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in the garden | o, visiting ;; raptors - Printable Version

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in the garden | o, visiting ;; raptors - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 06-22-2018

He had been away for too long. Far too long. When he left the Ascendants, a part of him knew it would be a bad idea, not because of the clanmates he had left behind (I mean- who was he fooling? the only person he had liked was Starry- he hadn't gotten very close to anyone else),  but because of the raptors. Hell- for all he knew, the raptors could have eaten someone by now. Hopefully that wasn't the case but still... he needed to go back. Even if he couldn't regain their trust, then he could at least teach the Ascendants how to care for them and keep their hunger at bay so they wouldn't start hunting clanmates.

As he made his way over the border, he couldn't help but feel... terribly selfish for leaving them here while he went off to join Snowbound- but he could feel guilty later. For now, he needed to figure out exactly how he would deal with the raptors. As long as nobody had tried to hurt them in his absence, things would maybe go alright... but knowing animal instincts, he was sure some idiot had tried to protect themselves and pissed one of the giant lizards off. Knowing this, he had to be alert, just in case something didn't go the way he planned. Pushing his way cautiously through the tall grass, ears erect and flicking as he listened for any sudden noises, the husky would make a few clicking noises with his mouth, calling out their names softly. Good thing he had memorized the raptors' names back when Owen had done that demonstration all those months ago. "Blue... Delta... Charlie... Echo?" Mementomori named them off one by one, his voice calm as he slowed to a stop, waiting.

Re: in the garden | o, visiting ;; raptors - COSMIIX - 06-22-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]The sound of clicking and her name being spoken was enough to make Charlie sprint over with curiosity, she huffed a bit seeing that it Mementomori though he seemed to be carrying a different scent. Being one of the youngest and "friendlier" raptors, she would start chittering a bit as she stood somewhat near until her about was just a bit away from Vinny taking in the unfamiliar smells that seemed to cling onto his body. She stepped away letting out a soft snort, she didn't know if her sisters were already coming but she supposed that she would see as her head tilted to the side quite curiously. She would release a broadcast call to alert her sisters before finally quieting down enough to simply look at Mementomori letting out a few inaudible chitters, her sickle of a claw clicking into the soil of the earth.

Re: in the garden | o, visiting ;; raptors - axiom - 06-22-2018

Not caring much for the mammal, Delta didn't notice his presence on the territory at all - she only came to the location when alerted through Charlie's broadcast call. Her heavy footsteps announced her presence shortly before she stood beside Charlie, chittering a greeting and visually confirming nothing seemed wrong. Without Blue and Owen, Delta felt the responsibilities of 'alpha' on her shoulders; most notably, that meant keeping her pack in top condition and out of obvious trouble. For now, all three seemed in perfect condition, all things considered from their independent stints.

Turning her gaze to Vinny, the teal utahraptor didn't recognize him. The fluffy mammal certainly seemed tiny, but the lack of prey reaction made Delta inclined to just ignore his presence. Looking back at Charlie, she tilted her head as she tried to figure out what they needed to be here for.

Re: in the garden | o, visiting ;; raptors - Sorrel - 06-23-2018

There were few animals that could say that they got close to the Utahraptors. Let alone one that ruled the pack with ease. The female didn't really have all that much worry when it came to those that were around. Some of the creatures that did live here were smart enough to the point that they realized that giving the creature's food was enough to get them on their side. Which made their life easier and also meant that they would have to hunt a lot less. They were perfectly capable of telling who was part of a pack and who wasn't. As the pack basically carried their own scent when they traveled around, barely having the likes of the Ascendants scent attached to them. They weren't forced to stay in one area, and instead, they would go from one area to the next depending on the environment that they were in. They used to live in an area that was frigid and cold, nearly killing them, but in a warm place like this, it almost seemed perfect for the reptiles. Blue, of course, knew about Vinny, but she still didn't know the other's name. Being around humans for a majority of her life, she was able to associate certain sounds with certain objects. She couldn't speak English or completely understand it, or even mimic the words herself. Her vocal cords simply weren't capable of doing such, and never would be. The Utahraptor was glad that her pack was more than capable of keeping her in the know when it came to their positions. The blue-grey female liked to stay hidden, and only let herself appear in certain situations. Since the last time that Vinny and Blue saw one another, the Utahraptor hadn't acquired any more new scars. Meaning that she might have kept herself out of trouble for a little bit. Vinny was in the category of 'food giver', one that wouldn't immediately be attacked because it meant that they would acquire food simply by appearing around said animal. They always had food, and if they didn't have food, then food givers would end up becoming the food at the end of the day. This was why giving food to the pack was both good and bad. It meant that it would keep them calm, but one mistake could set the entire pack off if they weren't careful enough. Her head raised from drinking from a river that was running through the territory. She heard Charlie before she could catch Vinny calling their name. Few creatures knew their names, and to be called by them was a good distraction from them. The Alpha moved so that she was leaning backward, using her muscular tail as a counterbalance as she responded to Charlie's call with a call of her own. Blue would then stop and turn herself in the direction that she heard the call was coming from. Blue approached from the left of the group, slinking out of the bush, her head lowered slightly before she saw a familiar figure. Her body language seemed to relax some as she came to a stop at a distance before babbling. "Food giver." Blue would babble toward Vinny. Certainly a familiar sound on how she had addressed the other countless other times. Her amber eyes would look toward her sisters, and she raised her body in her usual dominant manner. If anyone tried to attack without her go ahead, she would make sure to punish them.

Re: in the garden | o, visiting ;; raptors - BASTILLEPAW - 06-23-2018

The entirety of Bastille’s interactions with Beta — and the rest of her sisters, now — were based on the brief amount of time he’d seen Vinny work with Blue. The only thing he knew on his own was that his nonchalance and lack of fear response seemed to work fine with them. Otherwise? He worked off of how they reacted to his mix of talking and vocalization imitations, and what Vinny had said. Bast had decided that as a result, Beta didn’t hate and/or want to eat him. The others were unclear at the moment, he supposed.

At the sound of one of their cries, Bastille followed the source curiously. Not quite able to tell them apart by voice yet, he had to wait until he arrived, gaze sliding over the others briefly before it landed on Vinny. ”Oh, yo,” he drawled, stepping around Beta to join the guy as he added, ”Hi Blue, Beta, Baby.” He seemed to alternate between calling Charlie Baby Blue, BB, and Delta. ”You’re back. Great, apparently my raptor speak sucks.”

Re: in the garden | o, visiting ;; raptors - Roy Mustang - 06-24-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Does Roy like the four raptors? No, no he does not- in fact, he actually hates them! Roy didn't have the best interaction with them- Roy tried to scare off a hungry Echo with his flame alchemy, and instead, managed to piss all of them off. Thankfully they didn't make him their lunch, instead they circled him, babbling in a language Roy didn't understand. He's sure they see him as a threat, and they'd rather get Roy out of the picture as soon as possible. So, Roy didn't feel that comfortable around them, knowing they can easily snap if they caught him off guard.

Roy was padding through the territory, despite the feeling in his chest that screamed no at him, ears pricked up for any kind of noise. Roy was in high alert, carefully paying attention to his surroundings. Those feral dinosaurs might be out here, he wasn't about to let them sneak up on him. As he padded along, he came to a stop when he heard a some what familiar voice. And then after, he heard loud, heavy footsteps and that strange language he couldn't understand. Someone got the attention of the feral raptors. He couldn't help it but wonder who that could be, and how they managed to get their attention. Roy silently cursed to himself when he began to pad in the direction of Vinny, hoping he wouldn't regret this.

Roy came padding in next, shortly arriving after Bastilleprisoner. He frowned when he noticed the leader sucking up to the alpha raptor, ears flattening to his skull. Roy didn't think this was a good idea, keeping them here. They can't be certain they will listen at all, it doesn't seem like Bastilleprisoner is having much luck. He didn't say a word as his gaze landed on Vinny, wondering what the male wanted with the raptors. Roy hoped he was here to take them away. That would be great, actually, he really hopes it's that.