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worry more ♡ private - Printable Version

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worry more ♡ private - arcy - 06-24-2018

Caboose has always been inclined to make friends of all sorts. When he was still human, he'd often stop and play with an animal he found on the street for at least half an hour 'till he realized he was late for something. Assuming Caboose realized at all. Oftentimes people would find that Caboose would completely forget about appointments unless the reminders were shoved in his face for ages and even that was a risky endeavor. The best option was to get somebody to physically bring him to the event. Oh, but right! Friends! Not everybody considered Caboose a friend back, but it was rare that Caboose take notice if they didn't. Seriously, tell him a dozen times that you hate him and you're not his friend and he might get a little sad, but he won't stop.
Which leads to where the Golden Retriever is now. He'd seen a giant scaly not-dog when he was first here! It had sharp teeth and it looked really cool! It hadn't seemed willing to approach, and Caboose had been a little too absorbed in everything to really pay too much attention to it. But today! Today was the day he rec -- reciti .... he doesn't even know what the word he's trying to say means. Today was the day he'd bravely speak to the horrible beast and befriend it! ... Horrible beast sounded so mean, he takes that back. He's sure it was perfectly friendly! But, just in case, Caboose had gotten a peace gift! He wasn't sure what scaly not-dogs would like though. He didn't exactly have pocket lint or anything, but nobody else had exactly appreciated that gift anyways. Which Caboose didn't understand, but he tried. So what did everybody like? Food! Caboose liked food!! And so did everybody else he knew! Caboose wasn't exactly picky about what he ate though, and he wasn't anywhere near smart enough to figure out what Charlie would like. God, he didn't even actually fully know what a dinosaur was, you think he'd know what they ate? Caboose barely knew what he was supposed to eat. You could give him a chunk of metal and tell him that was his dinner and he'd eat it.
So it was really just a stroke of luck that Caboose even found the right thing. A chunk of meat, a chunk of prey, whatever -- god knows where the Golden Retriever had gotten it, he certainly hadn't caught it himself. But he had it. And that's what really mattered, whatever repercussions he may get in the future be damned. Unfortunately, to carry the thing, Caboose had to ditch the helmet. The canine feels kind of naked without it, having spent ages of his life with his armor on. But he'd already gotten enough blood stuck on the inside of it before he realized it wasn't gonna work. And he wasn't even going to realize he was capable of cleaning it, so he'd just have to live with the blood smell forever now.
And this is how Caboose goes seeking out the not-dog. Helmet-less and with a chunk of unidentifiable meet in between his jaws. There's a spring in his step as he trots along, tail wagging. He keeps on having to squint against the sun, though. Spending that long with a helmet like his one and you grow pretty unadjusted to direct sunlight. He's not actually sure where the definitely-not-a-dog is, and he doesn't exactly have anything to go off of. Seriously, even after this long, Caboose still hadn't figured out that he was capable of scenting things. Well, he probably wouldn't be able to figure that out for a long time either way. Like ... not without very specific instructions long time.
//[member=1135]CHARLIE ![/member]
time for: dumbass boy

Re: worry more ♡ private - COSMIIX - 06-24-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]Charlie was curious the moment the rock headed mammals had came to the territory, they were weird and foreign to her. She didn't know whether they were a threat or not, she had been keeping an eye on the newest rock head. A dog by the looks of  though she watched through afar she had been in the canopy searching for something to eat and the smell of carrion made her huff a bit as she tried pinpointing where the smell was coming from. She snorted a bit since it was mingling with over animal, she would hop over a few rocks and weave throughout the trees only to find that it was an unfamiliar being. The body was familiar but the face was not, she growled a bit in frustration though clicked her sickle claws against the ground as her fiery gaze landed and locked itself onto the Golden retriever. He was carrying a piece of carrion in his jaws and her shook her head as her intelligent gaze examined the canine with her head tilting to the side. Why had he come out all the way here to eat? It was odd really though she supposed she could steal the carrion if she wanted to, her tail lashed to the sides as she let out a purring noise trying to figure it out. Eventually she let out a soft chitter to acknowledge the canine before she stepped a bit closer making soft huffing noises as she sniffed the canine from a few inches only to release a few more chitters. Unlike the rest of her siblings, Charlie being the youngest was also the most trusting of all three and considerably the most curious and friendlier raptor. Her snout was only a few centimeters away as she sniffed the dogs face and once she got a good idea of who this was would take a few steps back, she tilted her head once more her eyes now trained on the meat.

Re: worry more ♡ private - arcy - 06-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify;"] It's Charlie's soft chitter that alerts Caboose to her presence more than anything. It takes a few moments to process the sound before Caboose, mildly puzzled, turns to the sound. And lo and behold, there's what he's been seeking. The ... not-dog! What was it called? Did it have a name? Caboose wasn't sure, probably wasn't even actually asking these questions in the first place. Chances were he'd end up making up his own name to give her anyways. He was probably thinking of some right now, honestly. ... He definitely was. Most would think that Caboose was a little too hopeful, but he's just the right amount of hopeful, thank you very much.
As the raptor steps closer, Caboose's tail begins to wag. He's restless, wants to move, and his paws shuffle restlessly as he stands in place. He doesn't usually resist any whims he gets, largely because the thought to resist never occurs to him. Nothing ever occurs to him, honestly. He was as dumb as the rock Charlie thought his head was. That was probably the reason Caboose didn't feel any of the instinctual fear he should have in the face of a scaly, sharp-toothed predator. To take it a little too far, Caboose probably would only be uneasy about them if it was exceedingly obvious they were gonna try and eat him. And only a little uneasy. Had Caboose ever felt true fear in his life? Questionable.
The not-dog can't speak, not as far as Caboose is aware. Or maybe it can, but it just doesn't want to! Caboose doesn't really mind either way. Uncharacteristically, the canine is quiet and still as the raptor sniffs his face, only his tail still wagging as he seems to wait as patiently as Caboose is capable of. Which isn't very. Caboose was probably the least patient person on earth these days, but he was capable of it ... sometimes. Rarely. Once on a blue moon. When the raptor steps away, that's when Caboose moves into action. His head twists as he tosses the meat chunk as best as he can. Which isn't very well at all, considering that even when he was human he was absolutely terrible at throwing things. Luckily, the meat was harmless and not a grenade and the only danger here is the giant raptor that Caboose doesn't even register as a threat. Still, with the meat out of his mouth, Caboose is finally capable of speaking again.
"I didn't even know you could get that out of whatever it was," Caboose says, tail still wagging. He didn't have much of a concept of where much of anything came from. He hadn't even known where babies came from till Church explained it, not knowing where meat came from wasn't that much of a stretch. He'd get it eventually. Still, Caboose's lack of grasp on much of anything could be seen as humorous to some people, considering that he was a grown man ... dog ... thing. It was more sad than anything though. Caboose looks like he's about to say something else before he just sort of ... doesn't, nose scrunching. He forgot what he was going to say. Considering his complete lack of filter, it was shocking that the thought was gone before it could be said. Oh well.