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Love is Love || Pride AU, open - Printable Version

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Love is Love || Pride AU, open - kinglykingstone - 06-23-2018

If there was one thing that everyone knew about Dale Cooper, it would be that he has a big heart. Just look at the amount of people he's 'adopted' or how many he tries to help. So when Cooper heard that an area near him was having a pride parade, he jumped on the "Angstcendants" discord and shared the news. He invited everyone, especially his LGBT friends. He did let allies come along, especially Roy who wanted to be there in case something happened to his friends.

That's how he ended up where he was, curled up asleep in one of the dining chairs on the day of the parade. He'd let everyone come and stay at his house instead of getting motels and by the time he'd been content enough to go to bed, every piece of furniture in his home had been commandeered. Instead of waking anyone or anything, he walked over to the TV, which had been left on the history channel by Roy, and turned it off before doing a last check that everyone was still here and content. He did snap a few pictures, especially of the cuddle pile happening on his bed, before returning to the chair and falling asleep with his arms acting as a pillow on the table.

He hadn't awoken yet and his soft snores were muffled by his arms. Near his head lied a simple voice recorder, with the tape labeled 'Diane'; it was common for him to be seen speaking into it. When he did awaken, he would have an awful crick in his neck and back but he wouldn't care. Today was going to be a fantastic day and that's what mattered.

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Song Myung; color: #B14A3D"]dale cooper traveler the ascendants observer tags

Re: Love is Love || Pride AU, open - Margaery - 06-23-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
It had been awfully kind of Cooper to permit she and Shay to have the guest bedroom. Margaery had insisted that they could share but he had been adamant in that room being theirs. To say that she was grateful for not only the privacy, but the space... well, it’d be an understatement. She had dedicated herself to trying to pay him back since- doing dishes, cleaning up after everyone’s dinner, straightening up the house in general. She knew it was only a small token of her appreciation and had already drafted a well written thank you letter in the notes of her iPhone, one she intended to personally hand write when she returned to her manor.

She couldn’t fret about the matter anymore though- not when pride was today and she had a plethora of children to prepare for the event. Her excitement was more than obvious as she entered the dining room, mingling freely with amusement from seeing quite literally everyone spread out everywhere.

Laughing, the woman would clap her hands a couple of times. [color=#b14767]”Wake up! We’ve got a busy day today! First off, who’s riding in the Jeep with Shay and I? Secondly, who needs an outfit picked out? I brought tons of stuff.” She, herself, wasn’t dressed yet but had quite the ensemble picked out for pride.

It was going to be a good day.

A really good day.

She just needed everyone to wake up first.

Re: Love is Love || Pride AU, open - Suiteheart - 06-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]After a night of staying up to watch historical documentaries with Roy and Cooper, Shay was a bit tired. She had collapsed in the guest bedroom, and she was then dead to the world. She had slept through most of Margaret's moving around, but it was her wife's call that awoke her with a start. For a brief moment, she was worried she had slept through the entire thing. However, upon checking her watch, she noted it would be a while yet before the festivities started.

Having heard Margaret getting everyone up and at 'em, Shay took the time to get ready. Seeing as she had come from an extensive family, she had mastered the art of readying herself in five minutes. With ease, she slipped into a shirt that displayed the bisexual flag, light blue jean shorts, and white sneakers. After she had completed that, she worked on her makeup which, as always, was very simplistic. Besides, she wanted to keep a clean slate because Hazel had promised to paint her face for the parade. Next, she took out her three black earrings, replacing them with pink, purple, and blue studs. Once she had pulled her hair into a half ponytail, she exited the guest room.

"Good morning, nerds!" the blonde called, voice a bit louder and rougher than Margy's had been. "I hope everyone is ready for this." She wore a smile that rivaled all the stars in the night sky. To say she was happy and excited for what the day would hold was an understatement.