Beasts of Beyond
S/HP DUTIES GUIDE - Printable Version

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S/HP Guide

This is a more in-depth analysis of s/hp duties in Snowbound than what’s provided on the basic guide.

General hp guidelines
These are things all hps can/are expected to do.

- Host events with permission from the leader.
- Host weekly tasks.
- Accept event invitations from allies.
- Maintain consistent activity.
- Contribute towards clan events and activities.

General shp guidelines
These are things all shps can do.

- Hold events with permission.
- Host weekly tasks. 
- Maintain consistent activity.
- Contribute to clan events and activities.


The Polarheart is a semi-high position, basically a welcoming committee for the tribe. They are expected to greet joiners and help out the above positions with their duties. Upon promotion, they can choose to be a Icestriker or Arcticplayer, or Frosthealer if they have earned the Evergreen title.


The Frosthealer is in charge of all medical needs, both mental and physical, for the clan. They’re expected to provide medical treatment, train at least one tenderfoot, and occasionally host medical related events or contribute in other ways.


The Icestriker is expected to hold tribe-wide battle training, lead raids, build the clan’s defenses, and occasionally hold defense related events or activities.


The Arcticplayer is in charge of managing the tribe's innerclan relations, strengthening alliances, and hosting various events to help make the clan more fun and welcoming.


The Snowseeker is the second in command and they step up when the leader steps down, goes inactive, or dies. They’re expected to host biweekly s/hp meetings and promote safety and inclusion in Snowbound. They may also occasionally host events or step in for certain projects should the leader require assistance.


The Hailcaller is the leader of the clan and has the power to make promotions and demotions, hold meetings, host events, manage alliances, and declare war. They may also change the clan as they see fit, although it’s expected that any large changes will be discussed with the community first (such as territory changes or long term plots).


What are hps and shps?

Hp means 'high position' and these are the top five ranks of the clan; the Hailcaller, Snowseeker, Frosthealer, Icestriker, and Arcticplayer. Shp means 'semi high position' and the only shp here is the Polarheart.

How do promotions work?

Promotions can be based on a variety of factors but the two most identifiable are activity and meaningful contribution. Activity simply refers to the amount a person/character posts during a certain time frame. All s/hps should be involved in the community, so activity is important, but it isn’t everything. The goal isn’t just to be active, but to be active with a purpose. Make sure you’re really having fun in Snowbound and you aren’t just trying to get the highest post count. The goal of rping is to make meaningful connections between all the characters, not just to climb the ranks. This is where meaningful contribution comes in.

On a general level, meaningful contribution means your character connecting with the ones around them. Whether this is through open threads or specific plots, this is an impotent part of making sure Snowbound is constantly moving forward in its ‘story’, so to speak. Meaningful contribution also means helping host events, create new events, and offer ideas overall to make Snowbound a better place for everyone.

How do inactivity notices work?

Inactivity notices are used to inform the clan if you/your character will be gone/have reduced activity for a certain period of time. If you will be completely absent for a whole week as an s/hp, it’s important to give an inactivity notice for that time, so the leader is aware and there will be no warnings or demotions during your absence. However, if you expect to be gone for three weeks or longer, your position may not be held. In this situation, it’s important to remember you can earn your position back upon your arrival. For an inactivity notice to be valid, it must be in the inactivity notice thread so all hps can easily find it.

How do demotions work?

Demotions can be based on ooc (out of character) actions or based on ic (in character) actions. In the case of ooc demotions, this is usually due to a lack of activity for a significant amount of time (specific times are discussed in the ‘how do inactivity notices work’ section of this guide) or a lack of contribution. It may also be because of a serious rule break on the site itself, as if someone is banned from the site they would need to be demoted.

Some demotions are caused by IC actions. This means either your character broke a major rule in Snowbound (such as killing or seriously injuring a clanmate) or has broken enough little rules (such as insulting clanmates or starting small fights) that they are deemed unfit to represent the clan.

There are warnings before each type of demotion (other than in the case of an ic demotion caused by murdering or seriously injuring a clanmate). In the case of inactivity and contribution, there is a week warning in the meeting before the actual demotion takes place. In the case of consistent ic small rule breaks, these warnings would likely occur in the threads they happen in or during that week’s meeting.

What do I do if I feel like I’ve been unfairly demoted?

Please contact the leader or, if you’re uncomfortable with that, another member of the hp team! While a position can’t be guaranteed back, it’s possible that the leader could’ve overlooked an inactivity notice or there could be a special situation they were unaware of, so it’s best to make them aware of how you feel.