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It was bound to happen. He knew that he had run out of time a long time ago. He didn't know how long he had ended up running. It had been such a nice day as well when everything went down. He had experienced what it was like to fly on someone's back. Argus taking him up into the sky and over the Ascendants territory where they would ultimately land. He had noticed that there was something wrong with the female and asked if her wings were okay. He wasn't exactly heavy when in comparison to other animals, but any weight on light wings that were structured like that of a bird were means of concern for anyone. Argus didn't end up answering him by the time that the massive Hellhound that ended up becoming his bodyguard appeared. The assassin didn't really think much about Mike, and the only reason why he didn't like the canine being around him because he felt like he was missing something that should have been incredibly obvious by this point. The wildcat didn't really have a reason to think that his family had used the beast to try and spy on him, and instead he thought that the creature was just following orders and that there was nothing that the assassin could do to deter him from them. Killua wasn't about to kill something that he had grown up with though, and just decided to leave the being be unless the other created some trouble for him and his friends. And family. Was that even the right words to use? He wasn't even sure, and so he would keep those words distant in the back of his mind. It had been whatever he wanted obviously, and he was going to do everything in his power to keep his family away from them. That was his job and the only one that mattered right now. Of course, his family had to ruin everything, the cause of the headaches that he had been given were obvious. Killua hadn't realized what he should be doing at first and simply stared at the brother that had caused him so much pain. Killua was only afraid of two things in his entire life. Someone could be beating him to the inch of his life and he wouldn't be afraid. His brother though was an entirely different story. The large wildcat had beat him to the point where he nearly died, taking out his metal claws and everything the last time that they saw each other. He knew by now that his family must be pissed off past reconciliation so he doubted that he would be treated with any sort of kindness. As soon as Killua began to react negatively toward his older brother being there, Argus immediately stepped into action. But instead of lunging at Illumi, the canine had lunged at Killua.

The albino serval didn't know whether or not she was actually trying to attack him, while in actuality she was trying to help him. Instinctively he had moved out of the way, and Illumi caught on to what the female was trying to do. At the same time, he was quick to order the massive hellhound to attack the two of them to keep something from being removed from himself. He couldn't fight his brother. He knew exactly how that would end up. He was terrified. Not only for himself but also for Argus, who he had ended up roping her into his family problems from basically the very beginning. Thanks to the massive pieces of debris that the Hellhound and ended up throwing around, they had managed to escape. But Killua didn't exactly come out unscathed, and they had to run a decent distance to make sure that they were safe, and then they parted ways. Killua landed hard on the ground. The ground that was partially covered in snow and grass. He didn't really recognize where he was, but he was able to gather the intel that he needed, and that was that Snowbound had moved to a new territory in the end. He didn't care if they moved or not, it was better for him. "FUCK". Killua nearly screamed as he crumpled down onto the ground in a crumpled and bloody mess when he teleported a little bit of a distance away from Snowbound camp. The sounds of moving and cracking bones could also be heard. It took him several moments of just laying there as his blood drained into the earth to actually move into a slight standing position. "Fuck." Killua would snarl again as he clenched his jaws. He was usually great when it came to not feeling much pain. He had a high pain tolerance but for something like this? It was incredibly difficult for the albino serval to breath. He dug his metal claws into the dirt in an attempt to steady himself, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth. "This fucking hurts." Killua this time would mostly mutter to himself as he looked down at his right arm. It was completely crooked. Which had been the arm that had been previously injured during his night terror. But instead of flesh missing, the bone was sticking out in an awkward angle in the middle of his arm. A small bit of bone was exposed, but it wouldn't be extensive enough to let him bleed to death. His jaw had ended up getting dislocated in the fight, but he had managed to set it back into place. Having his jaw dislocated sounded fairly familiar to him for whatever reason. The reason why it hurt for him to breath, was that his older brother had managed to break a couple of his ribs. His breathing coming out as a wheeze. A pained look was spread across his features. He obviously hadn't eaten in a good amount of time, but it didn't seem like he had been captured or tortured in any way. That had to be a plus. Right? The former deputy would remain standing there, trying to must up the courage to put his bone back into his body. He was so tired. Not only that, he was terrified. Illumi knew where he was. There was no stopping him
snowbound -- padfoot -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: THE SECRETS AND LIES | {OPEN, RETURN, INJURIES} - melantha - 06-21-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Like a shark, Melantha is drawn to the scent of blood. It is nearly impossible to resist the urge to investigate; every predatory instinct within her slight frame compels her to track down the source of the decadent fragrance. Powerful muscles tense, flexing as the elegant predator rises to her paws before nimbly leaping from the roof upon which she enjoyed lounging upon. Weathered wood groans in protest beneath her weight, and seems to sigh in relief as calloused paws touch down upon the gravel below. Melantha pauses, angular skull shifting as she breathes in the air. Parting her deadly jaws, the wildcat tastes the air, using the olfactory sensors on the roof of her mouth to better pinpoint the origin of the sense-datum. South. No, southeast. Mel launches into action.

Although plain compared to some of the more extravagant residents of Snowbound, Mel can be considered beautiful in her own, normal way. At the very least, it is clear that she takes care of herself from the healthy sheen of her coat and those bright olive eyes which are sensitive to even the slightest of details. Lithe muscles ripple beneath a pelt of spun gold, shining like a sea of wheat swaying beneath the golden eye of the sun. In a matter of seconds, the solitary predator accelerates from a standstill to breakneck speed, nimbly navigating a natural obstacle course of lichen-covered boulders jutting from the earth and a growing abundance of foliage the further south she traveled. Melantha cannot talk to people. She struggles to relate to others and make connections. But she can hunt, and she knows these lands like the back of her own paw. If nothing else, she can exceed in this area.

Her muscles burn from the exertion, lungs straining to compensate for the extra oxygen used from all the sprinting. Her body wants to stop, to slow down, but Melantha knows she is close. She can smell it. The blood. The deep, metallic stench of crimson permeating the air. It awakens her senses, makes her feel alive. But Mel ignores the primal urges, instead focusing on slowing her pace and paying closer attention to her surroundings. Dim sunlight streams through the emerald needles of the evergreens, decorating the forest floor below in oddly-shaped slats of light. Nightfall approaches fast. As the young huntress begins to investigate, she is made aware of a familiar scent. One she has not detected in a considerable amount of time. "Killua?" whispers the wildcat into the rapidly growing darkness, slinking cautiously through the trees. Copper and iron fill the air, nearly making it hard to breathe. He must be injured. She needs to hurry.

Melantha's fears are recognized when she leaps atop a boulder, immediately laying eyes upon the serval's broken figure. "Shit," she curses, quickly making her way over to him. "Killua, hey, can you hear me?" The mountain lioness crouches beside her friend(?), resisting the urge to touch him for fear of startling the male and feeling the clod bite of his metal claws raking across her face. She distinctly remembers the last time she found him in a state like this--he was in a daze and unresponsive although he was conscious. And then he lashed out at her. She is hesitant to make the same mistake again.

Re: THE SECRETS AND LIES | {OPEN, RETURN, INJURIES} - Character Graveyard. - 06-21-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Like Melantha, Natasha had been drawn to the scene by the smell of blood. The she-wolf had ran towards the smell, her muscles rippling as she ran. Due to years of building up her stamina and training non-stop, Natasha could run long distances before stopping. The female had noticed Melantha sprinting some ways in front of her so she followed.

Alarm and concern could be seen in the female's eyes as she came across an injured Killua and a worried Mel. She would slowly walk around the young male, studying his wounds. "One of his bones is sticking out from his leg." She said to herself, before moving on. "Bleeding from the mouth, possible broken or dislocated jaw. Wheezing, maybe a few broken ribs."

The ex-assassin would shake her head and speak in a calm voice to the serval. "Killua, don't try to put your bone back where it belongs. You could risk hurting yourself more."
© madi


Izuku was getting tired of all of the injuries and sickness lately. I mean -- it wasn't anybody here's fault, but Izuku was getting to the point he was going to pick a fight with whoever the fuck was causing all of this. And, safety be damned, Izuku was going to do it. They didn't have any herbs in stock right now! I mean ... well, Izuku had some leftover stuff in his personal stock, but it was mostly ointments and dry stuff that he was basically out of. Which was frustrating. He wanted to go and restock, but if Izuku went literally anywhere at this point he was going to kill his leg.
Still, like everyone else, Izuku is drawn to the scent of blood. It was just how he was -- not out of instincts of anything, but just plain worry. Who was hurt? How could Izuku help? Could he help? And when he arrives -- oh. There's Killua, who's been absent as lately, and Izuku is already extremely put off and maybe a little nauseous from the blood. It wasn't a ton, but the leg ... bones. Izuku doesn't know how to fix that!! How do you put a bone back in a leg? Where was Jacob? Izuku's face is one of distress as he moves to stand in front of the serval. Why was Killua standing? Where was Jacob? Izuku could try and deal with this if the husky doesn't show up or if they can't find him, but Izuku doesn't want to!! What if he messes up! Izuku doesn't want to set it wrong!
"Wh -- Where's Jacob?" Izuku demands, even as he's set on figuring out how to go about this at all. Killua was strong, wasn't he? What'd happened? The Maine Coon is shaky. A splint? They'd need a splint of some kind. But what do you use for splints? How would he get the bone back in anyways? So many questions, absolutely no answers. Good god Izuku never knew the right herbs or steps when he really needed them, and by that Izuku means he hadn't put a ton of research into broken legs or anything because of bad memories, and he's paying for it, just like he does with everything else. "I, uh -- I don't know what to do," Izuku says, voice small and maybe a little shaky. They were probably questioning why he wasn't doing anything, since he was the Tenderfoot, but that's all Izuku was. A Tenderfoot. In training. He didn't know everything. Like .. he knew enough, but that was it.
what was i worth


The Zoldyck family never really got along with one another. When a family in itself is raised in the means of business, it simply meant that nothing good was probably going to come of it. Sure, they were successively and had a large amount of wealth to their name, but other than that they were an extremely dysfunctional family. One that was extremely lethal and if they weren't forced to follow the rules there would probably be Zoldyck members that were actually dead. They weren't allowed to kill one another. That was one of the rules. Killua knew that Illumi wouldn't try to kill him, but that didn't mean that he wasn't afraid of what his brother could do. There were plenty of worse things than death itself after all. The young assassin had no reason to trust any of his family after all the lies that they told the rest of the family. They said that they were always doing what was for the best of him, and that sure turned out to work well for them after he nearly killed his mother and his other brother Milluki when he escaped the damned house that they had locked him in. Being in the field that they were in, it was common to lie in order to get ones way. Killua wasn't exactly sure what could be considered truth and what could be considered to be a lie, as there was never really telling. Unless it dealt with business, then they wouldn't lie to each other because they had some form of pride that would keep them from doing that. Killua was the same as he would never lie when it came to him making a deal with someone, because if he was making a deal, he really did want it to go through completely. Killua was an extremely strong fighter, and the only methods as to how he had gotten injured while he was in the clans up to this point had been himself doing it. No clanner had managed to inflict injury to the likes of him, and he was stubborn enough to always make sure that he was capable of defending himself and making sure that others knew how strong he was compared to them.

He was just a kid, but he had been forced at a young age to grow up fairly quickly. Quick to the point that he basically didn't have a childhood and all he ever had was training. Most animals had a great sense of smell compared to that of humans. Felidae species were fairly decent when it came to tracking down scents and memorizing them, but since their muzzles were shorter than the likes of a dog, dogs were much better at finding scents. Killua had been out of the loop when it came to the aspect of snowbound. Who was even living here anymore? Was London safe? When was the last time that he had seen his friend anyway? He couldn't remember because he had been fearing for his life for basically the entire month. Something that no one else knew about, except for maybe Stark and London because they knew about his family. Stark having seen Killua once before in much worse condition than he was in right now. This just meant that Killua knew that others would end up hearing him. He just sure as hell hoped that he was actually in the right spot and not in a clan that had taken over another part of the territory. He had teleported her though, so he had at least that going for him. His voice had been loud enough to let others realize his presence, and if he really needed to he could send out a telepathic message in a wide radius. A power that he hadn't used in a very long time. The pain around his forehead was pounding from his experience with Illumi. The bastard had done something to him that he didn't even know about. He was exhausted. He was tired. For once in his life, he actually did want to sleep, not fearing the pain of his nightmares that would most likely plague his head. He just needed something to go his way instead of his goals being trampled all of the time. The serval wasn't completely out of it not to hear someone approaching him though. The massive ears that belonged to only that of a serval perked themselves up and turned themselves in the direction where he heard light pawsteps. Familiar. Although faint. He slowly raised his head from where he was standing to look at Melantha. She was still around? Well that was some damn good luck. He wasn't going to admit it, but it was a relief to see her again. Killua could barely raise his head to look up at Melantha.

Being a cougar meant that she was already bigger than he was. Great. The side of his mouth curved a little before he talked. "I may be broken, but don't count me being deaf." Killua would say, his voice rasping. Sounding as if his throat was raw from constantly screaming. He could deal with pains, but he hadn't had to deal with a broken back in a while. At least his brother hadn't destroyed his back legs. His sapphire blue eyes though seemed to be filled with different emotions. Emotions that he wasn't willing to convey across his face at the moment. Then another familiar face decided to make themselves known. Natasha. Killua had been keeping an eye on the female when she first joined the group. Figuring out the vibe that she gave off that wasn't exactly innocent. He hadn't interacted with the female in a while, and the muscles around his shoulders tensed as the female neared him. He didn't rust her, even though she didn't give him anything to distrust her about. It was just instinct for him to be wary around those that were similar to him. His right arm moved slightly as he adjusted with the way that he was standing, and a low wheeze escaped his jaws when the other was able to figure out his injuries in a matter of seconds. "Well... you're observant." Killua would state in his raspy voice. The other told him not to set his leg, which he didn't really plan on doing it, but if he didn't get his bone back into his body it was going to be a pain for it to heal back up again. "Right on both accounts anyway." Killua would finally admit to the wolf, before more familiar pawsteps made his way toward him. A familiar green figure was obvious against the small patches of snow. But there was obviously something different about the male. His sapphire eyes traveled to the others heavily injured leg. When had that happened? Obviously when he had been running away, but that was far from his concern right now. The other seemed concerned and didn't know what to do. Well.... that wasn't great. He couldn't exactly go and run to get Jacob in the first place. The albino serval's legs began to shake, and he laid himself down slowly onto the ground so he wouldn't just collapse and make his injuries worse. Even when he was talking, the serval was panting quite heavily, but there wasn't an expression of pain on his face. "Nice to see ya green apple." Killua would tease the other with a tired expression, before a hoarse cough escaped his jaws, splattering the blood that had been in his mouth onto the ground. A pained wheeze soon emitted after. "I need... I need you to get two sticks and rope. I can't... conjure anything right now." Killua would instruct to the Tenderfoot trainee. He was going to instruct the other what to do. He had set in his own bones in before. But during that time he had x-ray vision. Which was a power he currently didn't have right now.
snowbound -- padfoot -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:



Re: THE SECRETS AND LIES | {OPEN, RETURN, INJURIES} - jacob w.c. - 06-28-2018

//i'm so so sorry to ask sorrel but could you give me a quick summary of killua's injuries and whatnot so i can have jake jump in? I'm having issues with my glasses' lens rn and my eyes can't focus on smaller text on my computer screen so i'm having some trouble reading your fancy