Beasts of Beyond
poppy petals [...] open - Printable Version

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poppy petals [...] open - cry - 03-20-2018

//no need to match muse

  Cry stared out into the snowy fields. Her dark silvery feathers ruffling in the cold, bitter wind. Her right wing was put into a cast, and she was sadly ground-bound until she healed. She turned around, attempting to preen the feathers on the cast wing. She blinked, trying to push her beak under the bandages. She huffed, too tight. She sighed, deciding to ignore the burning itch under the cast. She extended her wing, trying to soothe the burn. She pulled it back to her body, shivering in the cold.

  Birds were not made to be on the ground. She knew how to walk, but birds were not known for walking. She stood up, testing her broken and bruised legs. She had cold, brittle bones. It hurt to move. But... she would not sit around and be useless. She was going to help herself even if it killed her. The raven blinked as she rested her feet, taking a few steps forward. She had become stronger over the past few days, regaining her strength in her rest. How grateful she was that someone scooped her up and took her somewhere warm. She would never openly admit that, though. ... Was Jacob his name? She picked it up somewhere.

  She has noticed that many of the creatures here thought she was a feral animal. Her words were due to mimicry. If she kept up that facade, perhaps she could stay safer longer. She was in a mammal pack. Birds were not known for being the brightest during the transcendence of feral intelligence. They were often taken in as pets or hunted as food. She could peer down the line as far as she wanted to, at the end of it, she was not safe here.

  She stopped walking and retorted to hopping around this mammal camp, peering up at various npc's and different faces. She blinked owlishly, scanning each over, framing and wiring them into her memory. Cry would need to remember these faces if she were to enact a plan to keep her safe. If these were to be her 'family', she needed to be able to get under their skin and stay there. She shuddered. She was resorting to parasitism. What has her life come to?

  She bounded up to [the next player], tilting her head. She cawed softly before speaking out. Hello! She chirped. It was fairly unknown knowledge that ravens could mimic langauage, but she was proud to say her species was among the smartest of the aviary world. If she just stuck to mimicry, she would be safe. She had to stay safe. This was a game of survival. Her verus them. Who would break first, she wondered?


Re: poppy petals [...] open - JERSEYBOY - 03-21-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]Out of all things, Jerseyboy hadn't been expecting to hear a caw splitting through the atmosphere. He had seen many things, from big cats to wolves, but birds? For him, birds meant food. And Jerseyboy was always up for a meal.

He suddenly pricked his triangular ears, his gaze darting to the source of the greeting. It was a raven, standing there and looking up at him. He had... understood her. It was strange—the birds he saw usually spoke in some weird dialogue (or he caught them before they could even say anything). Predatorial instincts started to kick in, though, and his green eyes had narrowed into slits. He didn't drop into a hunting crouch or anything, as he wanted to act casual as not to startle her. "You from around here, Tweety Bird?" Jerseyboy asked, the tip of his tail twitching as he focused on the raven. Hm, she would make a nice snack. It wasn't too often that he caught and ate his own prey, but he was out in the wild now. No more getting his dinner from the bottom of dumpsters.

Re: poppy petals [...] open - jacob w.c. - 03-21-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob had been keeping a close eye on the little bird he'd found a few days ago. She seemed to be doing alright but it the cuts had been rather deep and it made him a little nervous that she was already up and running around again. Still, she didn't seem to want to talk much to him (or anyone, for that matter) so he supposed he couldn't really do much about it. He was sure that he'd heard her say something more than a few words when she'd come but he hadn't heard her speak at all since he'd helped patch her up. Perhaps it was because she reminded him of Blue, he still felt the need to look out for her. Not only that, but it was strange for a wild bird to stay in the same place like this. No, it couldn't all be a coincidence. He was sure there was more to her than what was obvious.

When he saw his big brother nearing the avian, the boy was quick to make his way over with a wide smile, looking down on Cry as she spoke. He noticed the way that Jersey eyed the creature and he felt his heart twist. He came forward as fast as he could, bending down so he could look at the bird at eye level. He personally didn't eat birds. After having one as a pet for such a long time, it just felt wrong. However, he was well aware that Jersey didn't have any rules like that and he wanted to make sure he didn't accidentally murder a sentient, free-thinking creature. "Oh! Yeah, I found 'er jus' a few days ago! See, I patched 'er up a li'l n' I think she's been gettin' better. I heard 'er say somethin' when she got 'ere but I 'aven't 'eard much from her since." He knew Jersey would think he was crazy for insisting the bird was anything but prey but Jacob had faith in what he believed he heard. He'd met a lot of birds before and this one was special, he was sure of it. If it turned out she wasn't... well, that'd be quite unfortunate and he was sure Jersey would never let him live it down. 