Beasts of Beyond
WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Printable Version

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WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Character Graveyard. - 06-21-2018

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - axiom - 06-21-2018

Of all her sisters, Echo was the one she liked the least - from the constant squabbles for dominance to her aggression without authorization. They had a few spats for dominance in the pack, but Delta managed to reign as Blue's second in command for quite a long time now. Since birth. Being second gave her certain advantages, like in minor squabbles over the juicest bits of carrion, so she was ready to fight for it, if need be. Delta didn't care about the Ascendants around, but she did care about meeting Echo and re-establishing the pack order.

Letting out a loud broadcast call to advertise her presence to Echo, the older utahraptor stood tall and in a rather dominant posture. Unwittingly, this caused the terrified NPCs to scatter, but Delta didn't care all that much. Since being in the Ascendants territory, she hardly ever went with a hungry belly. Between the abundant prey, carrion pile, and snacks from the mammal pack... well, she set up a pretty sweet gig for herself. Which was the reason why she bothered to stay in the territory - and, of course, keeping her dominance over Echo would ensure keeping the choicest picks for herself. Long tail whipping behind her, the teal colored dinosaur tucked her arms into her body and extended her head to let out another loud call.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Character Graveyard. - 06-21-2018

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - axiom - 06-22-2018

Huffing, it seemed her instincts' anticipation rang true - Echo forgot her place in the pack order. Growling as a final warning for her younger sister to back off, she held her ground in the face of the charge. Swerving to the side, she avoided Echo's scarred jaws and ignored the claws that tore into her scaled chest. Echo, arguably more aggressive even than Blue, fought recklessly. Delta capitalized on her position at Echo's flank to advance, launching herself forward from a standstill while her sister left herself open for attack by fighting physics in reversing the momentum of such a large body.

Her neck launched forward with her lunge, as she attempted to sink her teeth into the side of Echo's face or neck area. Not to kill, but to hold her younger sister in a subordinate position until the proper pack order was acknowledged. Her clawed arms, likewise, tried to keep hold on Echo's neck. Naturally, fearsome weapons were still weapons, and Echo already had one nasty scar from a lost dominance battle. Even though raptors were pack animals, dominance fights weren't known for their gentle blows.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Roy Mustang - 06-22-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy thought it was insane that in this world, dinosaurs are alive. Back in Amestris, those things were extinct, for millions and millions of years. He thought surely they would be extinct here too, but when Delta arrived, his assumption was proven false. Really, Roy shouldn't be surprised anymore, by yet he still is. There's a lot to discover and unfold in this place, he couldn't help it but be shocked when he discovered something new and unexpected. This world has proven to be crazy, but not crazy enough for the Flame Alchemist to think everything he sees and hears is normal.

Roy happened to be limping through the territory, when he came across the fight between the two utahraptors. Roy thought it was insane to allow Delta to stay here- she has a huge set of teeth, is unpredictable, and dangerous. And now there's a second one? Roy froze in his tracks at the sight of them, eyes widened as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. What should he do? He should probably get out of here, as they might turn to him and try to get a piece of him! He's already missing one leg, which is clearly a disadvantage, he probably looks like easy prey in their eyes. Taking slow steps back, Roy stayed cautious- his eyes never left them, ready to snap his claws and burn them to a crisp if it was really necessary.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Character Graveyard. - 06-22-2018

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Roy Mustang - 06-22-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy's nostrils flared when the utahraptor Echo turned it's attention onto him. Roy watched it loose it's fight to dominance, it seemed like Roy walked in on the wrong moment. Roy could see the anger in it's eyes, it clearly wasn't pleased that it lost. And now, it wants to take it's anger out on him. Oh hell no! Roy watched Echo as it got closer, it's teeth barring and tail lashing behind it. Roy could almost smell it's horrible, disgusting breath, Roy quickly thinking on what to do. Instantly, the bobcat began to take steps back, ears flattening to his skull as his lip curled to a snarl. "Stay back!" The Flame Alchemist exclaimed, as he quickly rose his right paw and snapped his claws. With his flame array on his paw pad, and understanding the chemical make-up of his flame alchemy, a flame was produced. The flame sparked, the male aiming to strike right besides Echo with a crack. Not a second later, Roy was snapping his claws again, this time aiming to strike his flame alchemy in front of Echo and on the other side. "Get back or I'll burn you to ash!" Roy threatened, claws poised, ready for another snap- which would be aimed directly at Echo if it doesn't listen to him.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - axiom - 06-22-2018

As expected, Echo struggled a bit, but accepted the pack ordering once more - for now, anyway. Their time apart seemed to make Echo more aggressive than usual, as opposed to Delta's increase in problem solving skills. Either way, the utahraptor didn't think about this interesting perception for long; now that the status quo remained upheld, Echo's upstart went to the back of her brain, forgiven and nearly forgotten. Indeed, she had something new to focus her primitive logic onto: the crippled kitty that Echo already locked onto as a potential target. She chuffed in slight irritation - prey that small hardly seemed worth the effort, but she wouldn't turn down an easy snack when its injuries made it such an obvious target.

Circling to Roy's side, she growled as the mammal performed magic to attack her sister. "Back up, circle!" she babbled to Echo, knowing there were easier targets around. Like Bast and the young mammal, this one possessed weird abilities that she didn't know how to counter - though, where the others held carrion producing abilities, this one seemed potentially capable of harming them. For now, she just wanted Echo to back up and try to outflank the fire-wielding creature.

Turning her attention back to Roy, she let out a loud shriek at him. Her sickle claw tapped on the ground, as she looked at the mammal with an oddly intelligent gaze. Right now, she knew - from living in this territory for a week - that Roy belonged to the mammal group that lived here, obvious by the scent clinging to his fur. Thus far, that pack left her alone if she left them alone. Yet, this was also the first time she encountered a situation where one of them could potentially hurt her or one of her sisters. Right now, it seemed equally likely that he'd just walk away or continue to attack them. Hence the standoff; if he wanted to hurt the pack, she'd lead the charge to attack him right back.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Character Graveyard. - 06-22-2018

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - COSMIIX - 06-22-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]Hearing screeching, the raptor would huff as she caught the smell of fire and her sisters, this made her concerned for her siblings and found herself running forward with her pupils narrowing a bit catching sight of both Delta and Echo circling a small mammal. She would let out a few huffs taking in the scents since she hadn't known the source of the fire though it made her a bit confused as to why they were circling the lynx, it was such a puny mammal and would barely feed all of them. She could hear the conversation between her two sisters tilting her head to the side for a brief moment only to let out a soft shriek to announce her arrival. This is when she started to take a few steps forward her sickle claw tapping onto the ground as her throat vibrated with a purring noise, she was trying to piece together the situation and help as much as she possibly could. If this was food, well, she wouldn't partake in eating it per say. She didn't fancy having fur on her tongue after all, feathers or scales were acceptable to bite into, then again all meals were messy in their own way.