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bedroom hymns ❁ open, ascendants ambassadors - Printable Version

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bedroom hymns ❁ open, ascendants ambassadors - Margaery - 06-20-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
As soon as sunlight gave way to shadow and the pleasant smell of evergreen and pine was replaced by the less than enjoyable scent of swamp, Margaery knew that they had all but arrived. She would pause to permit her copper gaze to idly scan the murk that spread before them, nothing but a faint remnant of intrigue dancing upon her features. Like last time, Margaery felt that strange feeling of home call out to her, tugging on her ancient soul and whispering promises of comfort into her perked ears. She ignored it though, forcing herself to maintain her as-always charming composure. They were allies yes, but the last time she and Suiteheart had visited had proved to be rather interesting.

Glancing briefly at her wife, the Lunar Lieutenant would clear her throat. [color=#b14767]"Ascendants ambassadors here!" She called out, [color=#b14767]"We have gifts!" Because what was a first visit from ambassadors without gifts? As terrible as the Tanglewood reputation might be, she had learned rather early on that it did not even begin to do them justice. If anything, they were simply a reclusive family who occupied a far different terrain than any of the other groups. Nobody could really fault them for that.

[color=#b14767]"I'm Margaery," She decided to quickly add on, [color=#b14767]"And this is Suiteheart."

Re: bedroom hymns ❁ open, ascendants ambassadors - Suiteheart - 06-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Unlike her wife, Suiteheart did not feel at home here. Perhaps her soul was drawn to the dark, coolness of this place, but she herself was not a true fan. The only time she felt truly drawn to any place was when the duo had traveled to Snowbound. The freezing temperatures, the lazily falling snow, and the warm faces that greeted them screamed of their former home, and it had taken all her strength to leave that place and return to the Ascendants. The Ascendants was home too: wide, grassy fields, oceans, abandoned ruins. Tanglewood held none of these things for her. She supposed that, in time, she would grow to enjoy this place. Being an ambassador was like working with strange magic.

The Ecliptic Admiral had shifted into a polar bear to better carry their basket of goodies. There were so many odds and ends inside that Suiteheart had almost forgotten everything. She knew there were various flowers and herbs. There were seashells from Pebble Coast, three books on all things space from one of the abandoned rooms, and an assortment of different gemstones. A few bracelets were tucked inside the large basket as well. To top everything off, there were several bottles of water from Starpool: cool, refreshing, and different than any other water she had ever tasted. Maybe it would be enjoyed here. 

Shifting backing into the body of a white feline after she sat the basket down, Suite let her eyes scan the area. They would be arriving any minute, she knew. Pressing herself gently into Margaery, she let her signature half-grin form on her lips. Maybe this would be fun.

Re: bedroom hymns ❁ open, ascendants ambassadors - Luciferr - 06-21-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

/heyo guys! :3

"Fenrisulfr Grimm, greetings and thank you for the gifts" War called as he made his way over to the two - dwarfing them by seemingly miles but then the large beast was used to being larger than near everyone, only his father as he could recall seemed taller - the regent dipped his head to the two cats - Margaery and Suiteheart - before raising his head again, now mismatched eyes of silverine-blue and baleful red set in black peering at the gifts curiously before moving back to them.

"I trust you and yours are faring well?" considering the passing of their leader before - a funeral he had attended alongside Morgan and Amunet - he did wish their newfound allies the best whilst also somewhat relieved that becK had been open to having at least even one tenuous alliance - it meant one less threat stacked against them rather than all three other clans despising them.

/short bc iPad.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: bedroom hymns ❁ open, ascendants ambassadors - COSMIIX - 06-21-2018

Ah yes, now that her leg would doing much better she would be sure of getting the Ascendants their own gifts. The jaguaress would walk over with both her ears angled forward only to offer a polite nod of her cranium to the pair, she would stand next to Fenrisulfr letting her fur brush against his warm scales before speaking with a dip of her cranium "I hope the both of you had a safe trip," She spoke with a smile on her face adding "Thank you both for the gifts." Amunet sat down,curling her fluffy tail around her forepaws listening as Fenrisulfr asked them of how they were doing, she was quite curious and much like Fen, happy that they finally had an alliance. A reclusive family? Yes, that sounded just about right to her and she didn't know how else to describe her beloved Tanglewood. She made a mental note of going to visit the Ascendants with her own basket of goodies.
© madi

Re: bedroom hymns ❁ open, ascendants ambassadors - Morgan - 06-22-2018

Morgan pranced over to the gathering, his mask already off. Recognizing the auras of everyone present, he wanted to do his best to appear harmless. Stopping at Fenrisulfr's side, he said, "Hi again, welcome back. Thanks very much for your gifts." The visiting ambassadors were more than welcome in the samoyed's eyes; he remembered that they both seemed fair enough to give him a chance around Starrynight's memorial.

The cream dog's tail wagged as he approached the gift basket, sniffing at the flowers inside. His eyes widened as he examined the gemstones and water. "You really want us to have these?" Morgan's excitement was palpable as he swished the water around in the little bottles.

Slowing his breathing, he pulled a stream of crushed gemstone-filled water from one of his bracers, guiding it into a ring around the visitors. The samoyed smiled as he breathed out, the liquid changing into a light, glittery, and clean mist which spread out into the air. He had not expected the visit at all, so he hoped the calming show would work as repayment to some degree. "I will have to find things to give you both in return next time."