Beasts of Beyond
HATED BY LIFE ITSELF -- O, RETURN - Printable Version

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HATED BY LIFE ITSELF -- O, RETURN - guts - 06-24-2018

Looks like he had been gone a while. Whoops. Oh well, there'd be plenty of time to atone for it. Besides, he had to check things out. He didn't want to be caught off-guard in case his other 'siblings' were here, too. Especially that Envy jerk. Luckily, though, none of them seemed to be around, and he wasn't totally sure where Lust had run off to. Probably for the best, though. They couldn't get in the way of his plans like they had once in the past.

The panther trotted up to the border, grumbling at the slight sting of his shoulder. He wasn't majorly injured, but it still hurt like a bitch. Either way, he continued on, making his way towards the ship they had made their camp at. He wasn't completely sure why he was returning, since he could always go someplace else and take it over. Start small and all that. But maybe it was the familiarity of the place--yeah, that was it. Or at least that's what he would say if anyone asked.

"Yo. I'm back," he calls out to anyone who's around, sitting back on his haunches and huffing. Nevertheless there's that trademark smirk on his face, smug as always. It felt good to rest finally. Plus some good food didn't sound too bad, either.



To be honest, Caesar had been quite relieved and happy when he noticed that Greed hadn't been around as much. He never really liked the panther, especially after the guy refused to tell him his plans with being here, and especially after the prank that happened. Oh, how that still pissed Caesar off. So when he heard Greed call out to people, the demon's heart practically sank.

"That's disappointing." Caesar commented as he 'passed by' (he really just came over here to be petty). The demon's tail flicked as he stared up and down at Greed with a frown. "I thought you'd been gone for good." He would honestly prefer it. He just didn't like Greed at all, and he quite honestly thought the guy as a threat. Sure, Greed was just a Crewmate and therefore had zero power when it came to authority to Caesar, but that still didn't feel very comforting to him.


Trotting over with Kal resting on top of her head, she would make her way over angling both of her pierced ears forward only to say montonously at Caesar "Well, I woke up today and thought I wouldn't see your lemon ass out and about but I guess not. So, I'm rather disappointed as well." She hissed at the yellow tomcat before her gaze would travel over to the panther and her pupils widened for a moment before narrowing once more finding a sly smile tugging at her lips but her eyes twinkled with mischief "And you, I don't believe we've met. Well, I'm Roxanne and this little boy is Kalayavan." The baby saltwater crocodile would let out a soft hiss, he didn't like sharing his mother and he frankly believed that everyone was a possible threat who would steal her away from him. So much for being docile. "What's your name?" She asked spreading her wings a bit so they didn't get stiff, she was rather short to say the least, she was shorter than Caesar and for sure, shorter than the panther yet she didn't fear any of them. She would playfully put her her teeth together in a fast movement to make a clicking noise.
© madi

Re: HATED BY LIFE ITSELF -- O, RETURN - guts - 06-25-2018

Oh, great. Greed had forgotten that coming back also meant that he would have to be around this guy again. Really, he didn't mind him too much at first, but now he was kind of annoying. Still, he didn't dislike him nearly as much as he did him. Nevertheless, the bitterness of the reunion was mutual. He opens his mouth, about to spit out some come-back, before someone he didn't recognize appeared, taking the words right from his mouth. He liked her already, to be honest.

The grin on his face quickly reappears, eyes taking her in behind his shades. Not bad at all--though she was a bit short. But he didn't really mind, a lot of people were shorter than him now, it seemed. Caesar's presence suddenly shoved to the back-burner, he steps forward and tips his head towards the female, making sure to remember her name for later. "Well, hello," he purrs. "A pleasure to meet you, Roxanne. I'm Greed," he was ever the lady charmer.



Someone who hated Caesar as much as she did? That was,instant friendship and mutuality in her eyes, the winged Siamese would blink her mismatched eyes at the male taking his appearance in and well, he was quite the handsome fellow even if she wouldn't downright admit it. When he drew closer though she couldn't help but take a step back rather nervously since no one usually got this close but she didn't show any of this nervous behavior and was quite surprised when Greed dipped his head at her and fucking purr at her. The way he said it made her heart flutter and her cheeks grow warm though she resumed to smiling quite smoothly "Mmm Greed? Well, the pleasures all mine, honey." Her own tiny purr made her throat vibrate, well, wasn't he a charmer? It was odd really being talked to like this, no one had ever been this charming it made Rox mentally freak out though she snapped out of her thoughts hearing Kalayavan loudly hiss at Greed.
© madi


[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
It seemed old faces were beginning to rise from the ashes of the past. He had rather hoped that his own return would allow for others to feel the desire to come back as well and it seemed so. Sekai, the young lioness had arrived, then the small frame of Keona, and now it seemed that the purple eyed panther named Greed had decided to join them. Pincher was inside the Officer cabin overviewing the events that could be interesting for members when he heard the voice of Greed as well as Caesar's and Roxanne's. His fictional eyebrows furrowed as he glanced away from the thin papers with the scribbled writing, his vibrant electric blue flickering to look through the window and when his gaze landed onto his little yet older sister, he tensed up. The hell did she have that look plastered on her face?

Deciding to go check it out, the tall obsidian colored canine stalked out of the quarters with his large ears swiveling towards them as his light brown paws softly thumped against the wooden floorboards of the ship. Once he stepped off the ship, the Captain headed towards Greed with his gaze still locked onto Roxanne, realizing that the small siamese was flirting. With Greed. Her. Flirting. A sudden rush of protectiveness washed over him as the muscular canine aimed to sit beside Roxanne, the same expression of warning lacing his facial features like the one that Kalayavan had as Pincher tipped his head upwards to look up at the large dark wildcat with the shades. "Where the hell have you been, Greed?" He questioned, wondering what had happened and why the male had suddenly disappeared from the tropical island.
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Re: HATED BY LIFE ITSELF -- O, RETURN - guts - 06-26-2018

Greed only grins wider as his flirting is received well, even returned. He does notice the way she steps back, though, making a mental note of it. But of course, he'd probably forget, since he wasn't one to respect personal space. Then his attention is grabbed by the hissing, eyes trailing down towards the formerly mentioned crocodile. "Someone's feisty, eh?" he comments before he notices the doberman approaching, almost physically able to feel the irritation rolling of him. Interesting.

He turns to regard the captain, pausing as he tries to think up a way to excuse his absence. "Well, I just had some business to take care of," he says with a nod, as if he was pleased with his words. "I have some friends, and I had gone looking for them, but they don't appear to be around. Anyways, sorry for up and disappearing like that," he finishes, shrugging softly. Friends probably wasn't the right word for them, but whatever, it didn't really matter.
