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let's play a game. - Printable Version

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let's play a game. - dreamiplier - 06-20-2018

random cough and clearing of the throat ah, welcome! it seems to you have stumbled onto this thread for a fun game! welcome to... insert gameshow host voice here "HOW LONG CAN DREAM KEEP AN AVATAR FOR?"
as you can tell, i change my avatar very often, every day or every other day or so. well, i'm here to see how long i can keep my avatar for!
you may be wondering what the purpose of this thread is for. well, it's for my to update on a daily basis how much or how little i wanna change my avatar! it's basically like a journal... but for everyone to see. hmm. oh well.
BUT!! i believe it is time to start the game. i will be doing this for ALL OF MY ACTIVE CHARACTERS: [member=465]wren basil[/member] & [member=866]friday aaro[/member] as well. lET THE GAMES BEGIN!

Re: let's play a game. - Kicksie - 06-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]huh... i'm curious to see how this turns out
you go through more avatar changes than anyone else i know lol xD

Re: let's play a game. - upieces - 06-20-2018

you'll be posting every day "i wanna change my avatar"

Re: let's play a game. - dreamiplier - 06-20-2018

[member=28]upieces[/member] shit you right though

[member=9]kicksie[/member] LMAO TBH
i'll probably fail but it's okay

Re: let's play a game. - Orion - 06-20-2018

i'll give you a dollar if you can keep the same avatar for a month straight.

Re: let's play a game. - dreamiplier - 06-20-2018

pfft you know i can't do that
i think i deserve one gem if i can do it for two days tbh

&& DAY ONE: i already want to change my avatar. the temptations are strong, but i will suffer because i really love this gif lmao

Re: let's play a game. - dreamiplier - 06-21-2018

i changed it already
this didn't last as long as i thought

watching new videos and going onto tumblr to find gifs is not a good idea

Re: let's play a game. - galexiux - 06-21-2018

yknow what ill add to that wager. If you can keep your avatar the same for a month ill make you an animated page doll of any character you want (ferals only cuz i suck at anything else sorry)

Re: let's play a game. - tricky - 06-21-2018

if you can keep the same avatar for a month i'll never critic your boy band again but it looks like you already failed

Re: let's play a game. - Imortapose - 06-21-2018

If you keep thr same avatar for a month straight, I'll give you a nice pat on the back. Smile