Beasts of Beyond
So. What is this? - Printable Version

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So. What is this? - Waylon - 06-21-2018

Hi, everyone!
No, I don't know where I am and no, I may not stay.
However, could someone tell me what this website even is?
Thanks much!

Re: So. What is this? - galexiux - 06-21-2018

yo nice to meet you way!

This is a rping website! It's sorta hard to explain but its losely based off the warriors series by erin hunter. We got like. Groups you can join with leaders and doctors and stuff with politics between the other groups. Tbh i dont pay much attention to stuff like that and i instead just focus on making interesting characters that can interact with other people. It's pretty open ended; as long as you play an animal and your magic powers are bought in the shop (and you dont godmod, dub) you're pretty much free to do anything you want IC. Well.. maybe with consequences, of course but whats the fun in being a goody two shoes c:

Re: So. What is this? - dreamiplier - 06-21-2018

hey there waylon, & welcome to the site!! we really hope you stay, but of course, it is your decision <3. i'm dream, i'm the local mom friend of the site, which an unhealthy obsession over bts & pinterest.

basically what galexiux said, though, beasts of beyond, or "bob" for short, is a roleplaying site. there are animal & human groups, which are, of course, separated from each other. it's really fun once you start to get the hang of it. if you have any more questions, feel free to dm me on here or on my discord! ( dream#5056 )

Re: So. What is this? - galexiux - 06-21-2018

oh dude this is nothing like warriors anymore lol. Uhh... I donno about guides but you can prob ask the staff about it. I can tag them if you want?

your call.

Re: So. What is this? - Orion - 06-21-2018

(06-21-2018, 06:10 PM)Waylon link Wrote: Warriors, like the 5th grade book series on cats?
Ooh. I am sorry. I was looking for a more mature site. :/
Ya know, like a Sordid Secrets or THGRPG type website or something, but with all animals.

Also this is an open rp site? It doesn't seem that way because there are no guides or info to keep anything straight?
Anyway, sorry. Thank you for explaining kinda.
Actually, Galexiux is wrong! We are NOT affiliated with Warriors at all and our animal RP game is simply animals. It is very much like Sordid Secrets.

Also yes, this is an open RP website. A newer one too, so we're still setting things up. In the meantime, I can direct you where you need to go or answer any questions you have!

Re: So. What is this? - Kicksie - 06-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]Just to clear up a bit of the confusion, I would just like to explain that a huge portion of our member base had come from a site that was based on Warriors, however BoB does not have any connections with warriors other than that. We are our own thing, and definitely a more mature site.

Just as Orion said, if you have any questions, please feel free to hit us up with them! I'd be more than willing to help you with anything that you'd like to know about the site.