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WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - Printable Version

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WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - bubblegum - 06-24-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she just wanted to be alone.

she had just wanted some alone time, but her attempt to wander off alone in the jungle had gone south. everything was going okay, until suddenly it wasn’t. but, she couldn’t really remember that. by the time she woke up, it was afternoon. she felt confused. she was confused on how she got here. she felt confused on why she’d fallen asleep here. she felt confused on why everything hurt so bad. she could only remember wandering off, and then it got blurry. even before that it was a little hard to remember. ugh. the girl got up slowly, her stance wobbly. she noticed there was dried blood in the spot she was laying. she slowly came to the conclusion she had been injured from...something. something.

she looked around quietly, trying to make sense of her surroundings. she was in the jungle, obviously. where in the jungle? she wasn’t sure. there wasn’t anything notable nearby. she looked upward towards the sky, but immediately regretted it. it was so bright. it hurt her eyes, and her head. she winced in pain and shakily began moving forward, figuring that was the easiest option. she was able to make out more bright light that direction and figured it might be the beach. her movements were clumsy and clearly pained. she tried to remember what she knew, but it was hard. her head strained to grasp onto any memories at all.

her name is goldenluxury roux, but everybody called her goldie. her brother’s name is coldblue. her mama is...who was she? she’s...she’s guru. that’s her name. she hasn’t been around in a long time. her papa is pincher roux. that one was easy to remember. he’s the captain. and the most important person in her life. but, something happened to him. what happened to him? she couldn’t recall. but, upon thinking of her brother and papa, she immediately felt a desire to be with them. where were they? perhaps if she looked for them, she’d remember what happened to papa. maybe papa would be at his submarine…

she stumbled out onto the beach, the light nearly blinding her. her head hurt really bad. it was almost unbearable. she lowered her gaze and winced, hobbling in the direction of the submarine. but, as she started to walk towards it, she felt something. it felt...sad. it felt really, really sad. she stopped, her legs struggling to hold her up. it hurt. she wanted her papa. but, he wouldn’t come. he couldn’t. something had happened to him. what was it? she knows she knew it, but she couldn’t figure it out. she sat down, her aching body tense. she wanted her papa very badly right now. but, he’s...something happened. she knows. she knows what happened. he’s...

"papa is dead." her words were quiet and gentle. they shook ferociously as they fell out of her mouth. papa is dead. she wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t. the tears wouldn’t fall.

her name is goldenluxury roux, but everybody called her goldie. her brother’s name is coldblue, and normally he would keep to himself, but lately he followed her everywhere. she was glad to have him around. their mama left them a long time ago. and their papa is dead. their papa was the captain, and the most important person in her life. but, he died. he bled out by himself as she slept next to him. she wanted him back. a world without him is...terrifying. it is unbearable. she wanted it all to go away. everything hurt. it hurt so bad.

she needs help. "please help!" she called, getting up but nearly stumbling over herself almost immediately. she closed her eyes, hoping some of the pain would go away. the overwhelming light would at least disappear. she lowered her head, holding it with one of her paws. she knew a couple herbs to help make her feel better, but her head hurt so bad she couldn’t bring herself to move. it was hard to think.

she didn’t want to be alone anymore.

//injuries - injured head (brain damage), scratched face, scratched shoulders. her wounds have all stopped bleeding, but her fur is stained with dried blood

Re: WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
The smell of dried blood had brought Vanessa to the scene, a concerned frown on her delicate features. She had decided to approach and she frowned at the sight of the injured Goldie. She would take a few steps forward, her gaze running all over the female to check for injuries.

"Get a medic or find someone that could treat her injuries!" Vanessa told an NPC that had been walking by.
© madi

Re: WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - ARGUS - 06-24-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Loss was a fickle thing in that everyone experienced it differently. Argus had once studied it, extensively as a kid. Allowing prisoner's to create connections with one another only to kill one of them. It was a part of their ever growing experiences. Which one was more destructive- how to exploit them and how easily an already broken mind can break even further. In all of her experience- Argus knew very little that could help in this situation.

She did not want to think about her own experience, with a long life came a lot of experience in loss- in that the lifespan for people was often times cut short- often time violently and without end. Cycling through the morning process and gripping everything else you had more tighter until they slipped away- until you realized that you in turn were hurting them in protecting them. But Argus digress, there were many things Argus suffered from, and none of them would really help in this situation.

In times like these experience would do little to help.

But experience had thing to do with why she was there- rather instinct. The white officer had always been particular, being able to trace the scent of blood just about anywhere. Like a shark in the water almost, but less range and less frenzy. Frenzy came later, for now it was only mild concern. Vanessa's words rang out enough for her to catch on to someone being hurt rather then just some unfinished meal as she thought. Wings spanning out- making her approach a little quicker with longer leaps. Jumping between branches until she found the pair. Red eyes focused on the young roux rather than Vanessa beside a small nod.

Goldenluxeries was covered in scratches, most of them small and already scabbing but still a worry- needed to be cleaned before they got the chance to get infected- not to mention the pain the other would feel. She looked dazed, and argus took into consideration that she might have a mild concision. "Ya know were you are kid?" Poor girl's probably first injuries. The wolf jumped from where she was perched, walking over to Goldie and offering the other a small smile as she let her eyes flash- bright red. Appearing at her paws- Poppy seeds and alcohol with a cloth. Pure enough to disinfect with and the seeds to help with the pain. It would do until [member=452]lilyspoise[/member] could get to her.

"Hey kiddo, 's gonna be fine. Think you can eat these for me?" Argus offered two of the speckled seeds to Goldie as she spoke, dabbing the cloth with the liquid slightly. "If you think you can sit still for a moment i can clean up those scratches for you. Though they looked scabbed, they might sting a bit, okay?" Argus explained softly, giving the other a moment to eat the seeds and register her words before Argus would attempt to gently dab at the wounds with the cloth. If they were opened or even a little raw- it would sting, but otherwise it would just be an added measure to keep disinfection away.

Re: WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - ROSEMARY - 06-24-2018

The four eyed ocelot disliked knowing that someone's fate rested on her shoulders. However, that seemed entirely too possible what the current stakes were, by the panicked yells of some loud and panicked crewmate. That Pincher's daughter seemed terribly wounded and in need of serious medical help, on the double - and that loud alarm came with the complaint that healers were hard to come by on the Typhoon. So, as any good aunti would do, the spotted wildcat scrambled to collect any potentially useful supplies in a short satchel and headed off to where Goldie reported called out for help.

Spotting Argus and Goldie, the ocelot quickened her pace as she closed the gap between them. Noticing the assortment of healing items, her upper pair of eyes went to Argus as she asked, "Did you give her any medicine besides the alcohol?" She had poppy seeds, among other herbs in her bag, but obviously overdosing on painkillers - especially a subadult cat overdosing on them - seemed a poor idea. Especially - her main pair of eyes looked at the grisly head wound, wincing momentarily - as the child seemed to fit the description of concussed.

"Hey, Goldie, it's Aunti Rose. Can you tell me how you're feeling right now?" she asked, wishing the Roux family didn't have their pupil mutation. Otherwise, properly diagnosing this as a concision would be quite easy. Instead, she knew she supposed it best to act as though she held a confirmed diagnosis, considering the symptoms displayed so far - obvious headache, bump on the noggin, and disoriented stance.

Mumbling to herself, she waved her two tail-tips in the air, her four eyes converging to stare vacantly at a spot just above Goldie's head. In a few seconds, clean water streams rose from the ground until they reached the spot just above Goldie's head, where they promptly turned into a lukewarm and light shower. Obviously, it wouldn't do to start applying poultice and other things without even seeing the full extent of the damage.

Re: WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - coldblue - 06-25-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Gone. Goldie is gone and Blue has no idea where she went. How could he be so stupid? So irresponsible? The young boy has been trying his hardest to be a good brother, to be there when his sister needs him; but trying to be better does not automatically change his natural behavior. All it took was a wonderful cushion carelessly forgotten about in the most perfect patch of sunlight. I'll only rest for a short while, he had thought to himself before curling up and falling asleep. As much as he regrets it now while searching tirelessly for his sibling, the boy really did need to get some sleep. He is not the sort to outwardly show his grief over Pincher's passing, but anyone who pays close enough attention can see that Coldblue has not slept much since. "Goldie?!" shots the youth as he races through the camp. "Goldie, where are you?!" Eventually he finds her scent and follows it into the jungle. The moment he realizes that something is wrong is when he sees Aunt Rose rush past with medical supplies. No. No, no, no, no, no! The child surges forward with a burst of speed, chest heaving with every ragged breath. "Oh, Goldie..." Blue whispers as she skids to a halt. "I'm sorry--I shoulda never left you..." He wants to cry. He should've been there to help her.

Re: WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - bubblegum - 06-25-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the world around her blurred a few times, the sounds hard to hear and a ringing faint in her ears. it really was getting the worse the longer she stayed up. the pain from her head made her disorientated. vanessa's presence was hardly noticed and she wobbled slightly around. she knew enough about injuries to be able to figure out it was likely a concussion. kind of like her papa had gotten during the meeting that felt so long ago. despite everything, she still couldn't stop thinking about him.

she stayed quiet as vanessa ordered someone to help, barely hearing it. she made an attempt to decipher it, though, only picking up "...medic or find some...treat her.." in the end. ugh. it hurt to listen but she needed to focus on it. she wanted to be sure she could hear others. it would keep her from thinking, at least. she could have told vanessa what to grab, but she was focusing so hard on hearing that she felt unable to speak. so, she would say nothing. someone could probably handle it better than her, anyway. she might accidentally mix something up. she was no expert by any means. she had just wanted to help make sure her papa and everyone else could be okay.

a white creature would be the next to arrive, and it would take her a few moments to remember who she was. the girl knew that she knew her, though. the first question she could slightly make out. the important parts, anyway. "...know where you are"? of course she did. home. it wasn't the same as before, at all, but it was still home. "home." she managed out simply, her voice quiet now. she breathed for a few moments silently, her head pains growing worse as activity around her grew. she said something else. what was she saying? seeds. poppy seeds. she looked at them for a few moments, not reacting immediately.

she knew what they did. they made pain hurt less. she slowly reached for them, chewing them slowly. she remembered the other's name now. argus. argus' next set of words didn't fully reach her, but she wouldn't care either way. she trusted the female knew what she was doing. she wouldn't react to any stinging and would let argus work as needed without protest. the stinging that would come wouldn't be nearly as bad as everything else right now. it was only a minor, temporary inconvenience.

another voice arose and it would cause her to focus on listening again. this one was more familiar. not because they talked more, but because it seemed to hold a higher significance to her. family. what was the female's name? she was a roux. papa's sister. but, the name wouldn't come. whatever, it didn't matter. she focused on the female's words, feeling a little relieved. to hear her introduce herself without her even needing to ask. rose. rosemary. that was it. she asked how she was feeling. ugh.

"bad," she answered honestly at first, thinking about what she should say. "i can't remember what happened. it's...hard to think." she said next, figuring that would be more helpful. her words came out slowly as she reminded herself of how to say them. this could be the easiest way for them to know what was going on. she didn't want to talk a lot right now. [b]"it hurts." there was really no other way to describe it. and, she wasn't just talking about the injuries. it hurt in general. papa is dead. it hurt.

but, these thoughts would immediately be distracted as she felt water gently run down her, along with the presence of her brother. oh no. he had been worried about her. oh no. "it's not your fault," she responded quickly now, finding these words easier to think of than everything else. goldie did not want for her brother to feel bad about this. not for a second. "i wanted to be alone and then...something happened. please don't feel bad," she assured, her words slowing down again as she tried to explain the situation. not that she really knew the situation too well at this point, herself. "i'll be okay. s-sorry for worrying you."

Re: WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - ARGUS - 06-26-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] It was easy to fall into her own knowledge, forget the emotions being helping Goldie and just ease into the muscle motions Argus had since she started this cycle. Simply going through the motions as her thoughts blanked, emotions running stagnate in her focus as she plucked procedures out of thin air. Lightly scraping away at the scabs and memorizing the small flinches the other would make. Careful- steady gentle. Even as other's started to flood in- Vanessa's earlier words telling someone else to gather attention of a medic as concerned crewmtes settled around them all.

Rosmary was the first one, the four-eyed wildcat making Argus' own heart clench at the thought of her own child. The numbness slowly trickling away as awareness seeped back into focus. "Poppy seeds, I gave her the most she could have, so I don't recommend giving her anymore for at least a few hours." The seeds should help her ease into sleep within the next hour, and if her slightly slurred speech was to be expected- the other might be suffering from a fall as well. "[color+3add8e6]There isn't much that can be done for concussions or brain damage. Just let her rest, and someone needs to keep watch on her while she does. Less she face... hallucinations like her father did[/color]"

An anti-inflammatory would do the trick, but Argus has already given her something similar- Poppy would work for now until she could rifle through the voodoo-master's den. The officer's dark red hues flickering from the older roux at the sight of the smaller one coming around. It hurt to see Cold blame himself- but at least goldie had the right idea. It wasn't his fault- it wasn't goldie's either. "Don't blame yourselves, loss makes us do unexplainable things. It was no one's fault." The officer offered the admission slightly, her dark gaze swept across the already mourning family as she let herself step back. "Just keep an eye on eachother, ne?"

Re: WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME / o, injured - ROSEMARY - 06-30-2018

The ocelot frowned slightly as she heard Goldie's explanation - well, explanation for not having an explanation. She disliked not knowing how these injuries came to be, but it seemed doubtful that Goldie could remember them. Tempted to take a peak into the youngster's mind, she shook away that notion; if the child couldn't remember, she doubted she'd be able to get anything more than fragments at best. Wasted effort, and a bit dangerous with the recentness of the head trauma.

"It'll stop hurting soon; these scratches will heal easily enough, but I'll need you to come back with me to the ship for bandages. I'm not going to bandage them now, with the ocean breeze flinging sand everywhere," Rosemary told her, trying to speak slowly and less academically than usual for her. In truth, she disliked patching up Goldie here, on the beach in the very definition a compromised environment. Bacteria in the salt water, sand kicked up everywhere, and plenty of scavenging crabs ready to butt their claws into whatever they thought they could eat. Tilting her head, she added with a glance at Argus, "It'd be best if someone who could fly would carry you back, to avoid getting grime in those wounds." Rosemary's control over air certainly worked, but it was also a work in progress; she didn't want to overestimate her greenhorn flying abilities with a sick kitten with her.

Half-sighing as she heard Argus's answer, she tried to refrain from giving the wolf an annoyed look, but she ended up looking irritated anyway. "Exact dosage, please. How many seeds? Crushed or whole? How long ago?" she asked, her tone flat. Rosemary found herself immensely annoyed that this idiot presumed that she didn't know what a basic concussion was, but completely blanked on giving her necessary and relevant information.