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echoes of an old life || open, return - Printable Version

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echoes of an old life || open, return - Sympathy - 06-20-2018

kratos — male — snowbound — hard
Kratos was not one to stick around in one place for too long. Every once in a while, he got an urge to explore, as childish and mundane it may be. It was something that he couldn't help- as much as he would have wanted. The last anyone had seen of the large battle worn bear was him lumbering off into a blizzard going to only Gods knew where. There was no note. No goodbye. No heartfelt words of missing. He was just gone. The first time he did come back, it was to the caverns where Snowbound had originally made it's home. The place had been deserted- abandoned; and for a split second, Kratos could almost see the reflection of a burning town, it's citizens dying one by one. And then he blinked. And it was gone, replaced by an empty expanse of white. It didn't take long for him to note that the clan hadn't been wiped out. No- they left on their own accord. He made a trip to his old den, retrieving several items of possession that thankfully went untouched by anything except the frost. It wasn't long before he set off once again. The journey had been long, as with all journeys across a frozen tundra. He had followed the stale scent of the other Snowbounders fine enough. And in the distance, cold eyes spotted it- a small village where he could faintly hear the hustle and bustle of life. It almost made him a bit excited in a way.

The bear approached the village roughly an hour later, on his back, a dead reindeer, still bleeding from a deep gash in it's neck and staining Kratos's ashen coat a deep red. The blades in his pack burned hot, offering an uncomfortable warmth. The bear would say nothing as he approached the outskirts of the town and waited, eyes focusing ahead of him.

Re: echoes of an old life || open, return - Cheeters - 06-20-2018

Levi liked living in Snowbound, the everlasting snow something he found comfort in. Perhaps it was because it contradicted the previous lifestyle he had struggled surviving in, the large piles of dirt and the scent of rot always filling his nose. It was not something that he enjoyed remembering so most of the dark memories that echoed in his head were faded, almost forgotten but still clinging to him like a disease. The tiny child was somewhere nearby when he heard heavy footsteps, his silky pitch black paws softly brushing off some frosty dirt off a tiny statue he had found laying on the ground. His bright battleship gray eyes flickered away from the wooden statue to catch sight of a peculiar creature that he had never seen before. A bear. One that was covered in ash and unusual tattoos that caused Leviathan's eyes to slowly widen as he rose from his sitting position to an upright one, paws softly crunching against the snow. "Woah..." he breathed, his voice filled with awe.

The undersized japanese bobtail then took a few bounds towards Kratos, soft ears pricked with attentiveness though they briefly flattened against his skull when he noticed the crimson blood that trickled onto the snow, staining its porcelain appearance. He halted in front of the towering bear, the runt craning his head back to lock his bullet gray gaze onto the stoic expression of Kratos. What was he supposed to do again? Was he supposed to question? Raising a paw to fix his white cravat, Levi stated loudly "Uh, who are you? Where'd you come from? Why are you here?" He guessed the deer was some sort of gift to Snowbound but Levi was never too sure as he thought that Kratos might be an enemy. The thought caused his semi-long obsidian fur to bristle as he waited for a response from the massive bear.

Re: echoes of an old life || open, return - Sympathy - 06-20-2018

kratos — male — snowbound — hard
He almost didn't see Levi, what with how tiny the child was. He was lucky that the kid had spoken up, lest he decided to keep walking and step on him. Kratos looked down at Levi, eyes widening just a bit. This one was new. Maybe one of the others' children perhaps? Kratos shrugged off the dead reindeer, letting it fall to the ground next to him with a dull thump, droplets of blood staining the ground. "Kratos. I lived here once. I return with food." he answered, motioning to the carcass with a large paw. There wasn't really much else to say. The boy was mighty curious though, wasn't he?

Re: echoes of an old life || open, return - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
//Retro oneshot

Like Levi, Atbash found comfort in the snowy landscape that Snowbound made their home in. It somewhat reminded her of her old home, which was cold and dark all the time. It wasn't full of snow by any means, but the cold was comforting. And also like Levi, heavy pawsteps was what attracted the Flurryhost to the scene, in addition to the smell of blood. Atbash's eyes were wide with awe as she stared at the reindeer Kratos had caught. "Oh, wow, that's amazing!" She chirped. "And, uh, welcome back!" She looked up at the bear now. "My name's Atbash Cipher. I'm one of the Flurryhosts here."
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: echoes of an old life || open, return - Character Graveyard. - 06-21-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Similar to Atbash and Levi, Natasha found comfort in Snowbound's cold territory. It reminded her of the cold landscape of Russia, the place where she had grown up. The smell of a freshly-killed carcass had brought the female walking over, a look of awe at the large reindeer that Kratos had caught.

"Welcome back." She said, glancing up at the large male. "Natasha, if you don't remember."
© madi