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A LATE NIGHT STORY / open, meet and greet - Printable Version

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A LATE NIGHT STORY / open, meet and greet - madster - 03-20-2018

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a head injury wasn't that bad. sure, he had his head bashed in, and he had no idea what he was besides his foreign-language name, but at least he wasn't dead. then again, his head still hurt like a motherfucker, and so he wasn't happy. pain did that to people- with the constant thump of white-hot pain scorching his brain, he had no time to deal with other people's shit.

as much as he hated people, he loved surviving and not being dead, and so didn't resist his new home. he got food, water, and shelter, the things he needed, but not what he wanted. it was at this point he realized that laying in the middle of nowhere got him no merit and as much as he wanted to avoid society, he had to interact with them. he was the chessmaster, the mastermind, and so he needed some pawns.

coming to the center of the marsh, where most gathered, he sat down. "tanglewood- my name is nocturne. yes, i'm injured and yes, i'm still bleeding," he said, noting the red-stained bandages wrapped around his temple. "but i'm still functioning. i want to get to know you all." kind of. "i want you to say what you're best at. me- for example- sarcasm."

haha, so funny. nocturne was a comedy genius. that was sarcasm.

Re: A LATE NIGHT STORY / open, meet and greet - valo-kas - 03-20-2018

[color=salmon]nice nice can i uuuhhh lick that fuckin’ flesh juice you’re leakin’ there, dude? like can i just wiggle my tongue into whatever meat hole you’re oozing from real quick? it’d be funny.” valo-kas inquired loudly, approaching at a slow amble. they sat down after a stretch curved their spine, wrapping their dark tail around their paws.

the gooey-mouthed mutant thought for a good while. wiping pink slime from their chin, valo-kas finally pitched in, “[color=salmon]i’m valo-kas and i’m good at everything.

Re: A LATE NIGHT STORY / open, meet and greet - madster - 03-20-2018

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The first character approached. A weird, gooey thing, and Nocturne immediately felt sick. His stomach churned as if he had eaten rotten flesh and he could only find himself staring at this creature in disgust. "What are you-" He asked, getting defensive at this goo monster invading his personal space, but was quickly cut off by the creature's words.

As he spoke, Nocturne's face grew more and more contorted into horror. Flesh juice? Meat hole? Wiggle... the tongue... It made him unseasonably warm, and he scooted backwards.

"Okay. Okay. Okay." He repeated the word three times.Something about this creepy thing rubbed Nocturne the wrong way. "It's mostly healed. I don't need your tongue poking in there. Besides, it hurts, so... I'm not sure the introduction of more germs is going to make me feel better."He hoped the wound wasn't already infected, but since he was in a jungle with a bunch of crazy people, it might as well be.

However, Nocturne couldn't turn down a possibly ally. If this guy decided to eat someone else, at least it wouldn't be him. "It's... a pleasure to meet you, Valo-kas. I hope to make your acquaintance..." Do I?

Re: A LATE NIGHT STORY / open, meet and greet - beck. - 03-21-2018

    He was beginning to question the sanity of their members. A reasonable doubt, considering what he had overheard while hauling trash away from yet another homestead being cleared for residency. Eerie snickering could be heard through clenched teeth as he dragged a broken chunk of a table and flung it onto a growing pile of debris. The poltergeist was more than happy to abandon his work for a minute or too and take a break -- despite hardly even making a dent on the absolute disaster the entire camp was. Stretching out stiff claws as he stalked over, Beck flopped onto his flank, resting a scarred chin on muddied paws and dismissing Valo's, to put it politely, oddities with an errant twitch of his ear. "Aw, don't mind 'em, Valo says weird shit like that all the time from what I've learned." Even weirder than the vibrant ooze constantly spilling and dripping from their mouth.

    But blurred vision beginning to focus more on Nocturne than the disturbing mutant, Beck's unscathed cheek dropped into a discontented frown at the prompt to introduce themselves with a talent. "I'm guessin' people already told ya that I'm Beck, but just in case -- m'name's Beck, and howdy or whatever. And... huh, never actually thought 'bout it." he admitted with a shrug, mind frantically skimming through useless memories to recall if he was inherently impressive according to Nocturne. He was good at stealing? No. Pissing people off? No. He was good at bashing peoples' heads in? God, no. "Uh, I can do this?" the boy finally offered, rearing his head and completely looking over his shoulder like an owl,  lacking any actual vertebrae to snap with the shocking action. Spinning back around to observe a hopefully-awed reaction, the poltergeist gave an awkward grin impaired by a missing cheek and even half-heartedly waved his paws in the air to mock-celebrate the discovery.

Re: A LATE NIGHT STORY / open, meet and greet - athenii - 03-23-2018

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Sera found the words coming from the goo thing quite entertaining. The red fox thought herself a very unusual person, however, Valo-kas took the cake on strangeness. Rolling her amber eyes, the vixen aimed her gaze at Nocturne. "I'm Seraphina Holloway. You can call me Sera, if you wish." she introduced. The first noticeable thing about the girl was her constant motion; she could rarely sit still, likely due to the large amount of information constantly moving through her brain. She was constantly thinking, analysing, learning and planning. Second thing they may notice, if they had any sort of empathic abilities, is the nearly total lack of emotion she felt. Again, Seraphina Holloway was a very strange creature.

Re: A LATE NIGHT STORY / open, meet and greet - Dragon- - 03-25-2018

[tr][td][Image: avatar_64eca7575bc7_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_10cbf1410e94_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_2f943f37ef6c_128.pnj]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] "Not much of a meat hole to shove your tongue in, you'd have to be smaller to do that probably..hole's too tiny for your slab of flesh you call a tongue." Phobeus would comment as he wandered over to the group, side aching from falling out of a tree earlier. "greetings, my dudes. I'm Phobeus the travelling rad dude and it's rad to meet you all. Phobeus probably met some of these dudes before, he'd definitely met valo-kas before in the garbage exploration thing that he'd done.

The young clouded leopard would flop onto the ground with a thump, not quite helping his sore ribs. "I'm great at being pretty damn rad, I can sleep anywhere and I am good at eating..everything." it was pretty much true, he'd eaten a lot of stuff that somebody just..really shouldn't have eaten before. He didn't really think much about it and, quite frankly, didn't care unless it killed him..even then that would be interesting to go through.[/td]