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THIS WILL NOT DO // open - Printable Version

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THIS WILL NOT DO // open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - Morgan - 06-23-2018

Morgan entered the room without his mask on, now more familiar with the feline's home layout. "Vigenere...?" he inquired in a light whisper. "Is this... Is this about 'him'?" He had only a vague idea of who the recent intruder was, recognizing that his unique presence was similar to the Firebrand's.

Continuing from their last serious conversation, the samoyed whispered, "You did what you could, and we support you, Vigenere." He took small steps until he was near enough to look into the cat's eyes. "So, what is it that worries you? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-23-2018

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - Morgan - 06-23-2018

The story made sense to the samoyed, even if it was not quite complete. Morgan bowed his head down to meet Vigenere's, touching noses with him for a moment before speaking again. "I see. Atbash and Caesar. We at least know your sister's not a pirate." He thought of some way he could offer assistance without too much context. "I can help you find her. Would you want that?"

He nuzzled the side of the feline's face for comfort, and continued, "I am our ambassador for the Ascendants. Next time I go, you can come with me and look for her. If she's not there, then we can go to Snowbound." Morgan shifted back and turned to sit down next to the smaller cat. "You don't have to take my offer." He wanted to help his fellow Tangler as much as possible. It was the least he could do; after all, getting Vigenere some peace of mind was an important part of improving Tanglewood.

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - galexiux - 06-23-2018

    Eight, of course, missed Caesar's invasion of the territory. She had no idea who the male was but she could conclude a few things from the conversation; He was Vigenre's brother and a bad person. If he was scared for his sister's sake, it was probably becasue she was in danger. Eight did not have any siblings. At least... none that she knew about, so she could not relate. She did have a innate need to stand up for those smaller than her, though. Maybe it was the same feeling? ... Maybe stronger?

  Eight took a seat near the other, tilting her head. She would ask if she could help but... She reached a paw up to her mouth, coughing silently. Yup. Still destroyed. She wondered if her throat was wounded in any way. Scared perhaps? No matter. She didn't need it anyways. She instead stared up at Vigenre, silently asking if she could help in any way.


Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-24-2018

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - Morgan - 06-24-2018

"Easy. If she is not evil, she is not a pirate," replied Morgan, looking back into the yellow cat's eyes. He smiled at the feline's gratitude and whispered, "You're welcome, Vigenere. I care about you very much." He pawed at the floor once or twice before adding, "I will be going to visit the Ascendants next week. Gather whatever you need, and meet me at the pools." The samoyed nodded as he spoke before tilting his head toward Eight.

"I am Morgan, a Regent. Who are you?" After Vigenere suggested that she could come along, the dog shook his head. "If you can survive - if you can fight for us - you can come," he stated, his voice carrying authority as he stared at the newcomer. "Otherwise, stay here. The town here is safer, and I don't want a death on my watch. No risks. It's dangerous out there, Rogue. Especially in other territories." He meant it not as a threat but as a proper, friendly warning. The world outside Tanglewood was vicious, at least from what little of it he had experienced before.

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - COSMIIX - 06-24-2018

Walking over, the golden jaguaress would angle both of her ears forward catching most of what had been said "If it is not so troublesome, may I go as well? I can help, I can't exactly fly at the moment but I'll do the best to get you reunited with your sister, Vigenere." She offered a gentle smile aiming to pat the other with her paw before moving it and hearing what Morgan was saying to Eight, her whiskers would twitch briefly as she would nod slowly with agreement. She knew how it was like worrying for family members and well, the only one she was worried about right now was her only son. The rest of her family being dead due to her ex-fiance killing what she had left, she didn't want Vigenere being put in the same situation and she wanted to help.
© madi

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - Morgan - 06-24-2018

Morgan turned toward Amunet as she appeared, thinking to himself as he heard her speak. "Amunet... I'm sorry. I don't want to take risks," he replied, looking down at the floor for a moment. He felt guilty saying no, but he felt it was right to do so.

He paused, an idea forming in his mind. "Wait..." He shook his head once, then looked back up at the jaguar. "You're an ambassador too. I won't - can't - stop you from visiting the Ascendants if you want to." Morgan paced around, thinking of his next few words. "But... the way to Snowbound may be too much." He was unsure of how fully his fellow Regent had healed from her prior injuries. He knew she was capable of taking care of herself, but any signs of weakness could be taken advantage of by the world outside. "Hopefully we won't have to go there."

Re: THIS WILL NOT DO // open - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-24-2018