Beasts of Beyond
GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - Printable Version

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GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - BUGGEDOUT! - 06-23-2018

Slumped shoulders, a swaying body of someone who hadn't been here for quite a long time and didn't particularly know just why he had decided to come back to this strange, personal hell. From this position, few patrolling animals can only see a shock of tousled white hair, pulled back by a pair of big odd-looking sunglasses, and intricate "tattoos" peeking out of tightly bound bandages on his forelegs as he hobbles toward Tanglewood with a look of defeat and many restless nights hanging on his half-lidded gaze. The amethyst crystals above his head gave a soft pulse light as he continued on until finding a mostly comfortable tree to lean against while he would wait for some asshole he might not know to come waltzing up to greet him or make an attempt to scare him due to his young age. Idiots, that's what they would be. I mean, he was Buggedout. He was there at a fairly early time in this stupid clan's history and had ties to that idiot Beck before any of these bozos did. Not that it was a good thing, given his...mother's fate, but nonetheless. The wolf adjusted his stance and watched a few NPCs watch him from afar, as if unsure of what to do with this aggressive looking child who slowly had begun to slide down the side of the tree until he was ground level just to let his legs rest from all his traveling since....well, since the three months he's been gone from this place. Why had he even left? Buggy wasn't all too sure. It was only his reluctant homesickness that made him come crawling back after all this time.
"Let's hope some dumbass kid doesn't bother me..." The boy grumbled as his brightly colored eyes swept around the area for anyone who would actually come talk to this strange trespasser that he was.

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - Morgan - 06-23-2018

"You... You seem familiar. Who are you?"

Morgan inched toward the "newcomer" with a look of confusion on his masked face. He felt like he had sensed the young one's presence a long time before - right after he originally joined Tanglewood, perhaps. Yet, he knew that he had never once interacted with him before.

In any case, the familiar stranger did not seem to have a very hostile aura. The samoyed sat back on his haunches as he awaited his answer, adding, "I am Morgan. Regent." He noted the younger former Tangler's fatigued appearance. "Do you... need help? We have a good medic now."

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - galexiux - 06-24-2018

    Eight flew behind Morgan, skidding to a stop. She screeched quietly as she tripped on her own tentacles, flinging herself forward into the mud. Her tail swished in thought as she slowly sat back up. She turned up to Morgan, tilting her head. This guy's been here before? That was weird. People leave and come back? You can do that?

  Eight smiled, her tail wagging. Maybe she could travel then? That would be fun. But... she would probably stay for a while. The octocat turned to the other cat, her eyes shining innocently as she offered him a smile. He seemed a bit grumpy and she'd probably be scoffed at, but that was okay. Not everyone could be happy all the time. Life was full of ups and downs.


Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - COSMIIX - 06-24-2018

Was that? No. . .

Amunet walked over her molten honey gaze on Buggedout and flicked her ears back for a moment, she would then speak in her usual gentle voice "Bugsy." After this was uttered she found a smile starting to form onto her face "It's been such a long time since the last I've seen you. . ." There was a pause, he probably didn't remember her especially with her new look and all "Ah, I am Amunet. . ." She was slightly hoping to see Belladonna or Happy to be right behind Bugsy or following from a way but that didn't seem to be the case, she felt a bit disheartened though she didn't show any of this outwardly though it stung a bit. Belladonna and Happycamper had been her friends and knowing they weren't coming back was a bit upsetting to say the least.
© madi

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - BUGGEDOUT! - 06-25-2018

Fuzzy ears pinned back quickly despite the very brief familiarity in the first one to approach, causing his body to tense up while he got back on all fours despite how sore his young body felt after a rather rigorous travel just to get back to this stupid place. A small huff escaped Bugsy as he looked to Morgan with a bit more fire in his eyes, as well as a sarcastic grin. "Buggedout Kuryakin. Disappointment." He forced chuckled a bit before resuming, "I kinda remember you, though I haven't been here in uh...three months? Sounds about right." He replied as he saw the older one's eyes look over his rather disheveled form, moving his head defiantly to the side only to see yet another person to arrive. This one was a bit strange what with the...fishy appearance or rather octopus...ness. She gave a sweet smile that only caused his head to swivel back to Morgan from embarrassment. "I don't need some rinky dink doc. I'm completely fine, 'aight?" The young wolf protested, though his guard was let down upon a soft, familiar voice that sent a chill down his back. Bugsy couldn't help staring at unfamiliar form that turned out to be someone who the delinquent actually was able to respect with little problem. "Miss Amunet." He spoke softly, as he felt his body pull him a step closer. Than another. Before he knew it, his body quickly flung onto the woman's own with his face held down to hid this sudden weakness. "Am, I shouldn't have left. I missed you, Miss Bella- hell, even that idiot Happycamper." He croaked, holding in everything despite how much he wanted to breakdown right there with his only source of comfort.


Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - Luciferr - 06-26-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

/does the parent squad have another wayward son

Evidently this was less of a new join and more of a return given the familiarity displayed by at least two of them - idly Fenris wondered just whom he had missed out on meeting before he joined, he was aware of one such that Amunet had cared so for.

Still, idly ambling forward the war God inclined his head peering down at the scene "welcome home then - Fenrisulfr, though Fenris is fine" short and succinct, he didn't particularly want to break up this little reunion considering Bug had evidently missed this place and familiar faces quite a bit.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - COSMIIX - 06-26-2018

/ this bih finally replies

When Buggy took some steps closer to her until he hugged her, Amunet would immediately return the hug before she would cover him with his good wing offering a gentle smile pressing her nose to head forehead gently "It's fine, Buggy. . . You're home now. I'm here and I won't be leaving you, dear. . . I miss them too, sweetheart. I miss Bella and Happycamper. . ." It was so nice seeing someone from the very beginning especially Buggy, she had missed him and the other two on a personal level since they had been a type of family to her. She would let out a soft breath continuing to hold the line in her arms unable to stop a bit of her emotions, a single tear slipping down her cheek only for her to whisper apologetically "Ah sorry. . . I've missed you so much. I'm just so happy to see you again," She wiped away the tear away from a talon of hers before she turned to smile at both Fen and Vigenere in a form of acknowledgement. Another loved one had returned homr and she couldn't have been any happier.
© madi

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - BUGGEDOUT! - 06-26-2018

The dark, violet, crystal horns atop his head pulsed a dim light as he held onto Amunet despite the ever growing crowd around his arrival. Buggy couldn't help but pay little attention to Vigenere or...well, he'd call him vinegar.
"I- um, nice to meet you." He replied rather hesitantly with his paws vigorously wiping away the tears that had begun to roll down his cheeks with a bittersweet reunion that had left him more vulnerable than he would've like. The next one was interesting to say the least, his red tinted and puffy eyes looking over the intimidating one of the bunch, with the man fact being that he was much taller than his embarrassingly small body even for his age. The apprentice couldn't help sitting up more despite his rugged appearance next to the tall god. "'Aight. Well, um...." He seemed to fall short on his words yet again and opted to turn back towards Ammy, who had also shed a tear in the moment and caused his bandage-covered paws onto her chest to get closer to her. Bugsy was worried, seeing his leaving had only made her upset and here he was after all this time without even telling her goodbye? The boy shook his head and frowned, "Miss Amunet, don't go cryin' over my own reckless ass. You''re too strong for that. I'm sorry I left, I never should have done that and I just keep messing this stuff up. " His voice cracked and he caught a sob in his throat before forcing it down to be a big kid around her.

//when your really shitty at joining threads ^^^^^^^


Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // return - galexiux - 06-26-2018

    Eight's ears pinned back. She whined quietly. Alright so uh... This was... weird. Apparently this was some sort of reunion? That was cool, she guessed. Though, she just sorta sat there nervously, hoping no one saw her. She saw the kid's eyes drift towards her for a few seconds in what she could only guess was disgust but... other than that she was invisible.

  ... invisible...

  It got her thinking (what she did best, of course). Who would she go to for hugs and tears of joy if seen. Who does she have to worry about or care for? .... Now that she thought about it. ... If she went missing... would anyone here even care? ..... She sighed. Probably not. She was just an intruder at the end of it. She simply stumbled here and that was that. She wasn't exactly family like this returner was. Eight hummed, her face devout of any emotion. She turned around, hoping to sneak away while no one was looking. She knew better than to interrupt a heartfelt moment like this.
