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BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - Printable Version

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BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ CABOOSE ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 6/22

name. Michael J. Caboose
name meaning "Who is like God?"
nicknames. just goes by Caboose
biological gender. female
birth date. december 26th
age. unknown
clan. snowbound
formerly had gemini title

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. Caboose from Red vs Blue.
voiceclaim. Caboose from Red vs Blue.
☆ Formerly Human
☆ Basically never takes off the blue helmet he wears

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Golden Retriever — birth body 98% health
Caboose is a large, pale gold Golden Retriever. He's physically imposing, being very large and bulky, though very fluffy. His eyes are a dark blue. The mane of fur around his chest, as well as his underbody and paws, are lighter than the rest of his body. Patches of his fur on the front of his legs, ears, cheeks, and flank are a darker color. Along these areas are decorated with tiny spots, as well as along his face and cheeks, like little freckles. His body is covered fairly heavy in scars, such as bullet scars or burn scars. He's missing a toe on one of his back paws. Caboose's face is very infrequently seen due to the dark blue helmet he tends to wear at near all times.
injures. kind of bruised and battered. a few scrapes.

infp type && hufflepuff && amity && chaotic neutral
Caboose is a very .. unique character. It's abundantly clear that Caboose is far, far from smart. He has a tendancy to make unrelated comments and point out very obvious things. Though he doesn't intend to, it's very easy for him to get on people's nerves due to his sheer idiocy. Despite this, Caboose is very friendly. He's always very eager to make friends with people, though he has a tendency to consider them friends or even close friends long before they do.
main personality traits. scatterbrained. friendly. unobservant. persistent. obnoxious. enthusiastic. oblivious.
disorders. adhd. brain damage stuff

parents. npc x npc
siblings. 17 sisters(npcs)
sexuality. asexual panromantic
relationship status. the Most single
friends. one-sided friendship w church lmao
enemies. none thatre here.

physically && mentally. either weak or difficult physically. it fluctuates. && super weak mentally, intrusions will hurt him a Ton
fight? && kill? will fight. probably will kill but just by accident.
self defense. text (how do i answeR)
just tends to blunder things w his paws. he cant use his weapons anymore yall.
mention [member=1137]CABOOSE[/member] or [member=62]arcy[/member] when attacking
attacks in #3d7de2
powers. n/a, currently.

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018


CHURCH - - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

- - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

- - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

guide for mobile:

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[align=center]caboose's templates
fancypost one:
[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify;"][url=TAGSURL][color=#2357aa][abbr=info]♡[/abbr][/color][/url] text
signature one:

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]timeline/history
very unclear bc its 3am and i need 2 Think abt this stuff asdfsdf
-Red vs Blue canon events up to seasons,, 3-5???
-hm,,,, caboose somehow gets transported to BoB
-just sorta. crashlands.
-spends a few days wandering around
-stumbles upon the Ascendants and ends up joining.
-meets washington while joining
-reunites with church on border later
-earns gemini title
-carolina shows up nd drags him around w the rest of the Gang
-promoted to starstruck guardian

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]important threads

caboose joins the Ascendants - here (june 22)
reunion w church - here (june 23)
earns gemini title - here (july 2)
promoted to starstruck guardian - here (july 8)

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]future plot ideas

        ✯ gills
-basically just an excuse for caboose to have More of a chance of survival. also i really love mutations.
-just as it is on the tin. Caboose doesnt even notice till somebody points it out
-honestly once he discovers he can 'breathe underwater' he just sorta,,, idk.
        ✯ freckles
-aka: a pet. an absolutely Deadly pet.
-either a large semi-feral or a small deadly semi-feral.
-he just runs into it and befriends it Instantly. names it freckles.
-freckles is p much instantly protective of caboose. like,, 'say one(1) mean thing and d i e'
        ✯ ducklings
-caboose happens upon some duck eggs. he frets over them for a few minutes before deciding to take them home, w/o even chucking if they had parents asdfads.
-theres no repercussions for that. caboose tries to Dad the eggs. honestly he p breaks one and Cries
-he has to get help for taking care of the eggs bc hes a Dumbass and its shocking he hasnt done anything worse already. he refuses to put them back tho.
-he tries nd dads these feral ducks for Ages. he is dad. bad dad. he's trying.
-honestly thisll p teach him how to be more,, gentle?? i guess??? and also how to take care of Anything at all asdfsadf

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]art
by me:
by grassina:
by guts <3:
narcissistic nerd on art fight:
breaddisposal on art fight:
by galexiux:
by kinglykingstone:

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:70%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]icons

Re: BEST FRIENDS ♡ caboose's storage - arcy - 06-22-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]playlist
[im straightup sobbing Please find me some songs]
1. robots by dan mangan