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LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - Printable Version

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LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - arcy - 06-22-2018

Some people might've found it a little strange, just how easily Caboose had adjusted to his new form. But Caboose always had been flexible, and might not even have enough of an attention span to panic about it for too long. See, one day he'd just crash landed, and woke up as an animal! A dog!! Caboose liked dogs. He'd had one growing up, but it'd gone away. Nobody ever did tell Caboose quite what happened. Anyways, there was the initial panic, of course -- where was he? Where was Tucker? Church??? Anybody!! He'd gotten up to find them, and besides just a little bit of shock, Caboose just. Didn't really care. He had his helmet, and he had to find his teammates! Life without them was hard -- how was Caboose supposed to get by without Church telling him what to think?? It was very stressful on the poor canine, and for entirely different reasons than he should be.
Still, it'd been a few days since he'd crashlanded up. Caboose was still bruised and limping, but the Golden Retriever doesn't even notice. He'd already made lots of new friends! They told him to go away, but that was just normal! All friends did that! He still didn't have any idea where Church and Tucker could be, though. The thought of them not having come here either had occurred to him a few days ago, but after a brief panic involving a lot of yelling, he'd forgotten it and resumed yelling for them. Couldn't they hear him? Were they playing hide and seek? Caboose wasn't sure, and he couldn't help but worry. Well, worry by Caboose's standards, but worry nonetheless.
It should be unclear how Caboose found himself here, in all sort of senses. Like -- oh! He wasn't quite sure what'd happened leading up to this, and he didn't really care. And finding himself in this weird-smelling should be clear, but Caboose had just been wandering. He barely knew where he was half the time, and now was no different. He was already very far past the border by this point, it was really a wonder that he hadn't been caught yet. I mean, he'd walked through an entire forests, and it's not like Caboose's pelt was all that good for camouflage. And the helmet -- the helmet wasn't quite as obvious, but it was very jarring to see on him. Maybe because it didn't fit right. At all. It was still intended for humans, after all, and Caboose's snout was very long. He didn't even have an armor, just one lone helmet. If Caboose were a normal person, it'd just be so he'd actually be recognizable to his teammates. But Caboose wasn't normal, and the thought hadn't even occurred to him. He mostly wore it for familiarity's sake at this point -- Caboose had never really liked routine changes, and things were off kilter enough for him.
//(hacker voice) im in
he's gonna be hella ooc from rvb canon for a while but hopefully thatll eventually smooth over lol

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 06-22-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Worse case scenario wasn't something that was really dealt with all that often. Sure failing missions could be considered the worst case scenario, but back in the day in his mind, having someone killed was the worst case scenario. There were several instances where one would end up getting killed because of either equipment malfunction or something else. Losing a soldier wasn't that big of an issue unless they were an asset. They were cannon fodder when it came to the aspects of war. There would always be someone else that would be willing to fill their shoes. That didn't mean it felt any better just to be manipulated all the time. In fact, it was infuriating when Washington finally learned the truth. Part of him wondered what it would be like for him to be as naive as he once was. That he was the good guy that was taking care of the enemies that were going to end up with the extinction of humanity. That's what every soldier wanted right? To do good. And yet here he was. He hadn't had any time to use the telescope that was in the territory, but there was something else he wanted to do first. He wanted to make sure that he had at least his bearings on where he was. The Freelancer needed to establish some sort of perimeter. Just because the animals that lived here were willing to let him in without question, he appreciated to some degree. But that didn't mean the soldier was just going to spill everything to them while he was around. He didn't trust them. He didn't trust anyone. If a Freelancer suffered the same fate and was to find him as well, Agent Washington would be quick to threaten their life for information. The memories that he had wouldn't help him here unless there were other former humans around that he could talk to. Where were all the humans in the first place? The observatory had obviously been abandoned before being picked up by the animals that currently live here. So, humans still existed on this world? If this was even earth or was some other planet.

He hadn't seen anything alien, other than what he considered to be aliens in the form of talking animals. But he was somewhat passed that now even if it was strange for him to consider. The dark slate grey smilodon was walking near the edges of the territory to get an idea of just how big it was. He did ask an NPC a couple of questions because he didn't have the capability of taking care of scents when he wore his Mark 6 helmet. The extinct wildcat needed to make sure that he didn't overstep his bounds just yet, as he didn't know what this world consisted of either. If he just had his rifle this would make everything so much easier. Occasionally while walking around memories would form into his head, causing him to have a headache. He hadn't slept since he arrived in this place, and he was fine with that. The large male was covered in the likes of body armor on the front half of him. He wore a helmet, a chest plate, and armor across his arms. It had helped when he fell from the sky. Which didn't sound accurate but others had said otherwise when they literally told him they saw him fall from the sky. The Freelancer then noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He noticed something shiny. The lion-sized animal stopped in his tracks and turned his head. The lights in his helmet illuminating his face, but not showing anything behind his golden visor. Agent Washington came to stand up on a hill and looked down from where he saw what was shining. There was.... another animal. He knew what a dog looked like, despite being more of a cat person when he was, well, a person. He stayed there for a couple of seconds before he was able to figure out what was causing the shining. It was a helmet. A Mark 5. Meaning it was an outdated helmet. But, it was armor from the UNSC anyway. That meant that the other either was from where he came from. Or. He had found it somewhere. "You there!" Washington shouted in a commanding voice as he trotted down the hill and made his way over toward the golden retriever, easily towering over the canine. He kept at least five feet of distance between him and the other male. "Where did you find that helmet?" Washington asked, his voice slightly muffled behind his voice. The wildcat had asked in a commanding voice, expecting an answer immediately. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - arcy - 06-23-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify;"] Caboose's perception of things could be seen as ... very warped, to some people. Like that of a toddler's, only Caboose was a grown man and it also wasn't a lot like a toddlers' at all. Okay then. Anyways, the concept of death or repercussions wasn't very firm in his head. Church came back from the dead, and whatever Caboose ended up doing wrong always tended to get fixed. And people would be upset at him or something, but nothing was ever really lost. Caboose hadn't had a great understanding of these things even before, though, and they hadn't even really dawned on him. So basically it was no real loss in the first place.
"Huh!" Caboose jumps as he hears a voice, and if he topples over on unsteady paws, then that's just how it was. He quickly rights himself, shaking out his pelt as he turns his head to the stranger, posture attentive. The helmet on his head, entirely unsecured, is lopsided on his face, visor definitely on the wrong side. It was .. dark. There was still light filtering in from the bottom of his helmet, so his next conclusion is ... a little odd. But what isn't when it comes to Caboose. "Oh no! I've gone blind!" He yips in distress. It was a wonder he could even see so well in his helmet as was, considering that it didn't have any power. He'd adjusted to the dark, though -- besides, the visor didn't seem quite as power-based anymore right now. Still, with another jerky, panicked toss of his head, everything rights itself, and Caboose blinks a few times as sight returns to him. "Oh," The Golden Retriever says, a little blankly. Normal people might consider replacing their helmet or reworking it so that it wasn't such an inconvenience, but Caboose was the exact opposite of normal. Luckily, though, Caboose pulls himself together in time to hear Washington's demand, falling into a sitting position to look up at the Smilodon. That was ... Oh! That was a familiar helmet! It's not blue, rather dark-ish color, but Caboose's tail wags regardless. Even if it wasn't a teammate, it was a familiar thing nonetheless. "Find? The person gave it to me, unless --" Caboose gasps. "Unless I really accidentally stole it! Oh no!" God knows how Caboose would come to that conclusion when it was very explicitly given to him and told not to take it off if he could avoid it, but nobody said Caboose was smart. Like, literally nobody.

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - COSMIIX - 06-23-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]A smilodon and a dog. What an odd pair then again it wasn't everyday that you saw a Utahraptor wandering around especially on her own without her sisters though she was independent despite being the baby of the pack. She walked over spectating the interaction with a tilt of her head before she would click her sickle claws against the rock she was perched upon, she had been hunting nearby and well she had heard voices even if she didn't understand a single thing that was coming out of their mouth. They seem to wear these odd rocks on their heads and she wondered if the two were a pack, she knew that the Ascendants were a pack or she viewed it as such anyways. She had her own pack and she preferred it over the pack that inhabited this place, her throat vibrated as a purring type of noise escaped her as she investigated this. She hopped off the rock she was on top of staring at the smilodon, it was much larger than the puny cats that lived here, she made sure to be cautious with her snout lifting upwards a bit as she huffed. The six foot tall predator would release a few chuffs to express her curiosity, she was quite tempted to get closer but she somewhat refused. She didn't know why these two were wearing rocks on their heads and frankly, she didn't want to get to close because of it.

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

SHINE ✧ Connor — The Ascendants — Fireball
Connor had not been out of his room for the last few days- so he had decided to leave the room and explore the territory some more. He had avoided making either of his mothers worried ever since his encounter with Delta and the clicker. The young male had wandered over to where three unfamiliar faces were. The Utahraptor looked like the one he encountered some time ago and the other two, he couldn't recall coming across them at all before.

"Hi!" Connor chirped, bouncing on over to Caboose, a wide smile on the child's face.
© madi

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 06-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Simulation troopers were definitely an interesting bunch. Agent Washington himself didn't really have to worry all that much about interacting with them. Lower Freelancers usually had tasks when going down to the bases that were usually separated based on the color that they were. It was there that they were usually instructed to help one side compared to the other before finally leaving. The Simulation troopers were basically guinea pigs for the Freelancers in order to train themselves and not much was thought about their lives. If he were to go on a mission with simulation troopers he wasn't going to let any of them die because it was just a training session. There was no use for any sort of lethal means either. They just wanted to get the task done and then report back to either the Director or the Counselor. Most of the tasks that they were given were something such as capture the flag, or king of the hill, or just taking over each of the bases while incapacitating the opposing simulation troopers. Agent Washington remembered hearing a while back that they had once sent Agent Carolina and Agent Texas down to a couple simulations troopers. He never knew the outcome of what happened that day and honestly, he didn't really care because when it came to how competitive they were with each other, it didn't matter who he could end up congratulating anyway. All of this meant that Washington had a lack of experience when it came to dealing with those that didn't know different strategies or simple tactics such as setting up perimeters or actually thinking before attacking someone. This would just mean that his interaction with Caboose was going to go one of two ways, he was either going to get information out of him or just end up giving up without saying anything. He couldn't waste any more time while he was here. He needed to get out and get out quick before the rest of the organization decided to call him MIA. If he just appeared out of nowhere years later, it would just mean that they would think that he was hiding from them.

He doubted that they would believe him if he said that he was teleported to another world during the crash and turned into an animal at the same time. The notion was just too crazy to even for the likes of Project Freelancers. His own life was on the line, and he knew that no one in this place would be able to understand the type of predicament that he was actually in. Agent Washington also didn't seem to realize that he could be intimidating toward others in the large form that he was currently residing in. Which was both good and bad depending on who he was interacting with. It would be a good means of gathering information from others. The wildcat could torture others to gain said information, but right now he wasn't sure if he wanted to go back to those specific roots. When he had approached the golden retriever, he had expected a different response from him. The canine basically fell over himself, causing him to stop and wait for the other to right himself. Washington didn't even bother to try and help the other from his fall, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the others reaction. A low sigh would escape the Freelancer's jaws inside of his helmet, his eyes scanning over the other. He doubted this guy had been a former Freelancer like himself, but that didn't mean it was against he rules to be cautious either. As soon as the other's helmet began to move around his face, he knew that the other wouldn't be able to see him for a couple minutes. What he didn't expect was for the other to call out and say that he was blind. The Smilodon had a dumbfounded look spread across his facial features, luckily hidden by his visor. Was this guy.... really that stupid? "W-What? No, you aren't blind your helmet just turned itself around." The armored specimen would state in almost a tone that sounded like it was the most obvious thing that was happening to the male.

He would raise one of his dark grey paws and rub the side of his neck, one of the pieces that was indeed exposed from his armor. Luckily, Caboose seemed to gather himself together, realizing that he wasn't indeed blind. The smilodon was about to open his mouth again to repeat his demand, but the other seemed to be in the dwells of his own mind. Saying that someone gave it to him, unless he ended up stealing it. Washington doubted that. The UNSC and Project Freelancer constantly kept track of their gear, and would never let anyone steal it. Unless someone was powerful enough and was constantly on the run, but Caboose didn't seem to be that type. This was going to be a long day. "No soldier you didn't steal it. What is your name and where were you stationed?" Washington would ask again. This guy had to be a former human. At least that's what he was hoping because based on what he was saying would give him his desired reaction. If someone had just found the helmet out in the forest, he would need to be directed where exactly that area was. The Freelancer was quick to notice movement a little bit of a distance from him. The lion-sizedn sized animal turned his head to look in the direction, only for his heart to stop for a couple of seconds. What the fuck. Was that. It looked like a dinosaur. That couldn't be true. They were extinct. Wait. So was he. Whatever, the other didn't seem to approach and it didn't bother Washington so he would just ignore the other. His body language expressing every sort of authority and power, although it wasn't challenging toward the Utahraptor. If she tried to attack him though, he would immediately fight back without a second thought. He was a soldier. Those that shot at him first were bound to get shot back. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - Suiteheart - 06-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][my baby i love caboose]

The intense chattering was what drew her near. Well, it was that and the fact that her son's scent was mingled in with that of something entirely new. She tensed as worry coursed through her, but she remained calm. Washington and Charlie were there, she knew. Surely Connor would be just fine.

Not willing to bet on that, the white feline headed for the scene. When she emerged from hiding, she quickly made her way towards Connor, standing just a hair in front of him, baby blue eyes observing Caboose. He was trespassing, but he seemed... fine. As she listened to the back and forth between he and Washington, she knew the canine was no threat. An inward sigh escaped her at that.

"You're quite a ways deep into the Ascendants territory, dude," she finally said, allowing for a fictional eyebrow to raise in curiosity. "Washington already asked your name, so I'll hope that you give it. And anyway, what're you here for? You looking to join?" They always did, didn't they?

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - arcy - 06-26-2018

  This was sure and interesting place. Much more interesting than anywhere Caboose had seen before now since ... something. Happened. What happened again? Caboose doesn't remember, but it was important. People kept on showing up, and there was the person with the helmet. That was pretty neat. A lot of things were neat. But especially this place.
"Oh, good! I was worried there for a little second," Caboose chirps, apparently eased down with only a few words, even if they took a few moments to sink it. Caboose had always been slow at processing words. Um ... stationed. Stationed? Caboose had heard that word before. Where? Oh! Where! "I'm Caboose!! Michael? Michael Caboose!" It'd been a while since anybody had asked for his name at all. It was a wonder he'd even remembered how to introduce himself with the way he was, honestly. Anyways. Stationed? What was it called? "Bl... Blood ... Canyon?" If Caboose's helmet were off, it'd be clear that he's thinking hard about this. Like, ridiculously hard. Though, that's clear enough in the way his paw raises, attempting to thoughtfully go to his face. It ... doesn't work. The only reason he remembered 'blood' was because of how striking the word was. Gulch was ... a little too difficult for poor, dumb Caboose.
Still, it's at this point that Caboose acknowledges the new people. There were so many!! The canine looks about, eyes wide. There's a giant something, scaly and honestly very friend-shaped in Caboose's personal opinion. His definition of 'friend-shaped' was even more warped then anything else, honestly. But he had good reasoning, at least. Still, it doesn't approach, and Caboose's attention is quickly dragged away.
"Hi!" Caboose chirps back to the little tiny thing that approaches. Kitten? Kitten!! "You are very small!!" He says, tail still wagging. He's used to being bigger than a lot of people, but this was a little odd to him. It should be noted that Caboose hasn't interacted with a ton of children before. He'd been the youngest of his many, many sisters, for one. Also he wasn't usually trusted with children, so.
"Oh," The next person who approaches is another .. cat. Cat? What was the ... Asce ... Ascend .... .... He doesn't know. What were they called again? Territory? Caboose is terribly, terribly lost, with just that sentence alone. "Sure!" Join?  Caboose's brain gradually catches up with his mouth, and he blinks in puzzlement. What'd he agreed to? Caboose isn't sure. At all. He wasn't even sure where he was and where everybody was coming from. "... Join what?" Caboose voices, tilting his head. Oh well. Whatever it was didn't really matter. Caboose didn't really have anywhere to go or anything to do anyways. Not that it really occurs to him, but regardless.
//caboose is the Goodest

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 06-27-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

(he's the best of boys okay)

He wasn't a people person. He was a soldier person. Being able to command those that were a lower rank than him or being given orders made it a whole lot easier on himself. Talking about emotions also wasn't something that he was an expert at either. In the Project, they were forced to keep their emotions and their mind to themselves. There was no reason to bring emotions and personal vendettas onto a mission that would just ruin said mission and cause confusiong among the troops. Although when they usually went on a mission it was just with other Freelancers and not foot troops. Which made it a little bit easier if not every freelancer had their own ego that they wanted to show how great they were in the field. It was a pain in the ass, yes, but it was better than dealing with foot soldiers that were just going to get themselves killed. Either way, when he first started the project he would make sure that those under his command would be less likely to go under fire. This would mean that he could potentially get himself injured as well. The soldier had to keep his soldiers alive, as it was just the right thing to do after all. Almost like every other Freelancer, Washington didn't have a lot of patience when it came to others. Now even more than ever he had quite a short temper that was easily flared up and usually reduced him to threatening others or pointing a gun at their face. Although it was good for the group that he was with now that he didn't have any sort of possession of a gun himself. If would probably be impossible to use the weapon with the likes of paws anyway, but it would be nice to have some sort of way to defend himself. He knew that his large size was somewhat daunting to other animals that lived here, but it was basically just for show. He didn't know how to fight as an animal.

The anatomy that he was used to was all wrong. Instead, what he did know how to do was shoot someone. Which he didn't have here so he was basically just a big guy walking around hoping that no one would attack him from the meantime. No one around here had armor after all, which certainly made a lot more helpful for him as he already had more of an advantage than they did. Agent Washington didn't feel like he would ever belong in a place like this. He was supposed to be fighting. For all of that to come to an abrupt stop was almost asking someone to go cold turkey when it came to taking drugs. It just couldn't be done that quickly. He needed to keep himself occupied, which he had done just that with the rest of the outpost here. That being he was constantly moving around gathering intel of the place. Timing the patrols whenever he could, to gather the schedule of those that were around him. He didn't look at him like he was an enemy, and to Washington, those that lived in the Ascendants were just possible assets to him. He wasn't here to make friends. He was here to get results. Washington knew what his job was, but he doubted that if he explained his job that other's would even understand what it actually meant. They weren't humans after all. It was all Washington could do to keep himself from sighing inside of his helmet. Maybe he was lucky that his helmet actually did fit his head so that other's would be able to see his face. Although, there were some modifications to the helmet that he didn't remember being done. His ears didn't poke out from the helmet like one would think, instead, they were inside of his helmet. There were vents that were directly where his ears should be that allowed him to actually hear without it being muffled. Finally, though, he was able to get a name out of the male. Michael Caboose. Certainly, an interesting name but his name was Washington so he wasn't going to judge. His gold eyes would then turn to Suiteheart as she made her way over, calm as usual.

The other seemed to appear in a lot of places, and he regarded the other with as mall dip of his head. "What was your rank before you arrived here Caboose? Private? Colonel?" Honestly he basically already knew the answer if the other was a former human like himself. Which was basically guaranteed right now considering how he was speaking and the helmet that he had. Besides, the other had a human name compared to those that lived in this outpost. He was going to bet that it was going to Private. If York was here, they would probably be joking with each other, but that was a long time ago. York wasn't here and he was the only Freelancer that was around. Caboose gave the name of the outpost that he was from, but Washington was going to take it with a grain of salt. The name didn't pop up into his head at all, so he wasn't going to bother to try and think it was incredibly important information. The soldier's attention soon was diverted again as a child approached him. Something that Washington hadn't been paying attention to. He wasn't sure how this group ran themselves, but he wasn't sure if children should just be out and walking around. But that was the military and war mentality that had been drilled into him in the very beginning. There was always bound to be some sort of threat out there. The golden retriever was confused as to what was happening and what Suiteheart was talking about. Washington began to take a small bit of command. "She is talking about this current outpost. ,Soldier you'll be stationed here until we can figure out what going on. The living quarters is in the observatory, which is currently being used as a base of operations." Washington would state calmly. It seemed like it would just be better to give Caboose a direct order instead of trying to confuse the guy with questions. At least, that's what he was hoping right now. Suiteheart probably wouldn't like it, but the other was more than willing to refuse his order. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: LONG SHOT ♡ intruder / joining - BASTILLEPAW - 06-27-2018

Bastille had taken to the raptors, more or less. He had never really been afraid of them -- few things concerned or scared the Seraph, frankly -- and he seemed to have reached an acceptable median with them. He fed them, and they didn't eat him or his Clan. He had yet to coax them into the nest of sorts that he was trying to establish for them in one of the larger bunker rooms, but that wasn't exactly a big deal. They could sleep where they want. In the meantime, he would ignore all of his problems and responsibilities and continue trying to play catch with Charlie with prey animals. It was a welcome distraction.

When he traced her aura today, however, he discovered that there were more grouped about around the Raptor. Bast came to a stop by her, seemingly unconcerned with the proximity or the fact that he was putting himself within reach of those teeth. If she was going to eat him, she would have already. Instead, he focused on this stranger with another weird ass helmet, arching a brow lazily. He caught the tail end of what Wash was saying -- so formal, that one -- and yawned. "Yeah, what Wash said. Minus the outpost and shit. We don't really have... operations. Not like you guys did, at least. 'M Bast, by the way."