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THE CALL / open, joining - Printable Version

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THE CALL / open, joining - COSMIIX - 06-22-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]The raptor weaved her way through the canopy with her nostrils flaring a bit, she tilted her head occasionally at any sound and paused letting out soft huff as she inhaled the scents that seemed to waft from every direction. Her pupils narrowed a bit as she heard the sound of something moving throughout the forestry, her huffing grew a tad louder trying to distinguish what it was. Was it a threat? Prey? Her sisters? The youngest Utahraptor was uncertain as she walked along a bit deciding to go towards the shuffling she had suddenly heard. She stood atop of a rock letting her curved dagger-like claw click against it in anticipation wanting to know what it was, she chuffed for a moment clearly frustrated until she caught sight of a russet blur making a dash for it. She could smell fear wafting off of the creature and that was enough to make her reel back only to turn sharply after the small mammal, all that had registered into her mind was; prey.

The apex predator proceeded to weave through the trees carefully keeping the russet mammal in her sight range, she would take a few sharp turns making sure that her prey was still locked in her sight. It was a fox but, of course, Charlie didn't know that considering that she had never encountered one before and it wasn't like she could understand well enough to know it was a fox to begin with. All she knew it was a scared prey animal and she was going to catch it. She continued to huff a bit under her breath starting to close in on the fox though she took notice of the canopy finally coming to an end and there seemed to be fields up ahead. She decided to use this to her advantage and would speed up a bit shaking her head whenever a stray twig or thin branch would hit her. Once they reached the fields she would release an excited scream and launch herself at the fox catching its tail with her foot, she took the opportunity to dig in her deadly claw earning a scared yelp from the canid creature. It didn't take her long to start ripping into the flesh of the fox, she somewhat recoiled at the feeling of fur covering her tongue but she hadn't eaten in a few days so she decided to just deal with it.

Charlie eventually lifted her head letting out another huff and tried to pick up a few more scents with her keen nose. Unfamiliar scents seemed to be primary here though she did catch the scent of something familiar, she released a purr-like sound as her curiosity seemed to peak as she walked away from the mangled remains of her meal. Poor fox, it never knew what hit it but then again who knew what life promised. One day you were thriving in a forest and the next you were a six foot lizards snack. She hopped around a bit before she finally lifted her head into the air and began to let out a call, the broadcast call, she felt a silver of hope. She hoped her sisters were here since she usually felt much safer being with her pack. She fell silent trying to pick up any responses and would tilt her head a bit to the side.


Re: THE CALL / open, joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-22-2018

Re: THE CALL / open, joining - Roy Mustang - 06-22-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Was it even safe to wander around the Ascendants territory anymore? After they allowed a feral dinosaur into the group, and after Roy ran across that utahraptor fighting another, Roy decided it probably wasn't a good idea. These things are feral, they probably can't differentiate a groupmate between a piece of prey. Roy didn't like that he had to live with one of those things in the observatory, he had to make sure he was extra cautious just in case it decided to snap. So far, Roy hasn't heard of any horrific accidents yet.

Roy almost decided to stay in the Cleric's den for today. He would have used an excuse that he needed to rest, but both Rin and Radeken knew that Roy was working hard to get used to walking around on three limbs. The last place Roy usually wanted to be in was the Cleric's den, it wouldn't have looked right if he stayed inside today. He didn't want to seem like he was afraid of the creature or that he was weak. He was the Flame Alchemist for crying out loud, he can handle the utahraptor if it gets out of control! He can probably kill it with a few snaps of his claws, as long as it doesn't maul him to death first.

I better not regret this, Was the thought that ran through Roy's mind as the bobcat forced himself to get up, and pad out of the den. He made his way to the entrance of the observatory, ears pricked up, listening for any kind of noise they could pick up.

Roy didn't make it that far into the territory when the scent of blood invaded his nostrils. The male froze in his tracks when he heard a terrified yelp from further in the territory, the Flame Alchemist looking in the direction of the noise. Something's out there. Roy thought as the smell of blood got stronger, contemplating on what to do. That's probably a clanmate that's being attacked, he shouldn't just be standing here. While he stands here, they continue to get attacked and bleed out, and potentially die. He can't save them like a Cleric would, but he could prevent their attacker from inflicting more damage. He would be risking his own life most likely, even while he's in a bad condition.

Roy began to pad again, this time fastening his pace. He moved his paws as quickly as they would take him, hoping he wouldn't run across that utahraptor attacking an innocent clanmate.

When he eventually padded into the scene, he wasn't half wrong. It wasn't that utahraptor, Delta, attacking and tearing apart a clanmate. No, no- it was a different utahraptor. The creature the dinosaur decided to make it's victim was a fox, and by the looks of it- by the blood covering the dinosaur and the guts spilled on the ground, there's no chance that fox is alive. Roy's blue gaze was torn away from the deceased fox, and landed onto Charlie. The utahraptor seemed to be still, before it began to let out a weird call that Roy didn't understand. "Oh fuck," Roy Mustang breathed, mainly talking to himself, "What the hell am I about to get myself into?" A shiver ran down Roy's spine when he heard another call- this time by the raptor Echo, who was in a fight with Delta. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Roy stayed completely still as he felt the breeze against his fur as Echo ran past him, keeping his gaze locked on the two.

Re: THE CALL / open, joining - COSMIIX - 06-22-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]Everything was silent until her call was replied to by one of her older sisters, the striped predator would tilt her head a bit more before she blinked a bit at the sight of Echo. Charlie was quite happy to see her sister as she would let out soft chittering noises as if greeting her older sibling, the youngest of the raptor sisters began to babble a bit questioning the whereabouts of her other two sisters, Blue and Delta. Surely they were here with Echo? That's what Charlie would presume anyways she hadn't seen her sisters in a good while or let alone Owen. She tilted her head at Echo babbling a bit more "Where is alpha?" She was almost tempted to run off and find Blue herself though her attention was suddenly diverted towards the direction of Roy. Her throat vibrated as a purring noise resonated from her throat staring at the lynx for a good moment. Was he prey? Charlie wasn't certain as she huffed taking in the scent of the mammal and noting that a certain smell clung to him. Charlie would take a few steps forward chuffing with curiosity though she already had to eat a fuzzy meal, she didn't want to have another so with a soft snort she would turn away a bit. The small mammal was injured, an easy target. But too small to please a hungry Utahraptor, well, she had been hungry until she had torn into the russet creature.

If one sister was here then maybe the others would surely appear as well, taking a spot near Echo, she would lift her head once again letting out another broadcast call. If her sisters were nearby then they would understand and well, for those mammals that seemed to live in this area were smart enough they would know she was saying "I'm here. I'm here." The youngest raptor stopped her call and would wait , listening for any other replies to her calls. Charlie's claws would click onto the ground in a small bout of anticipation. Her gaze would turn to Echo once more letting out a few inaudible babbles as if still asking the same question over and over again.

Re: THE CALL / open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

Gordon had heard rumors of actual living, breathing dinosaurs that had been roaming around The Ascendants. The thought honestly scared her - weren't dinosaurs predators? Well, the little she-cat had decided on going to the library for assistance on that and discovered that not all dinosaurs were, in fact, predators - just some of them. And she was honestly hopeful that these dinosaurs that were supposedly roaming around The Ascendants were herbivores and weren't going to bother her.

So that's how Gordon ended up outside of camp, because she told herself that everything was going to be fine and that these visiting reptiles were herbivores, not the actual carnivores that they were. Another fact she didn't quite catch onto was the fact they were feral, as well. Gordon came across Roy and blinked in surprised as her groupmate cursed. "Roy?" She squeaked out, frowning up at him. "What's -" Her voice was caught off as she realized what Roy had cursed at: two Utahraptors. Right in front of her. Gordon froze in her spot for a few seconds, her heart pounding as she stared at Charlie and Echo, her gaze flickering between the two.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: THE CALL / open, joining - Sorrel - 06-23-2018

Pack meant everything to them. With the way that their vocalizations worked, they were able to be heard for miles. Almost like that of a lions roar to let the entire pride know where they were going and how they were. Being able to communicate long distances was one of the ways that the pack was able to keep track of one another. It wasn't impossible for some members of the pack to split up. This had been something that had been observed by the humans that had created them in that lab before dropping them into the groups that were the clans. They were basically test subjects, and there were different methods that they had used to keep track of them. Blue having been exposed to one of their methods on trying to trap them before, and that had been through an electrified net. Which had given her nothing but burns and made her wounds get infected that Owen had to fix in a moments notice. Or at least, get someone else to fix her wounds since the male wasn't exactly great when it did come to medical knowledge. Compared to maybe some of her sisters, the Utahraptor didn't exactly have the greatest trust when it came to group like these. All that mattered to her was the aspect of the pack. If there was a weak link in the pack, it would be detrimental to all of them, and Blue couldn't have that happen. Instead, it would be better for survival to protect one another from harm. She didn't care who she would end up having to go through to protect them as well. The Utahraptor was feral and didn't exactly have the same morals that others did. However, she wasn't dumb either, because she was able to tell another pack when she saw one. She had instincts after all, and that's what drove most of her actions in general. Most of the time the groups that they decided to stay with figured out that giving them food was one of the quick ways that one could gain the wild animal's trust. Either way, while Owen wasn't around she was the one that was in charge and made sure to keep others in line. The blue-grey Utahraptor had been trotting through the edge of the territory. Keeping to the trees. She didn't blend in as well compared to the rest of her sisters that had more of a greenish or brownish hues. She knew her limitations when it came to what her body was capable of. One thing was obvious though was that she had a lot more scars than the rest of her sisters. A large scar on her long time, which was missing a chunk of muscle, a etched in scar on her leg, and scars across the right side of her body. The Utahraptor stopped midstep though when she heard a familiar sound off in the distance. She was easily able to identify who made that call. Charlie. She understood that perfectly. Her arms pressed into her side, and she flexed her hands. Blue was quick to react with her own broadcast call, rearing back slightly as she did to, using her muscular tail as balance. Huffing would emit from her jaws as she sprinted onto the scene, before skidding to a halt to the right of the slowly growing group. The smell of blood hung in the air meaning that one of her sisters killed something. Her head turned to look at her stripped sibling and Echo. Blue would simply offer a chuff as a means of greeting the two, before looking toward the two small animals that were a small distance away from them. The fear scent was coming from them, and Blue immediately took charge of the situation. Her arms started to move away from her side so she could point her claws in their direction toward Roy and Gordon. Fear meant food. There was nothing else to be concerned about. The heavily scarred blue-ish grey Utahraptor came to stand in front of her sisters, her sickle claws tapping the ground. She crouched herself slightly, and let out a scream toward them. If they didn't remain calm, they would be food. If they didn't give food they would become the food. They would only have seconds to react before Blue would given order to attack the two Ascendants members.

Re: THE CALL / open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-23-2018

Another raptor soon joined the other two, and Gordon could practically feel her heart beating out of her chest at this point. These dinosaurs were predators, ones who hunted for their meals and ate small animals - probably including her. But of course fear was clouding Gordon's judgement at this point and as soon as Blue flexed her claws and looked over at her and Roy, the little Observer let out a squeak of terror before she quickly turned tail and ran off as fast as her little munchkin body could take her, trying to head back to camp as quickly as possible. She was not sticking around while some feral cat-eating predators were outside of camp, she was going to go back to her safety of a room.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: THE CALL / open, joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018