Beasts of Beyond
sunshine riptide — intro - Printable Version

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sunshine riptide — intro - Amaranth - 03-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Amaranth seemed to have joined the Typhoon and the Voodoo House simultaneously, but she wasn't the most obvious member; for now she was keeping to herself, trying to make a good impression. But if she was going to keep to herself, she might as well make herself at home.

She'd picked a spot near the beach where the ground beneath her feet was soft, but not loose as much as the sand she'd walked through to find the particular spot; barely shaded by the palms above her head, but the ground beneath her feet was nutritious with basalt from eruptions millennia ago. She gathered some of the rich soil into some bags to take back to camp, but for now, she cordoned off the area, and started to plant, digging her paws into the soil; and it was odd, if anything, to see such a pale, angelic-looking caraval getting her paws dirty, but... "This is going to be perfect." and if she put all the effort she could into it, it would be.

[ oof just,, trying to run this off of what info we have so far for the typhoon, hope it's okay ;v; ]

Re: sunshine riptide — intro - Verdigris - 03-20-2018

  /looks fine to me ^^

  It seemed that quite a few of the Typhoon's members mostly kept to themselves; he had yet to meet several of them, despite having spent a few days on the beaches already. While his inner nature tended towards being a loner, he had always trained and fought at the side of a group. That may not have ended well back in the desert, but one failure wasn't a reason to completely discard an approach, no matter how devastating that failure had been. More likely than not, he was going to have to assemble a squad again, or at least learn to work with the denizens of the Typhoon.

  Noticing the caraval digging through the volcanic soil, however, his inclination was not to introduce himself, but rather to ask questions. It was almost certainly an attempt to "plant" something, or whatever the process was called, but he still didn't quite get the reasoning behind it. All of the nutrients that they needed to survive could be garnered from hunting prey, and they could always steal herbs and other healing supplies from other groups, or find them out in the wild.

  "Uh, you're planting, correct?" the jackal asked, approaching the caraval and standing a few paw-lengths to her right. She seemed quiet, so maintaining this distance would probably allow him to hear what she was saying without accidentally harming his ruptured eardrum. After a moment, he added, "What are you planting?"

Re: sunshine riptide — intro - vellichor - 03-21-2018

Daphne was out for a walk- no, a flight... was that what it'd be called? She supposed so. She was out flying, trying to understand her new body and adjust to the feeling of propelling herself through the air. She thought it was fascinating how easily the movement had come to her. When she was young (well, when any human was young, really), she'd struggled with learning how to run and jump and walk but here she was able to fly without a second thought. She'd seen the motion plenty of times and she'd moved through many different realms in this body so maybe that had something to do with it. In any case, she was happy she could skip the uncomfortable stage of learning new things given she'd be moving about at an incredibly slow pace if she didn't know how to fly. From her height, she noticed a strange white creature digging around and began to descend, observing the actions quietly for a moment. In her previous life, she'd done an awful lot of planting prior to arriving in the Otherworld. Her family had owned a farm and it'd been out of necessity. She loved it but, being the youngest, she was only ever trusted with a small section. When she'd gone to the Otherworld, none of that had been necessary anymore but she'd still kept a few plants in her room at all times. She didn't have anything to connect her to her true home so it'd been a comfort to care for such things so tenderly, even if it was technically a job meant only for the Guardians. "Would you like any help? I know quite a bit about gardening, though it looks like you've got it under control. I'm Daphne, by the way. I don't think we've met," the girl greeted.