Beasts of Beyond
THE ATTRACTIONS OF YOUTH / o, necklaces - Printable Version

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THE ATTRACTIONS OF YOUTH / o, necklaces - bubblegum - 06-23-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro to pinch's death

goldie thought her weekly task was quite pleasant. it wasn't necessarily exciting or even super entertaining, but it was relaxing and gave her something nice to do for others. she was sure that others would like her seashell necklaces - she had worked very hard on them. she had woken up early in the morning to find all of the best seashells she could. some were big and needed a few strings to help support them properly alone, while some had lots of tiny ones. she also had set aside some that she hadn't put on a string at all, in case anyone wanted to make their own necklace.

when all was said and done, the girl sat on the beach, happy with herself. by now, most others would be awake and her little seashell necklaces were ready to be handed out. she wore an eager smile on her features and sat a bit impatiently, her paws tapping up and down. "i made seashell necklaces if anyone would like one!"

Re: THE ATTRACTIONS OF YOUTH / o, necklaces - Wade Wilson - 06-23-2018

actions "speech"
And of course, some way, somehow, Wade popped into the scene quite eagerly, having been drawn towards the beach at the mention of seashell necklaces. Wade wasn't too much for jewelry, but for Goldie, he'd make an exception. The maned wolf settled himself down near the small girl, flashing a warm smile before eyeing the necklaces. "Hey hey, girly. What kind of selection do you have here? Do you import your shells from faraway lands or am I dealing with some homebrew stuff?" he rambled casually, pawing at a rigged seashell.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]