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PINCHER ROUX[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-105px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px; background:#90add5; text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:black; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]


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Re: ❝ voia este în tine ❞ —「 pincher roux 」 - PINCHER - 06-28-2018

i've got liquor in my system and cigars on my breath
FULLNAME | deniz tane delmar "pincher" roux dalca
BIRTH NAME | delmar by mother but was changed to deniz by father after seperation / only family members or close friends know his truth name
NICKNAMES | pinch / pin / pinchy / cher / denny / pinch the bitch / pincushion
NAME MEANING | "deniz" is a turkish given name meaning "sea".
NICKNAME MEANING | was pinched in the nose by a king crab as a child
SURNAME MEANING | old french pre 10th century word for "red"
SEX | male — he/him pronouns
SEXUAL ORIENTATION | bisexual biromantic
BIRTHDAY | march 17th, 2017
DEATH | june 20th, 2018
RESURRECTED | july 24th, 2018
ZODIAC SIGN | pisces
AGE | permanently 17 months [physically] — frozen aging
RESIDENCY | the typhoon / paradis island
RANKING | crewmate / pirate

— ic opinions/thoughts/comments only
— demigod of the rough ses
— head of the roux family
— smells of nicotine/sea salt/coconut
— prisoner to norse necks (water spirits)
— unable to be killed unless one finds his heart chest at the bottom of the ocean
— has a growing collection of rubber duckies (desires to collect them all)
— speaks 10 languages (mostly english/romainian/french)

MAIN BODY | central american jaguar — REFERENCE
storm gray fur / icy glacier blue eyes / white markings / aqua blue tattoos
Pincher's current body is a central american jaguar. The main color of his pelt is a very dark stormy gray fur that has small faint streaks of silver littering his form. His front and back paws are a milky ivory white as well as his neck/chest/stomach. His round velvety ears are pitch black while the fur within his ear is a bone white hue. His tail is longer than a regular jaguar's and the upper part of the tail is bathed in a long jet black streak while the midsection is the same dark cinder gray that covers most of his body while the bottom section of it is white like snow. A long black stripe that begins at the back of his head and ends at the base of his tail. His fur is rather short and sleek though his tail-tip has a cotton ball feel to it due to extra baby fluff. Pincher's body is brawny and robust, compact with muscles that had been formed out of the excessive training he had as a child and continues on his spare time. His shoulders sharp and broad, wide and are marked by a circular wave-like glowing tattoo that he received after his resurrection yet had appeared after his attempt to disobey his masters. Similar tattoos can be found on the lower part of his hind legs that he had received in his resurrection. Two hooked scars are marked right above the base of his tail and lay on his hip area, the scar can be found in both sides as well as the tattoos. On each side of his neck are three gills that had previously been scars that he had received from his father. His eyes are a brilliant swirling mix of various hues of blues thought it is mainly seen as a glacier icy blue hue. Right below his right eye are two small jagged scars he had received from his uncle. Beneth his eyes are glowing marking tattoos with the same blue hue like his other tattoos. His nose is a pale bubblegum color and so is his tongue. He can be found wearing a blue earring with gold flecks within earring that is connected to a crimson feather on is right ear. He has webbed paws and his blood color is a neon sea green color with specks of light blue due to bioluminescent plankton living inside him.

SECOND BODY | doberman (european/american mix) — REFERENCE
black fur / electric ice blue eyes / brown markings / aqua blue tattoos
pincher's main body is a massive well-built muscular doberman pinscher with intense everchanging blue eyes. he stands about 32 inches tall (2ft) and weight mixed with muscle and fat being 95 pounds (this is due to the enlargment of body due to the heavy changes when he was resurrected). he has a very sturdy stature and long limbs, hindlegs packed with lean muscles meant for heavy sprinting. the majority of his pelt is the color of onyx coal with small flecks of brown at the tips of certain hairs though hardly visible. he holds the usual brown markings that is a mix of both european/american doberman though holds a lighter shade of brown leaning towards doberman. his ears had been cropped leading them to be pointed and upright while his tail had been docked so it's short though a little fluffier than what is normally seen. pincher's facial frame is very smooth and sleek, offering the canine a classy look. his nose is pepper black and the inside of his ears are a mixed shade of light brown and pale pink. his eyes are a very unique shade of blue that tends to change from a range of deep cobalt blue to an intense arctic ice blue color. however, due to the pressure from the ocean level he had sunk, his eyes are now permanently bloodshot (the white of his eyes are now a ruby color). his pupils do not dilate so they always appear like thin tar black needles and have a small glow to them that is more prominent at night. below his right eye, pincher has two small jagged vertical scars while he has two curved hooked scars just above the base of his tail that can be seen from both sides. he has three gills on each side of his neck and vibrant luminescent aqua blue tattoos on the lower part of his hind legs. pincher can usually be seen wearing two specific accessories that being a black armband (in whatever front leg/it changes) that he uses to carry cigarettes and a switchblade while the other is a black earring that is connected to a scarlet red macaw feather that belonged to his first companion/pet. pincher has two prominent mutations that are a long forked salmon pink tongue and webbed paws.

cinnamon spotted fur / cyan blue eyes / white diamond / multiple scars
pincher is a cinnamon spotted bengal with vibrant lapis lazuli blue eyes. his body is larger than the average bengal, three inches taller than the standard height and heavier by ten pounds, his weight mainly based on muscle mass than fat mass. he holds intense broad shoulders and lean figure of strength, not exactly nimble nor bulky — just average. the pelt that covers his form is the color of french vanilla coffee with darker tones of brown splashed around the fur in rosettes and sprinkles of small spots. he has specific ivory white spotting on his fur, a diamond-shaped patch on his chest, his paws, and the underline fur of his tail. pincher's figure holds various scars that consist of the following: around nick in his right ear, two small jagged scars below his right eye, one faint cut on the right side of his lips, on each side of his neck, there are three jagged gill-like scars, and finally an old shark bite scar on his shoulder. he does not carry any specific accessories but does occasionally wear a small gold hoop earring.

INTJ ("The Architect") | SLYTHERIN | LAWFUL EVIL | A | B | C | D | E | F | G
The simplest way to explain Pincher's personality is that he's a businessman. Pincher is a hybrid of a charmer and a brute due to the training his father and uncle had forced him to develop instead of being able to figure out who he is as a being. So in reality, Pincher no longer is able to remember who he was as a child so instead he holds traits that mirror charm and ruthlessness that he was taught. Usually when one meets Pincher, they see a confident alluring aura and elegance that one can find in the wealthy class of society. He is eloquent with his words and what he has to say, smooth and perfect. He appears to be a rather private reserved being with his personal information, tending to evade questions or concerns in that area. He is considered incredibly intelligence in a cunning sly way due to his desire to always be three steps ahead of enemies. He appears cool-headed and suave, his temper tending to be more on the patient side. He has a honeyed tongue, able to win overs either through flirtation/seduction though when he doesn't get what he wants, he shows a darker side of him. He can be overcome with anxious nervousness when things do not go his way or frustration to the point that he disregards himself as pathetic or foolish. He can be demanding and possessive about what he has, his mind tending to be laced with greed. The most destructive trait of Pincher is that he can be swallowed by the desire for revenge. This blinds him and causes him to suddenly explode with rage and hatred, causing him to be reckless if pushed to the breaking point.
charismatic, disciplined, eloquent, hardworking, cunning, persuasive
deceptive, dominating, progressive, stylish, complex, businesslike
anxious, calculating, criminal, demanding, powerhungry, resentful

MOTHER | tamara
FATHER | archer aka "archie"
SIBLINGS | roxanne, rosemary, and vandal
CHILDREN | 10+ children
PAST CHILDREN | donovan & theo
FRIENDS | none
ENEMIES | none
✧・゚: * DENIZ "PINCHER" ROUX * :・゚✧

Re: ❝ voia este în tine ❞ —「 pincher roux 」 - PINCHER - 07-18-2018

[glow=black,2,300]DENIZ "PINCHER" ROUX[/glow]
tags — updated 02.16.19

name | deniz tane "pincher" wickliff corelone roux
deniz is a turkish given name meaning "sea" but goes by pincher
nicknames | pinch / pincushion / binch / pin / pinpin / cher
biological gender | cisgender male
he/him pronouns
birth date | march 17th, 2017 / pisces
age | 17 months (frozen aging)
clan | the typhoon
crewmate, ex-captain

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. thomas shelby from peaky blinders
voiceclaim. thomas shelby from peaky blinders
⋗ demigod of rough sea (main powers: water/air/electricity elementals)
⋗ servant to the norse water spirits / immortal yet can be injured
⋗ head of the roux family / recreated it and opened it up for adoptions
⋗ speaks 10 different languages / prominent ones are romanian/english/spanish
⋗ suffers from chronic headaches due to an unfully healed skull fracture
⋗ scent is a mixture of coconut oil/sea salt/cigarette smoke

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Pincher's current body is a central american jaguar. The main color of his pelt is a very dark stormy gray fur that has small faint streaks of silver littering his form. His front and back paws are a milky ivory white as well as his neck/chest/stomach. His round velvety ears are pitch black while the fur within his ear is a bone white hue. His tail is longer than a regular jaguar's and the upper part of the tail is bathed in a long jet black streak while the midsection is the same dark cinder gray that covers most of his body while the bottom section of it is white like snow. A long black stripe that begins at the back of his head and ends at the base of his tail. His fur is rather short and sleek though his tail-tip has a cotton ball feel to it due to extra baby fluff. Pincher's body is brawny and robust, compact with muscles that had been formed out of the excessive training he had as a child and continues on his spare time. His shoulders sharp and broad, wide and are marked by a circular wave-like glowing tattoo that he received after his resurrection yet had appeared after his attempt to disobey his masters. Similar tattoos can be found on the lower part of his hind legs that he had received in his resurrection. Two hooked scars are marked right above the base of his tail and lay on his hip area, the scar can be found in both sides as well as the tattoos. On each side of his neck are three gills that had previously been scars that he had received from his father. His eyes are a brilliant swirling mix of various hues of blues thought it is mainly seen as a glacier icy blue hue. Right below his right eye are two small jagged scars he had received from his uncle. Underneath both eyes are glowing tattoo markings as well. His nose is a pale bubblegum color and so is his tongue. He can be found wearing a blue earring with small flecks of gold that is connected to a crimson feather on is right ear. He has webbed paws and his blood color is a neon sea green color with specks of light blue due to bioluminescent plankton living inside him.
injuries | recently impaled by four spears in the chest

The simplest way to explain Pincher's personality is that he's a businessman. Pincher is a hybrid of a charmer and a brute due to the training his father and uncle had forced him to develop instead of being able to figure out who he is as a being. So in reality, Pincher no longer is able to remember who he was as a child so instead, he holds traits that mirror charm and ruthlessness that he was taught. Usually, when one meets Pincher, they see a confident alluring aura and elegance that one can find in the wealthy class of society. He is eloquent with his words and what he has to say, smooth and perfect. He appears to be a rather private reserved being with his personal information, tending to evade questions or concerns in that area. He is considered incredibly intelligence in a cunning sly way due to his desire to always be three steps ahead of enemies. He appears cool-headed and suave, his temper tending to be more on the patient side. He has a honeyed tongue, able to win overs either through flirtation/seduction though when he doesn't get what he wants, he shows a darker side of him. He can be overcome with anxious nervousness when things do not go his way or frustration to the point that he disregards himself as pathetic or foolish. He can be demanding and possessive about what he has, his mind tending to be laced with greed. The most destructive trait of Pincher is that he can be swallowed by the desire for revenge. This blinds him and causes him to suddenly explode with rage and hatred, causing him to be reckless if pushed to the breaking point. However, if a family member or a close friend personally hurts his feelings, he becomes cold and silent, refusing to speak or listen to them. He's an incredibly flawed creature that plays a facade of a perfect gentleman.
main personality traits.
charismatic, disciplined, eloquent, hardworking, cunning, persuasive
deceptive, dominating, progressive, stylish, complex, businesslike
anxious, calculating, criminal, demanding, power-hungry, resentful
disorders. general anxiety disorder (unmedicated)

parents | archer x tamara
siblings | rosemary, roxanne, and vandal
sexuality | bisexual biromantic
relationship status | single
friends | roxanne, vandal, solveig
enemies | none

physically && mentally | extreme physically / hard mentally
will not hesitate in killing & using self-defense
weapons | obsidian switchblade
excels at using his surroundings due to hitmen experience
mention [member=66]PINCHER[/member] or [member=64]Cheeters[/member] when attacking
underline in bolded black for attacks
powers | water/electricity/air elemental + teleportation + shapeshifting + intagibility + invisibility

Re: ❝ voia este în tine ❞ —「 pincher roux 」 - PINCHER - 07-23-2018

NAME deniz tane "pincher" roux
— goes by codename "pincher" during crime
SEX cisgender male (he/him pronouns)
SEXUALITY bisexual biromantic
AGE usually around late 20's/early 30's
BIRTHPLACE haiti (realistically) / paradis island (bob)
LOCATION las vegas/new york/beverly hills / paradis island (bob) / gang boss (both)
RACE romanian haitian / considered "mixed"
OCCUPATION businessman (realistically) / mayor / captain (bob)
PHYSICALITY due to being of mixed race, deniz has a very peculiar appearance that is unique to him. his hair is pitch onyx black with small stray strands of dark brown hairs and silver hairs due to stress in the sea of black. his hairstyle is an undercut on the sides while having a textured length at the top. his hair is usually textured with matte and pompade while usually having the fringe swept to the side (right usually). due to the heavy training and intense dieting that his father had forced him into, deniz naturally is muscular and lean, medium/heavy muscle build. he stands at 6'4 and weights 190 pounds. his body is littered with bullet and knife scars as well as various others. he does have multiple tattoos on his body, mainly on his arms/chest/back/hands. his skin tone is a light coffee brown color. his eyes are a brilliant shade of icy blue with small smecks of dark cobalt around his pupils.
— tattoos: a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i
OUTFITS Usually seen in fullon tuxedo/suits due to the constant business meetings he go to. However when casual, he will wear simple black/blue/white solid collared long sleeve shirts or tshirts. he does ocassionaly wear sweaters in colder weather as well as hoodies. his fashion tends to be very expensive and highly priced because he enjoys the feeling of wearing expensive clothes.
LIFESTYLE constantly busy with his growing business of cars and alcohol, can be heard of in the news/internet/tv. he is a single father of children and is considered a millionaire that lives in a large mansion in the beachside area. he owns a horse ranch as well as many other smaller things such as a gym/pool/etc. he has created orphanages and does try to give to the unfortunate because he can relate to living in the poor lower class. he can be found in rich fancy parties and banquets but is considered a very private person about his personal life. is the boss of an infamous criminal gang but has not been discovered due to having the police of his city in his payroll to protect his secret. has his own casino in las vegas and can be found drinking there and socializing with people that support his business.
i am made of salt and blood — you can never get enough


[glow=black,2,300]PINCHER'S TIMELINE
MARCH 17TH, 2017 — birth
MARCH 18TH/MAY 25TH, 2017 — resided happily with his mother & father in paradis island
MAY 31ST, 2017 — after typhoon incident, father took him away from the island
JUNE-SEPTEMBER 2017 — spent four months being trained by his father & uncle
OCTOBER 1ST, 2017 — met a girl named theodosia and fell in love (7 months)
DECEMBER 25th, 2017 — married theodosia and stepped away from his hitman job
JANUARY 21ST, 2018 — firstborn sons theo and donovan were born
MARCH 16TH, 2018 — theo and donovan were killed and theodosia left him
MARCH 20TH, 2018 — returned to his father's gang and began to kill
MARCH 29TH, 2018 — found out the truth and killed his father and took over the gang
APRIL 01ST, 2018 — connected his crew with the tribe of the island to make the typhoon
APRIL 13TH, 2018 — first met jacob and began to harbor unknown romantic feelings
APRIL 21ST, 2018 — goldenluxury and coldblue were born
JUNE 20TH, 2018 — died from bleeding out of a chest wound from a spear being impaled into him
JUNE 24TH, 2018 — returned to the typhoon, resurrected as a demigod of the rough seas
JULY 18TH, 2018 — was proposed by jacob for marriage and accepted
to be continued


[glow=black,2,300]ART / GRAPHICS FOR PINCHER

art by me:
art by megiji:
art by spacexual:
art by temorary:



criminal mastermind




[glow=black,2,300][b]PINCHER'S AESTHETICS
[Image: uWBqCRn.jpg]


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business man | that's all you need to know
do not contact me unless you are serious about shit
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