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WACK / o, feral raptors - COSMIIX - 06-22-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]Charlie had wandered a ways from the Ascendants territory and from her sisters, although, she was quite curious so she had decided to go explore. She was sure that said siblings weren't that far behind her, she weaned through the canopy that belonged to the Ascendants making a dash for the border of the clan letting her gaze travel a bit to see if there was any prey animals around. There was none hence she continued to keep pushing herself forward with soft buffs escaping her, eventually her muscled legs had carried her to some type of beach where the sand started going between her toes. She stopped a bit when the smell of ocean water wafted towards her, the youngest Utahraptors nostrils flaring a bit as she took a few steps towards the water only to stare down at her reflection. She growled at her reflection peeling her lips back before she hit the water with her foot, she splashed around a bit only to catch the sight of movement in the water. She would chuffed for a moment trying to figure out how to catch these tiny silvery creatures, she was sure that raptors weren't the most skilled when it came to fishing though she figured she could try. She held still until a small crowd of those creatures gathered up did she lean down a bit and try stabbing something with her claw, she would stand upright to examine her catch realizing it was a shell. She dropped it to the side letting out a growl clearly frustrated that she hadn't caught any of the fish. She picked around a bit more with a tilt of her head though eventually got bored and retreated from her attempt at fishing staring down at the shells she had managed to catch instead. She crushed one of them under her foot listening to it crack like a bone when you applied enough pressure to it.

She heard a hiss behind her and she would leap back to see that it was a six feet long saltwater crocodile, she had been startled so she had emitted a quiet cry. She felt frustration starting to bubble inside of her as the crocodile decided to lay on the sandy beach. She returned the hiss to try and make the other large reptile back off though it only stared at her with its mouth slightly parted, prepared to attack when necessary. A screech escaped Charlie as she swiftly moved to the side leaping on the crocodile and digging her deadly claw into its hard back, the creature writer managing to shake her off. She took a step back glancing around before she started to call for her sisters letting them,know where she was. This crocodile had picked the wrong day to mess with Charlie.

/ wait until delta & echo reply

Re: WACK / o, feral raptor - axiom - 06-22-2018

Charlie's assumption proved correct, as the teal colored raptor lagged behind. Delta's exploration of the territories previously contained knowledge of only the Ascendant's land, more or less, as that was the last place she'd seen Blue. But when her search failed, she found herself wandering with her other sisters - after all, three utahraptors needed to hunt more and bigger prey to feed all their stomachs. It took a massive amount of territory to sate their appetites, especially with how tiny the warmblooded creatures seemed in comparison to dinosaurs.

Huffing in the smells, trying to pinpoint anything of interest whether prey or threat, she hissed slightly as the ground beneath her gave way to crumbly particles. Sinking into the beach's sand, Delta hissed angrily, quickening her pace - which only kicked up more of the stuff, her increased speed doing nothing to stop her feet from sinking into the ground. Finding this terrain unpleasant, she shuffled ungracefully to the water's edge and felt the ocean waves cross over her legs time and time again. Still, sinking into the now wet sand seemed almost worse, creating an annoying sensation on her scales and between her toes. Just about done with the beach, she huffed and started turning back to the tree line.

But she stopped, dead in her tracks as she heard Charlie's startled cry. Swiveling her head to face where her younger sister was - further up the beach, she could even spot the striped utahraptor against the monotonously uniform sand - Delta quickly accelerated into a fast run. Instinctively answering Charlie's broadcast call with her own, the utahraptor already decided on attacking the large crocodile. Those she could understand better, perhaps because her species encountered ancient crocodiles millions of years ago, and the crocodiles remained mostly unchanged after all this time.

Jumping up, she quashed the large crocodile beneath her clawed feet, her sickle claw lowering as she swept the foot in a slashing motion in an effort to pierce the reptile's tough backside. "Jump neck!" Delta babbled to Charlie, gambling that one of them would be successful at dealing a crippling blow to the damned thing.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - COSMIIX - 06-23-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]Hearing her sister coming over, Charlie perked up immediately still growling at the crocodile though it had been distracted by her. The Utahraptor heard what her sister babbled to her and she would growl peeling at her lips at the crocodile before she lunged at the thick skinned reptile biting down on its throat grabbing at the pouch and started to shake the flesh a bit in an attempt to rip out the jugular. The large crocodile would try writhing to get some type of oxygen back into its lungs though it was proving hard to do any of that especially with two raptors attacking it. Charlie knew that the creature was rather tough skinned though aiming for the neck was the most delicate skin, it managed to rip itself out of Charlie's grip which caused the Utahraptor to let out a growl of frustration stepping back so it didn't bite her. The crocodile would then attempt to shake off Delta, the youngest would then babble [b]"Flip! Sensitive skin! Flip!" She gave the crocodile a hiss and lashed her tail to the sides.

/ feel free to post and see this mess

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - ARGUS - 06-24-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Okay, Argus wasn't too fond of the pile of cracks that seemed to only grow within the days she noticed them. Light annoyance turning into darker and darker agitation. So she wasn't concerned when she noticed the two Raptors going after one of them, if only mildly entertained. Though it was interesting to pond over, she hadn't seen much of the once- fossilized creatures in a bit- maybe they were migration? She knew the bigger the beast the more territory it needed to hunt in, and it made sense. 

But if there was one thing she noticed it was how seemingly... simple the two were. While Argus didn't meant this in any- discriminatory way she wasn't sure she should leave two of them unwatched so close within the clan- although they never really had a principal to set up camp- The blackjack's little area wasn't too far away and she wasn't interested in one of her own clan mates getting hurt. Maybe approaching the two- to test their own response?

"Go for the spine! back of the head!" The wolf barked- red eyes zeroed in one the three as she let her presence be known- appearing out of the jungle, wings pressed finely along her back. Since the two seemed to be able to communicate at least a little bit- Argus thought it might not be a bad idea to offer some advice within the 'hunt'. As long as she wasn't mistaken for being prey- but then again that was argus wanted to see, right?

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-24-2018

Caesar wasn't entertained about the raptors in their territory. He was honestly quite wary of them, if only because of their nature. They seemed simple, as Argus noted - a trait shared by prey. Of course, the two dinosaurs weren't prey, they were carnivores; quite the opposite of prey. But that didn't mean they really acted any different, did they? The only thing that was different was their drive for food, for blood. They lacked a proper consciousness, one that allowed animals to talk and think. So therefore Caesar didn't think of these two higher than prey.

So what made the demon wary of them? The fact they were carnivores. He, quite frankly, did not like the feeling of being hunted, even though that's practically what he was doing at this point. He was stalking the two raptors as much as he could in the trees before they neared the beach, which he tried to hide in this bushes at this point. So when he saw them start attacking a crocodile, the demon saw this as his chance. Caesar heard Argus yell out to them, and the Officer simply rolled his eyes. Does she not think they're a threat? Somebody had to fucking chase them off, then.

Caesar leaped out from the bush, aiming to rake his claws across DELTA's side.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - COSMIIX - 06-24-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]Hearing sudden barks, she glanced up with her pupils narrowing into dangerous slits and well, she couldn't understand a single thing that was being barked at them. She only understood a few words and that was her own name and food. She eventually used her foot to hold the crocodiles head down and stab her sickle claw into the reptiles cranium her attention still on Argus. She didn't stop this until the crocodile had stop writhing obviously weak from all the attacks dealt to it by prehistoric apex predators, she turned away from the crocodile only to babble to her sister [b]"Threat?" The dog thing was a winged beast, she knew how to deal with those kind of creatures. If they were able to get to their appendages then the stark creature would be grounded to the ground, Charlie released a chittering noise as she analyzed Argus from where she was with her teeth and mouth stained with blood. Charlie was quite intelligent and she normally followed any orders that her sisters would often give her and Owen, her head would tilt to the side for a moment letting her sickle claw tap into the moist sand that was underneath her. Her feet sinking in because of how heavy she was, her eyes still concentrated onto Argus. She didn't seem all that bothered when she and Delta attacked the crocodile. Her claws would twitch as she kept her arms close to her body as she took a single step forward though her attention immediately diverted towards a yellow blur that was making its way towards her sister and the posture of said creature was hostile. "Threat!" She babbled only to release a loud shriek to possibly startle Caesar but afterwards she would dash forward before aiming to swiftly clamp her sharp teeth onto the feline and shake him in her powerful jaws if successful, she would then throw the cat to the side. Charlie peeled her lips back as she growled raising her tail upwards as she stood in front of Delta protectively, her sister had defended her from the crocodile well, she'd defend her sisters with her life. Charlie hissed before lifting her head to the air and would release a broadcast call to summon the rest of her sisters or attempt to anyways, after she had done that she stared at both pirates with narrowed pupils letting out another hostile hiss.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - ARGUS - 06-24-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] It would be wrong to say argus wasn't weary of them, but she saw them attacking not a sentient creature yet- only going after bigger prey and was more amused than anything. However when she barked out a suggestion-  and the raptor seemed to respond based on it. Her talon sinking into the back of the reptile's skull as it flailed around. She let a small smile press against her features. Charlie already had their sights on her, and Argus let herself still from the careful approach. The scent on them wasn't from here- but even the scent of scales was subdued from another scent it smelled like-

- ping!

There was really no way to describe the ability to detect others. It wasn't so much as tracking caesar's soul- but years of battle instinct was hard to wipe away, and her ability to read and detect aura's has extended to heighten that sense. As Caesar flew out of the bushes, she saw a bright ruby red flare to life around the raptor as it started to mistake them for threats. Argus' mind already working to try and get the other officer away without himself getting killed.

While normally she would be fine letting the other get beaten up- she could say it was a hunting accident and be of no concern to her- really. But the scent only just then was something she remembered- one of the other clans that had settled nearby- they had come from there and Argus wasn't about to start a brewing war between another clan. Even if Bastile went behind them to make a alliance with the tanglegorwth- that didn't mean they were enemies either. Damn it all.

Remember when politics were just 'attack anyone who isn't in your clan'? yeah, those were good times.

And Argus was quick to make her way over- wings flaring out- making the four foot wolf much bigger in comparison to before as she tried to get to delta and Caesar- red eyes bright brilliant blue- Zactov was calling out- reaching paws Don't show your back- just a slight touch- and attempted to grab Caesar with her own teeth- pulling the cat back before the raptor  could close their own around Caesar. of course she was ready to deal with a miss on her part- if she missed to prevent further damage Argus' own jaws would phase through Caesar's own fresh to stop unnecessary friendly fire -even if Argus wasn't to happy with Caesar.

Her blade would appear out of the air then- conjuration and power strain making the the power ebb- the sword into exsistance by her side. The flat of the blade aimed to knock the large dino backwards- if only slightly- Wings coming up to make a jump and land atop Charlie. In case Caesar was still held down by then- put both paws down on the other's head or close to her own spine alignment to cease some of the movement. 

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-24-2018

The loud noises that came from Charlie did startle Caesar a bit, if not only just surprise him. Before he was able to latch himself onto Delta, Charlie moved towards him and the demon felt her teeth sink into him. The area immediately went numb for him, while a tingling sensation wrapped around the area, causing Caesar to twitch a bit almost like he had a cold chill. Caesar was thrown to the side by Charlie and the Officer let out a huff of air as his breath was knocked out from him.

"What the fuck!" Caesar growled as he stared at the raptors from where he landed, ears pinned to the back of his head. The demon slowly and shakily rose to his paws, his body wincing at the movement. Black blood seeped from the bite marks Charlie made, though Caesar couldn't really feel any pain connected to it. It was just numb. Doesn't mean his body reacted just fine, though, of course it was injured. He watched as Argus conjured a weapon and felt a slight twinge of jealous. At least she had her powers. But Caesar wasn't going to let that nor his wound stop him, for now, anyway.

The demon moved again, his body wincing as he went forward, and tried to dash underneath CHARLIE and, if he was successful, aim to scrape her belly with his claws. Of course, even if he was successful with both attempts, his claws probably wouldn't do very much damage. After all, Charlie was a dinosaur, and therefore a reptile, so she had tough skin. Something hard to break with just claws.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - Sorrel - 06-24-2018

Dinosaurs were strong. They were strong in several different matters of the world that was for sure. Utahraptors had thicker skin than the likes of a crocodile. Making it extremely difficult to get through their tough skin. It just meant that they were less likely to get injuries from those that were smaller than them. If they were attacked by the likes of a wildcat or anything close to their side it would make it harder for them to come out unscathered. But there were several factors that came into a factor when it came to a fight. All that mattered to Blue though was the matter of 'pack'. Raptors weren't capable of speaking English, and instead they spoke in their own language that no one but her pack were capable of understanding. Which was fine with Blue because she didn't need the other animals to be able to communicate with her. The reptile didn't think the groups that she had come across were really worth her time as they were just another enemy pack that would get into their way. Blue wondered how long it would take for a real fight to break out when it came to the groups. Blue had a distinct distrust for such groups because compared to her sisters she had a lot more experience with them. Having been burned, electrocuted, and attacked by those that were defending their territory. In Blue's mind, they were the apex predator and they didn't need to take the threats that came from others. Blue was the Alpha and she wouldn't allow anyone in her pack to be hurt. She deeply cared about her sisters, despite being harsh with them in most regards. The blue-ish grey Utahraptor had to be strong for the rest of her pack, because if she wasn't they would see her as weak, and they didn't need anyone weak that was in the pack. She would be driven out and her rank would be taken away from her. She was a powerful creature, and the raptor's were almost always around one another without question. Something that the clans in the surrounding areas would certainly start to realize.

The heavily scarred female had been lagging behind while her sisters ran forward. She trusted Delta to keep Charlie safe while she scouted the area that they were walking through. She didn't like the smell of the salt that was coming from the ocean. That was because it reminded her of the enclosure that they had been stuck in when they were with the humans. That had been near the ocean. Blue's amber gaze would flicker from the bushes and her arms were pressed into her side. Not relaxed poised to attack so that was good. However, it seemed that she had lagged behind a little bit too much. The massive dinosaur heard the screams and cries coming from her sisters. She knew what those vocalizations meant. Fury ran through the feral creature's body as she immediately started to sprint toward the battle, not even bothering to stop once she arrived on the scene. Her sights were immediately set on Caesar who was attacking her younger sister. There was a larger creature that was there, but the other didn't seem to be that much of at threat. The domestic cat was basically a snack for the likes of a Utahraptor, the creature being the weight of a polar bear and being over six foot tall. The Alpha was the largest out of her sisters, and that just meant that she had a commanding vibe about her. "Kill!" Blue would babble in raptor speech to her sisters before letting a screech from her jaws. As Caesar began to slide out from underneath Charlie, Blue would aim to appear where he was going to come out from and aim to grab the domestic cat by his neck. If that worked, she would swing her head back and for and attempt to snap the other's neck. All the raptors in the pack always aimed to attack in the means to kill their target.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - axiom - 06-25-2018

Delta, busy with twisting the crocodile's lower half and trying to shank it with her sickle claw, didn't notice the commotion until her fatal struggle with the extant reptile ended in death - by her claw finally striking something vital. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite bask in the glory of her kill just yet. Or even manage to take a single bite out of the fresh carrion.

Her sisters were under attack. Threatened by mammals that stank of a rival pack - even if they seemed measly and tiny by comparison. Enraged by the bigger one attempting to leap atop Charlie, the teal colored utahraptor lunged forward and attempted to snap her jaws around one of the wolf's white wings and tug - her bite attempted to break the fragile bones, the tug meant to drag the wolf kicking and screaming to the ground. Or, better yet, just rip the wing clean off the body; sometimes expected her prey to have more robust bodies than they did.