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shivering and shaking — o, sickness - Printable Version

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shivering and shaking — o, sickness - guts - 06-22-2018

He was sick, but that hadn't stopped him from doing everything he usually did. Especially with moving to a new camp, he had to help out with what he could. Besides, he was napping just like he had before, so it would hopefully go away after a while. Rest was always the answer, right? Well, it was already his answer to everything, so why would this be any different? But it was only getting worse, and before he had already felt like he was dying.

Internal bleeding was what Izuku had said, or at least, Aizawa thought he had. Either way, all he could taste was metal. He could hardly walk for long before having to take a rest, and even when he wasn't moving, his breathing had a shaky, raspy quality to it. After all this started, he had confined himself to the house he and the maine coon shared, but he still refused to stay in bed (or in other words, hammock). If he didn't keep an eye on him, Izuku would probably end up starving himself on accident, or worse.

But this morning was different. The lion had been drinking tea with goldenrod pretty much daily, but today, after having it first thing after waking up, it was only a few minutes later he ended up throwing it up into the trash bin. Okay, so to bed it was, then. Climbing up into the hammock he had strung up from wall to the other, he laid there stiffly, his stomach flip-flopping inside his body.


Re: shivering and shaking — o, sickness - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-24-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash knew that prior to the whole 'getting attacked by Caesar' thing that happened, Aizawa had been sick. He had been infected by the prey that the humans contaminated before they moved to the village, though Atbash at first thought he was getting better, since he took up the challenge of going on the patrol for the Weekly Task she gave him. She still felt a bit bad for making him do that, but if he honestly and truly thought he couldn't do it, then he would have said something, right? Besides, it didn't seem like Melantha and Aizawa himself blamed her for ordering him to do so despite being sick.

Atbash had slowly built up the courage to walk around, though she still was a bit wobbly as she walked. Her arms and legs still felt terribly weak and she was placed each paw down carefully as she walked. But at least she was slowly gaining confidence to make her way out of the medicine den and back into her own room. She was on her way to her room when she heard Aizawa climbing into the hammock in his room, and the she-cat poked her head in. "Aizawa?" She called out to him. "Is-is everything okay?" Had he gotten worse in those days she stayed in the medicine den? It seemed like that, but she was really hoping that wasn't the case.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: shivering and shaking — o, sickness - jacob w.c. - 06-27-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had seen plenty of illnesses throughout his life. Much of it was his own. Before the fire, he'd been pretty healthy but he'd had issues with asthma and poor eyesight. Still, there were plenty of people that had it worse and he never really let it bother him as a kid. He supposed kids didn't really notice things like that. His biggest concern had been what Jersey thought of him and making new friends after he'd been kidnapped. He'd been so scared of staying holed up in one room without anyone again. It was a strange and specific fear to have but Jacob had plenty of nightmares about being trapped in a room all alone for hours. Sometimes he would hear dark laughter come from the walls or swore that someone or something was scratching at his door. He was terrified it would burst in. He wasn't sure why they did it when he was little but he felt like that awful room had all sorts of nightmarish sounds. That was likely just the mind of a frightened kid talking, though. After the fire, Jacob had increasingly complicated health problems with increasingly complicated solutions

Outside of just his own health though, Jacob had dealt with plenty of people with serious health conditions. His first had been his Pa. That had been the whole reason he got into medicine. When Harry started getting sick, Jacob had been convinced that he could find a cure for whatever was wrong and that, if he worked hard enough, everything would be alright in the end. He'd been wrong about pretty much everything, though. Things were far from alright and Harry had died under Jacob's care. He remembered the last few days. By the end, his Pa could barely speak but Jacob knew he wanted to die. He said it in every single way he could. He'd croaked the words. He begged Jacob to give up because, in the end, it only ever hurt both of them that Jacob kept working tirelessly towards some kind of miracle cure. The fire had hit before the cancer could do what it'd set out to do, though, and Jacob had been forced to give Harrison a combination of herbs that would gently lull him to sleep before he died. It was better than burning to death. Jacob would know. He made sure to stay and be sure that it worked and when his Pa let out his last breath, only then did Jacob try to escape the building. That was why it'd taken so long. His burns weren't this extensive because structural damage stopped him or because he was trying to salvage anything, but because he waited for Harry.

Jacob's thoughts were pulled away from that day when he heard a rather... umpleasent sound from near Aizawa's cabin. "Aizawa?" he called the man's name and arrived shortly after Atbash. When he saw the lion, concern immediately came to his features and he moved forward. [color=#2954d0"'Ere, let me help ya' ta' the medic cabin. Ya' need ta' clean up n' get some rest n' get somethin' ta' drink,"[/color] he then paused briefly before stopping and shaking his head. "Actually, I can jus' bring all tha' ta' you if movin' around is makin' ya' feel worse. I'll get ya' somethin' ta'... ya' know, in case ya' throw up again." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: shivering and shaking — o, sickness - guts - 06-27-2018

Aizawa had been sick many times in the past, as his immune system was never the best. Sickness was not a new concept to him, but it had never been this bad. He had never felt like he was barfing out his insides. Trying to stay still, he squeezed his eyes shut as pain raked through his stomach, regretting not bringing a bucket up with him. The sound of paw-steps caught his attention, though, his head turning to glance over. He had expected the maine coon he was sharing the cabin with, but instead saw Atbash, concern on her face.

He'd open his mouth, about to reply to her question, before deciding that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to speak. Instead he softly nods his head and rubs his face with a paw. It's not very believable, of course, but he didn't feel like being poked and prodded. Then Jacob is there, too, and he suddenly feels light-headed. His head flops to the side as he looks at the husky, weakly bobbing his head again in response. Moving didn't sound very appealing right now, anyways. He could only pretend like things were alright for so long.


Re: shivering and shaking — o, sickness - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash briefly looked over at Jacob as the Chief made his way over, though her attention quickly turned back to Aizawa in concern. She watched his movements and frowned, noting how sluggish he was when he moved. "I can get him something if you'd like," She offered, though this was mostly directed towards Jacob. Jacob could watch over Aizawa and make sure he was safe while she went to go get him something. That made sense, right?
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi