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BLACK AND YELLOW | {P, JOEL} - Printable Version

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[member=22]april .[/member]

He was a soldier. He wasn't an astronomer. Well, back on the Mother of Invention they did have several classes that they were forced to take. But the majority of that ended up dealing with AI instead of actually what was going on with the war and everything else. The project that he was with had been sponsored by different organizations, one of which just happened to be the government. The project had been said to be created in order to protect the entirety of the human race from extinction from the alien attackers that had started the great war a long time ago. Agent Washington had originally believed that he was going to manage to fight off some aliens, but instead of dealing with an entirely different species, he mostly ended up killing other humans that were going up against their project or having something that they would end up needing. Washington had never held it against himself when he ended up killing those that they ended up attacking. It was all part of the job. That's what he had once told himself over and over again. It was just a job and nothing else. They were the good guys and the ones that they were going against were far from being completely clean of any crimes that they had committed. The Freelancer wasn't the greatest when it came to coming in the ranks of his teammates. Back then, he hadn't really been all that competitive compared to the rest of his team. It was only when they implemented the likes of a leaderboard that everything started to go to shit. Everyone was at each other's throats and those that weren't given AI's were frustrated because they thought that they were being disrespected. Washington had no problem when it came to having a computer program plugged into the likes of his spinal cord. It was what everyone in the program ended up going through, and he couldn't even imagine how many soldiers that Project Freelancer had its disposal. Not to mention the thousands of simulation troopers that were basically their test dummies if they needed to do some regular training. Everyone knew that there was probably something behind the curtains with Project Freelancer. It was difficult to really pinpoint what it was, but the project made sure that there were no loose ends to look into.

It was only when he was scheduled to have a computer put into his head that he realized how WRONG they were. All of them. They weren't the good guys. They were the murderers. He wasn't sure what he was going to go from there. After all, there weren't exactly humans that were around for him to apologize to. There weren't stations that he could talk with and relay messages, and the technology compared to here and where he came from was drastically different. The Soldier wanted to redeem himself to some degree, but in his mind, he had a duty to uphold. He needed to get back to the project and once he gained their trust again he would be able to tear the organization down. But here he was instead. He was sitting inside of the observatory with a book in front of him. A book that was provided by one of the soldiers that lived in this establishment. He needed to gather intel before using the telescope so that he could pinpoint exactly which planet he was on. If one thought that he got to visit Earth anytime he wanted, they were wrong. He would know more about the planets that they had ended up raiding instead of his own planet where Humans have come from. He needed to see what the stars looked like depending on the month, and what planets would be visible based on the strength of the telescope that was in the observatory. Difficult to do when he wasn't great with this kind of this. He felt like this was something more along the range of North or even CT's field. They were smarter than him, as he was the worst of the worst when it came to at least the top eight of those that were in the program. He was a great shot, but he didn't have a gun here now did he? He blinked his eyes as he raised one of his dark grey paws and adjusted his slate grey helmet that was always on his face. Always hiding his facial features. He was currently on the page refreshing on the planets that were currently in the solar system. A lot had changed from what he was able to tell. Agent Washington always seemed to be off on his own. He hadn't been given a reason to trust those that lived in this place. In his condition, they were all potential enemies until he figured out exactly what he could do. The lion-sized Smilodon kept to himself as he read through the pages, not making a sound, absorbing as much information as he could. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: