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SET FIRE TO THE RAIN // open, waking up - Printable Version

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SET FIRE TO THE RAIN // open, waking up - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
//This takes place about a day after Caesar attacking her!

Atbash honestly didn't remember when she woke up exactly. All the she-cat remembered was Caesar holding her underwater, trying to strangle her, and then blacking out. Her entire body was sore and if truth be told, her lungs were still burning from the event. It hurt to breathe and it hurt to move. She knew there was nothing Izuku nor Jacob could do with that, but she was grateful for the help they provided when she had been passed out. They were able to patch up her wounds - which weren't much but still, she was grateful. Without them, she wouldn't be able to do that. If she hadn't joined Snowbound, she'd be left to fend for herself and the wounds likely would have ended up getting infected at some point. Not in a day of course, but they would eventually.

Atbash tried to move a paw to stretch, but her body just ended up screaming at her as she moved. It felt like her body was on fire, too, with how sore it was. The she-cat winced and quickly pulled her paw back closer to her body and let out a sigh. Although she wanted to move, she was kind of glad she wasn't. She honestly wasn't sure if she was ready to go outside of the medicine den, even back to her own room. She was, admittedly, afraid Caesar would be hiding in there, ready to pounce on her again. She felt safe and secure in the medicine den.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: SET FIRE TO THE RAIN // open, waking up - jacob w.c. - 06-25-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — This week had been literally insane. Sometimes Jacob wasn't even sure what to think anymore. He was still angry about Caesar. He'd gone over there and yelled at him and told Pincher to take care of it and hadn't left until he was sure all was well. He'd been running around trying to get the new shops up and running and he'd barely had any time to sit down. Now, though, he decided to stick his head in to check on Atbash. He felt awful about having Izuku look after her all by himself but there wasn't much that could be done about it when so much was going on at once. Sometimes it felt like the universe conspired against him in these moments, intent on making his life as chaotic as possible. Of course, those sorts of thoughts were paranoid and completely illogical but on a bad day, sometimes Jacob chose to believe it. It was easier to think that than that all of this happening at once was some sort of unfortunate coincidence.

"Atbash! Oh goodness, how're ya' feelin'?" he asked, concern etched in his tone and eyes as he hurried to stop beside the woman. "'M so sorry 'bout everythin' tha' happened but I'd like ya' ta' know tha' you won' have ta' worry 'bout tha' ever again. I went right over ta' Typhoon after lookin' after ya' n' made sure it was taken care of by Pincher. He agreed tha' what was done was completely unacceptable n' Caesar has received proper punishment, includin' a demotion n' some kinda... uh, physical punishment from what I understand. Tha's jus' kinda' how they do things there, I guess. I didn' request tha' part. Anyway, if there's anythin' ya' need, ya' jus' let me know. I want ya' ta' stay in 'ere at least one more night so we can watch ya' n' make sure everythin's okay after all tha' happened. I might not be able ta' stay in 'ere all day with ya' but I'll try ta' pop in as often as I can n' Izuku will be right 'ere with ya'," he explained, hoping the news of Caesar would at least bring her some peace. He knew it wouldn't get rid of any fear she might have, he knew that even after he moved to Snowbound he still worried someone would come to snatch him from his home, but he hoped it would at least ease it. It wouldn't be any good for her to lose sleep in this condition, after all.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: SET FIRE TO THE RAIN // open, waking up - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash honestly felt no anger towards her brother, even if he had been the one to practically hunt her down and attack her. She just felt no anger towards him, though there was a bit of fear of him still lurking around. So she was worried that he was still around and ready to attack her at any moment, but she could never be mad at him. Atbash didn't mind how busy Jacob was; he was the Chief after all, and besides, Izuku was doing just fine taking care of her himself. She was grateful for it.

Atbash raised her head as Jacob arrived, blinking at him for a few seconds as if she was trying to comprehend who was there. "Oh, um, I'm doing fine... I guess." The she-cat responded with a little shrug. "I'm doing better. Still a bit sore, though." But that'd made sense, wouldn't it? Atbash shook her head as Jacob continued on, apologizing for what her brother had done. "It's not your fault." She said with a small smile to try and reassure the Chief. "I... guess I should have been expecting it." But the news of him going to The Typhoon to confront Caesar honestly made her a bit more worried. Caesar wasn't the one to just stop when told to, and he was actually the type of person to do it more if he was warned. Though if Caesar had some sort of position in The Typhoon like she did here in Snowbound, he may consider stopping. Being in a position of power meant more than his family, she knew, even if it was harming them. He just like the fame and reputation it got him.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: SET FIRE TO THE RAIN // open, waking up - arcy - 06-26-2018

Honestly, Izuku would be more fine with looking after Atbash if he didn't feel so ... stressed. It's not on Atbash at all -- he wouldn't blame her even a smidgen for any of his problems, nor anybody else. Or. He blamed whoever hurt her, and would probably whole-heartedly pick a fight if he were feeling any better. Maybe this all was a good thing, then. Just so Izuku didn't kill himself or something. He should probably force himself to sleep soon, though. Or. take something to forcibly pass himself out. Dangerous? Perhaps. But he still had things to do right now, thank you.
Still, he's a little surprised to stumble upon Atbash awake. The Maine Coon blinks a little blearily as he sees the blob-ish figures of Jacob and Atbash, moving. They're ... talking. About something. Izuku can't be sure, but his ears still prick up regardless, even if he's not quite sure what they're saying right now. "Atbash!" Izuku chirps, tail wagging as he limps his way over. As he hovers next to the two, though, it's clear that he's not quite sure what to say. Things probably won't be great for Atbash for a while, after all, but ... well, this is all he can ask for. "I'm glad you're awake," Warm and earnest, Izuku grins wide at the yellow-furred feline. He hopes things get better for her soon, what with whatever trauma she probably has from what happened. This was just step one, though. Waking up.
what was i worth