Beasts of Beyond
SATURDAY NIGHT / o, exhausted/passing out - Printable Version

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SATURDAY NIGHT / o, exhausted/passing out - COSMIIX - 06-24-2018

He was stumbling around tired with bags under his eyes with his paws covered in bandages from breaking his coffee mug and hastily picking it up, the shards of glass had pierced the flesh of his pawpads. He didn't want to bother anyone, his eyes swollen from crying last night because of a nightmare that he had. He had went out during the night since he couldn't sleep because of his insomnia but Stark was exhausted to the point where he hadn't realized that it was snowing heavily that night, it was a bad idea to be out at that time yet he pushed himself forward until he reached the lake staring at his reflection "I'm so tired, baby. . ." His legs wobbled with exhaustion as he turned his head not realizing that he was hallucinating but he smiled firefly at the hallucination that was Steve "Let's sit next to the lake. . . And watch the sky. I wanna tell you everything. . . About me. . . I love you, Steve Grant Rogers. . . I just wish you'd feel the same. . ." He would collapse into the snow as the hallucination of Steve laid next to him, Stark offered a weak smile and ended up closing his eyes "I'm a fucking joke. You're way out of my league. . ." The snow that was falling started blanketing his body and he stared at the lake with a slight tilt of his head, he wasn't able to move. Maybe it was time to die again? He didn't think so but death just sounded so appealing at the time, he closed his eyes "I'm a fucking mess. . . If there's a God let me know." He finally muttered seeing the sun peeking over and shining on the lake. His breathing slowed down as he passed out.

/he's not dead wHEEZE
© madi

Re: SATURDAY NIGHT / o, exhausted/passing out - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha had seen Stark stumbling around the territory, which had been responded to with a raise of her brow. She had decided to follow him towards the lake, a somewhat concerned look on her facial features. She would perk up her ears when she had heard Stark speak. Steve Grant Rogers. She knew that name. Steve. One of her friends from the previous world she was in. Nat would poke the male in the side, attempting to wake him up.

"Hey, Stark. Wake up, yeah? It's too cold out here to take a nap."
© madi

Re: SATURDAY NIGHT / o, exhausted/passing out - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-24-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
//Retro to the Caesar incident

Unlike Natasha, Atbash didn't know Stark so she was a bit concerned to see somebody stumbling around the territory. But by the time she reached Stark, Natasha was already there and apparently seemed to know him. Which was good, she supposed, at least this wasn't a complete stranger that was around the territory. Atbash frowned at Stark at first, studying him. She heard Natasha call out to him and poke him, but he didn't seem to react to it. This caused the Flurryhost to panic a bit, her eyes widening. "We should try to get him to camp." She stated quickly. "Do you think you can put him on your back, or something?" Or maybe they could try and get Jacob or Izuku. Maybe that would be easier.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi