Beasts of Beyond

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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
June 21st. The longest day of the year and considered one of the most important days within Typhoon's culture and traditions. It was not only going to be their first carnival but the one that they would do with members from various backgrounds. Pincher had grown up with the carnival tradition only limited to that of his small crew that his father had controlled in the past and with each passing week, that crew had begun to blossom into what they were now. Multiple creatures from all corners of the world and the male had to admit that it was what had excited him and motivated him to ensure that the events would go according to plan. He had begun planning the massive four day event into sections that allow for each transition to run smoothly without any trouble. With a desire for only the finest, Pincher had set out to start the work of carnival.

Before the sun had even risen from it's slumber beneath the deep navy blue waves in the distance, the male had risen from his bed to jump into action to unfold the plans that were glued inside his head. He had decided to bring other volunteers to join him in preparing the main meeting spot for the event, the bright cosmos glinting above their heads as they set out to work. The first part was gaining all the resources that the island and the sea had to offer to the workers. They began to create with what they had and as time trickled by, Pincher was noticing the progress and after enough work, was satisfied as he stepped onto the center of Barracuda Bay, a look of mild satisfaction lacing his dark facial features.

The ivory sand that usually could be seen was mostly covered by long colorful woven towels, the rich pattern of colors mainly being red, blue, and yellow to represent the three divisions that filled up the Typhoon's ranks. On top of the towels were multiple bowls of tropical fruit of various kinds, granted by the fertility of the volcanic earth. Small light blue jars containing lit candles were placed on the corners of the towels to ensure none flew into the air through the current breeze was slow and steady. Soft long pillows lay on many towels for visitors or crewmates to lay on comfortably as well as there being pool floaties that they could use to relax on the cool water of the coral reef. Above their heads was strung up round paper lanterns that allowed more light even though the sun was still up and it was only midday. The carnival tended to last all night so luckily, they had more than enough time to get everything started. Near the massive statue of the turtle was a settled controlled bonfire, a bar over it cooking meat that carried from fish to meat from the prey in the jungle. Stacks of lobster, shrimp, sushi was found on a long wooden table beside the bonfire. On the opposite side of the bonfire was another table but instead filled with vegetables and even bugs to ensure that everyone had something to eat. A bowl of tropical juice found farther down in a seaglass bowl that was glinting with gold flecks that were trapped in the glass, laying on a stump of a fallen palm tree that Pincher had cut to use as fuel for the bonfire.

If one desired alcoholic drinks, the door to the Capricorn tavern was wide open, the scent of booze drifting out into the air to mingle with the delicious scents that already filled the air. Small colorful beachballs were rolling around for anyone to play with and small buckets filled with glitter and confetti that one could toss in the air. Bouncy music blasted from the top of the turtle statue, a boombox the source of the music. Pincher wasn't sure what it was saying but it was certainly something that made him sway to the beat while smoothing out any stray hairs that stuck out of his glossy obsidian pelt. The muscular doberman then fixed the blue/ivory lei that was wrapped around his neck, locking his jaws around a bucket that was filled with the wreaths of all kinds of tropical flowers while deciding to wait for everyone to join into the festivities. Once enough had arrived, he would announce how the Carnival was going to work. Allies that would arrive at the island would be able to follow a trail of bamboo torches that lead to the main camp beach. Pincher had also made sure that the lighthouse's massive light was on, flashing out to anyone that needed to know where the party was.

[ WELCOME TO CALYPSO'S CARNIVAL. In this carnival, the whole event is made up of four mini events that represent each divison. This thread is mostly the place where one can mingle and socialize while the other mini events will be set up until Sunday which will be the grand finale thread. Once a thread is done, it will be announced here and you can also track the progress in this thread ]
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]


Caesar, honestly, didn't care much for The Typhoon's traditions, especially not after his experience with his own Entrance Ritual. He recalled rumors of the tradition The Typhoon had on June 21, which was... unfortunately today, Caesar realized. Which meant he was going to be expected to and bothered about attending. He was a high position, after all, he had to attend these things, even if he didn't respect them.

Caesar did have a look of disgust as he made his way towards Barracuda Bay, snorting at the towels that were put out. Food wasn't exactly something he ate often, let alone fruit, and Caesar definitely wasn't going to start today, even if his stomach was growling at the sight. However, what did peak the demon's interest was the bar being open. With a grin, Caesar went off towards the Tavern, clearly heading towards there for a drink.

Re: CARAVAN PALACE — CALYPSO'S CARNIVAL - Wade Wilson - 06-23-2018

actions "speech"
The thought of a carnival intrigued the lanky wolf. He had tried wrapping his head around how a pirate centered clan would fare with carnivals- the clown's terf. All of that had been mere speculation until now. Padding up to the beautiful sight, Wade made a silent vow to drink in everything the carnival was going to offer. He was so pumped.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: CARAVAN PALACE — CALYPSO'S CARNIVAL - Character Graveyard. - 06-24-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Well, wasn't this a beautiful sight? Vanessa wore a smile on her lips as she approached the bay. She had clearly been interested in the Carnival and she wanted to check all of the areas, but the beach had caught her attention the most. She had walked straight there and grabbed herself a flamingo floatie.

Nessa would then put the floatie in the water and lie down on it, closing her eyes and relaxing her muscles.
© madi