experience than them when it came to fighting. She ran the pack, and if anyone wanted to gain the trust of the entire time it would have to go through her. Instead of being in the forest this time around, Blue was in the open field. she had managed to catch a wild boar that had ran through the forest. The pig having been faster than she thought it was going to be. The kill had been made a couple minutes ago, but despite this half of the boar was already gone. Her tail raised up in the air above the grass as she feasted on her kill. Most common sensed animals would keep away from an animal and its kill, but there were others that were different.


Re: LET IT ALL BURN | {OPEN, RAPTOR FIGHT} - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018


[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]Charlie never challenged Blue or any of her other sisters for their positions she had snort of learned not to especially since it was Echo who seemed to pick the most fights, she had been the one to challenge Blue at a young age for the position of alpha and in turn, she was ranked down to the lowest. Echo and Blue both had their bodies adorned with scars while Charlie didn't have all that many, she had been in the canopy kicking around leaves with her large feet only to hear growling did she lift her head up. She tilted her head to the side starting to make her way over to where the growl had came from only to see that Echo was challenging Blue was more. Much like a pack or pride of lions, the Alpha would fight for their position and defend their title. Charlie could see why it meant everyone would take their orders and they would always be the first to eat. Charlie didn't mind eating third, of course, though sometimes depending on the prey there would be either a large or small proportion for her. She managed to catch what Echo said about becoming the new alpha and Charlie knew better than to intervene in these type of affairs, she would take a step back watching as the her arms stayed near her body. Of course, the sisters wouldn't kill each other for the position. . . No, not necessarily. It was until one of them gave up and the other stood victorious.

Re: LET IT ALL BURN | {OPEN, RAPTOR FIGHT} - axiom - 06-25-2018

Since this territory easily held enough prey to support the four of them, Delta found herself sticking with her sisters more these days - for the companionship and hunting efficiency, naturally. Fearsome killers or not, utahraptors still contained big brains and social instincts. Hearing Echo's hiss from a short distance away, Delta's tail lashed side to side behind her as she approached. Huffing, she stopped, standing to the right and in front of Charlie.

Interested in the fight, Delta nonetheless held no intention of intervening - nor did she think she needed to. Blue seemed invincible, never losing a fight, not even Echo's challenge back when they all were tiny little monsters. Still, Delta's dark eyes nonetheless instinctively drifted to the teeth marks on the back of Echo's neck; recent wounds, from Echo's challenge to Delta just a short while ago. No matter how this turned out, Delta doubted she'd come out any lower in the pecking order.

Re: LET IT ALL BURN | {OPEN, RAPTOR FIGHT} - Owlie - 06-25-2018


Re: LET IT ALL BURN | {OPEN, RAPTOR FIGHT} - Sorrel - 07-02-2018


(Dis is hella late)

Fights among themselves was actually quite common. There always had to be some sort of reinforcement when it came to dealing with the ranks of a pack. It could mean that one of them might end up going hungry if they weren't careful that was for sure. The Utahraptors were vicious and wanted order in their pack, and anyone that would try to disrupt that order was bound to get something chewed off of them. The Alpha had ripped off a chunk from her kill and had swallowed the piece whole. Running her tongue across her lips to lick away any blood that was there. She heard heavy footsteps that were coming toward her, and she turned her head in the direction of where she heard it was coming from. Only to see Echo was there. Blue could almost immediately tell that there was something off about them. The body language didn't show that she was approaching her with respect, and immediately her own body language seemed to change quite a bit. Her head raised a little bit and her long muscular tail lashed behind her. Her arms started to relax in case she needed to use them to threaten her sister, and her prediction had been corrected. The other wanted to challenge her for her rank? Echo had tried one time before this prior, and Blue wasn't about to lose to her younger sister. Angry purring escaped her jaws as she positioned herself so that she was facing toward Echo, her sickle claws tapping the ground. Now she was mad. A screech would escape her jaws as she flexed her clawed fingers in Echo's direction. A warning. Her own warning to back off, and it would be the only warning that Echo would be given. She was larger than her sister, and the scars that covered her body were just a result of her training. "Back off." Blue would warn her sister in a babble. If the other didn't listen, then she would be more than willing to attack her sister. Seeing nothing wrong with that. Her fingers flexed and her lips curled over to reveal her backward-facing teeth.
