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SINGUR — DEATH - Printable Version

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SINGUR — DEATH - PINCHER - 06-20-2018

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SINGURromanian: alone | Deniz was a dreamer. Had always been since the day he was born. Or so he thought. Unlike many who allowed themselves to decide on who they should become in the ways of life, the male had never been provided the opportunity to test out the waters from the side of life that was considered "good". He had once held a vision, a desire to become something definite in this world, to leave his mark with a good fortune by his side. A mapmaker. One that would travel all over the globe to sketch out the geography that he adored. The various environment that he would seek knowledge from and gain awareness of what was in this world was something that little Deniz had always craved to fulfill. But destiny was not always kind to its inhabitants. Instead, Deniz was shoved into the arms of his power-hungry father and manipulative uncle, their milk-white fangs glinting in the sun as they both laughed at Deniz when he admitted what he had wanted to be.

A mapmaker, Deniz?! Is that really what you fuckin' want in life?

And they were right. It was low for him to only think that this would satisfy him. They were right. He needed to do more, make something out of this shell that he was. That's what they told him. And they were right. Again. And again. They were always right, isn't that what adults told you when you were to seek wisdom? That they held more experiences than you could ever imagine and that you should listen to their wise words that drawled out of their drooling mouths while they stumbled around drunk and wasted? So, that's what he did. He absorbed every thought, every shred of "advise" that he could from his father and uncle as the twin criminals slowly deteriorated whatever Deniz behaved or acted as a child. No longer was there a Deniz in their gang but a Pincher, a hybrid. A creature built out of parts that did not belong to him, a monster. Before Pincher could even reach the realization of what his identity was now, he had already carved out multiple innocent lives from Earth. His paws were no longer the dirt brown but scarlet, splattered with the pain that he had bestowed on enemies that threatened to get in his way. And did Pincher feel remorse? Guilt? Regret? Deniz would have. Pincher did not.

As the cool night fell upon the rich tropical island that the Typhoon lived, the man of the hour was in bed, resting. Twisting and turning, the fever that contaminated his body not allowing him to relax, the pain burning and draining him of whatever energy he had after the fight in Snowbound against the humans that had temporarily deprived Typhoon's ally without a home. As he writhed around in his bed, Pincher came to a sudden realization. Even in his subconsciousness, he could feel someone observing him. Pincher was no fool. He knew when an ominous event lingered over him before striking its teeth and leaving a mark on his skin. However, this was no longer case of being predictable to the worst possibilities that the future was offering. It was the truth staring down at him with hollow eyes and paper lips parting to whisper a single sentence.

You're going to die

Pincher's body stiffened as he was dragged out of his subconsciousness by the message, his vibrant electric blue eyes snapping open to stare at the empty ceiling of the submarine, the metal scars that marked the submarine's quarters mostly due to him throwing items around in frustration. He could recall every single memory of how and why. Politics. Thick-headed crewmates. Enemies. Stress. Heartache. When was the last time he had destroyed something out of joy? Out of extreme happiness? He continued staring, the darkness of the night making the insides of the large home become a land of pitch-black darkness, one that he needed to get out of. It only reminded him of the inevitable, the omen that was given to him by Death. So, he slowly rose from his spot in his bed, ignoring the temptation of sleeping that the silk sheets were trying to envelop him. As his senses began to sharpen, he felt it. The reopening. Not now. Why now? His lower jaw locked against his upper jaw as he screwed his eyes shut, regretting the decision of rising from his bed. He could feel the wound slowly part from the temporary stitches that had been placed upon him by medical members of the Typhoon. Had he been moving around too much? From what? He bit back a groan of agony as he continued to feel the injury try to rip open once again, ruby red blood beginning to stain the ivory bandages that were wrapped around his chest, droplets of blood now dripping onto the bed sheets and the floorboards of the submarine as he dragged himself out of bed and into a shaky standing position. He glanced at the opposite side of his home, noticing that Goldenluxury was still asleep and luckily would be when he would return home and clean up the mess that he was creating.

Would he even make it back home? The questioning statement caused the doberman's throat to suddenly be choked by a pit of growing fear. He was afraid. He was terrified. Pincher had felt fear multiple times in his life but never for his life. When one was in such a state of ambition and power, they could regret that they carried weaknesses within them that they have long forgotten. And with Pincher, it was his mortality, the one that could end all of his life's work and the future he had believed he would be satisfied with. He forced himself to not allow the fear to completely overtake him, placing a paw after paw to reach the door. He glanced down to catch sight of the wound, noticing how the blood was blossoming into a large flower against the stark white bandages, it's size growing with each passing minute. He knew the effects of the pain would begin to overtake his body system, his vision was already beginning to blur at the edges and with the fever that was seething within his skin and flesh, Pincher knew it was only time before the body he held onto was going to collapse. He could always shapeshift into another form but due to the lack of energy that was drained from him, he was unable to save himself from the inevitable.

But he had to try. He had to. For Goldie and Blue. For the Typhoon. For what he had was trying so hard to achieve, the dream that he now carried on his shoulders was now heavier as he stumbled out of the submarine, the strength of his legs suddenly disappearing and causing him to collapse against the wet soft sand, his muzzle pressing against it with his pepper black nose smelling the bittersweet scent of the ocean waves that softly lapped against the shore of the island. He felt so tired, his eyelids fluttering as the weight upon them was growing stronger, seducing him to rest. Just rest. He was so tired. Just as he was going to succumb to it, the flash of his children within his skull caused him to stiffen. Goldie and Blue. He couldn't allow himself to die, they needed him even if Goldie had many and Blue showed no interest, he wanted to be there for them. He had not been there for his firstborn sons and now they were gone, stripped from Pincher's life. Donovan and Theo, they were waiting for him weren't they? Waiting on the other side that so many spoke of. Were they truly expecting him with their bright eyes that reflected purity that he had tried so hard to protect? Pincher's body began to tremble, not out of the agony that was detaining him but out of grief. Burning tears began to poke out at the corners of his glassy arctic blue eyes, his velvety ears pinning against his skull as he remembered their deaths. How could he have been so stupid?

The tears that swelled up now began to cascade over the edges of his eyes, dancing down his cheeks and joining the salt water that licked against the figure of Pincher's paralyzed form. He didn't want to die, not this way. Not from some stupid chest wound that he had received from a jagged spear that a human had bestowed upon him. There was so much he was feeling and he could feel the shock of it all beginning to strike him down, his legs refusing to bring him upright and Pincher felt a wail claw at his throat but he held it back, refusing to be seen this way. He had this pride that leads to hard-headed stubbornness and he knew that it would be the death of him to allow it to overtake his desire to live. But he couldn't even cry out for help, to find shelter in the healers that the Typhoon had to offer. He was going to die. He was going to die. He was going to die. He...didn't want to die. The panicking adrenaline caused Pincher to drag himself away from the submarine and to the water to the point that the waves reached his chest. He then bit down onto the bandages that were tapped to his form and spat it out beside him, the long jagged wound now open for the world to see.

Not the inhabitants, just Mother Nature. They were all sound asleep in their homes at this time of night and Pincher glanced up at the only beings that watched him. Death among the stars and moon, all staring down at him in solemn silence. Even with his vision now almost completely disorientated and blurry, he could make out the constellations that every pirate needed to know of if they wished to survive the rough waves of life. "Ursa major...ursa minor..." Pincher murmured softly under his breath as he lay beneath the stars and among the ones that were reflected on the ocean. "Donovan's dagger...Theo's ribbon..." A soft smile laced his jaws as he remembered the constellations he had made up for his sons when they would stargaze at night, their eyes reflecting cosmic wonders. He wished he could do that with his children now, Coldblue and Goldenluxury. They reminded him so much of his lost sons. Lost. He was an idiot. They were dead. He had seen the corpse of Donovan but of Theo's? Theo had disappeared from his life, supposedly jumped off a cliff and into the ocean to avoid being killed like his brother. Had he survived? Had he managed to find the strength to swim against the currents and make it somewhere safe? Was he still out there in the horizon swimming?

"I'm sorry...I should have done more." He murmured as he raised a feeble shaky paw to write in jagged sloppy lines, "i'm sorry" into the sand beside him. He hoped it wouldn't be wiped away before his crewmates and family saw. Pincher then allowed his aching head to lay on his front paws, dazed gaze now locked onto the horizon's line where the sky and sea met. It was beautiful. It had always been so beautiful, it wasn't just now when he was at the brink of slipping away. But now...he had time. Time to rest and actually look at the bigger picture of it all. His tunnel vision of ambition began to crumble and all that he could think of now was how this event would unfold. He knew there would be grief. He knew there would be a funeral. He knew he would be forgotten eventually. But the quintessential beauty of being remembered by those he was infinite and yet so finite in the grand scheme of things. It took his breath away.

And with that Pincher was gone. Laying in the cold wet sand, the crimson stream of blood still flowing and joining the salt water that splashed gently against his body. The sun then began to rise, joining the stars and moon on observing the end of a dreamer.
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Re: SINGUR — DEATH - bubblegum - 06-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she had finally been able to get a good rest tonight. she had finally been able to sleep well. her dreams were peaceful and body tired enough to stay unconscious long enough for her to get the sleep she needed. and it felt good. she would wake up slowly and happily, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. she stretched out on her bed, sniffing the air with half-closed eyes, realizing that papa wasn't in the room. oh, he must have gotten up before her. she slowly open her eyes, looking around the room calmly.

but then she saw it. the red droplets that stained the room. had he gotten hurt? maybe he'd gotten up to get some help. he should have woken her up. she could have helped him. the girl crawled out of her bed carefully, sniffing at the blood and moving out towards where it led. she wasn't too concerned about the situation for now, figuring that all would be well - he would have made it to aid, but a worry still lingered in her and she knew she had to investigate immediately. she didn't want papa to be hurt. he was finally seeming to be better. maybe if she hadn't slept so deeply she would have been able to help him more. her pace quickened at that thought.

the young cat continued to sniff at the air, scenting the blood, along with her papa. she followed the trail he led carefully but quickly, her worry now rising. bad thoughts started to slowly fill her head and an anxiety rose within her. she wanted to know that papa was okay. and she was getting closer, she could tell by the scent, which worried her a bit more. she gulped and continued moving, looking around her carefully. it wasn't long before she saw a body and froze completely for a split second.

was she asleep again? it was like her bad dream. she ran towards him, fear entering her. "papa!" she cried shakily as she got closer, stopping next to him to look him over. she glanced at the sand next to him, seeing that something was sloppily written in - "i'm sorry". what was he sorry about? she didn't know and didn't bother wasting time to try and think about it, instead focusing on his state. he was unconscious and had bled...a lot. no one had found him. no one had helped him. he didn't make it to anyone. she pushed at him gently. "i-it's okay, p-papa. we'll help y-you." she said breathlessly, trying to reassure him and herself. he was so still.

"w-we need h-help! pa-p-pincher's hurt!" she cried loudly, not wanting to leave his side. he was just so still. he wasn't breathing. she knew he wasn't. but she didn't want to think about it. she wanted to believe there was still time to help him. she laid her front paws and head on his back gently, trying to hold on. "i-it's okay..." she insisted, near silently now. a feeling she had never experienced before was entering her and she didn't know how to describe it.

she felt like she couldn't breathe, even though she knew she could. she felt like she was going to throw up, even though she knew she wouldn't. she felt terrified and...sad. and...angry. she felt so scared. he wouldn't wake up. she knew he wouldn't. she started to slowly sob, her body shaking uncontrollably. she wanted him to be okay. she wanted him to wake up. she wanted to wake up. this was all just another bad dream. soon he would nudge her awake and she would realize that she had been upset over nothing. she was still asleep. everything would be okay. any second she would wake up.

but, she didn't. she wouldn't wake up. she wasn't asleep. this was real, and she could feel it, and she could feel him. he wouldn't move. he wouldn't breathe. he wasn't okay. it wasn't okay. her sobs grew worse and her breathing was harsh. why didn't he wake her up? she would have helped him. why didn't she wake up on her own? why did she have to sleep so well this night? she could have helped him. she knows she could have. why didn't she? she couldn't figure it out. and she didn't know what to do now. "p-pa-papa..." she managed out weakly between her cries, clinging onto him now. come back...she needed him. she needed him so much. she didn't know what to do.

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

Caesar could relate to wanting to do more with your life. Ever since he had been born, he had been taught to work in his father's field. It just what you did in the Seventh Tier; males were farmers, it was just fact. Rarely they were Chosen to be apart of the King's Guard, but that honor had been given to the oh-so great Vigenere. Caesar remembered the day he got Chosen, and how he had practically been whisked away by the Guard. He remembered feeling anger. Jealously. Betrayal. Vigenere was the oldest between the siblings, he should have been there for them. It should have been me. Caesar reflected on that time. It really should have been him joining the Guard. He was more strategical than Vigenere (or so he believed, anyway).

But then one day, when Caesar was sneaking around the higher Tiers, the Shaman caught him. Caesar remembered the odd, hypnotic stare she gave him, like she was studying him. And she was, as Caesar soon learned. The Shaman had a vision of the future, of the time he set the Dimension to flames and killed the King and his Court. Rumors quickly spread across the Tiers, soon reaching the ears of the members of the Seventh Tier. The rumors spoke of how powerful Caesar was and how he should be feared. Should be distrusted. And that made him pissed. Members of the Seventh Tier stared ignoring the Cipher System, but most of all, him. They avoided his gaze, avoided talking to him. Caesar hated it. He wanted the attention his brother got. The fame his brother got. And it seemed like Caesar got the exact opposite of what he wanted.

So what did Caesar do? Hunt down the Shaman and attempt to attack her. But of course, she had already predicted this and by the time Caesar went to attack her, she was ready. The Shaman easily defeated him and the Guard captured him, dragging him to the King. Caesar remembered spotting Vigenere in the Court, and could tell that his brother was confused by what was going on. The King didn't take very long to come outside of his Throneroom, and quickly dismissed Vigenere from the King's Guard and promptly send him and Caesar to the dungeons. A day later, he and the rest of his family was exiled, escorted to the outer reaches of their Dimension.

Caesar hated being in the outer reaches of the Dimension. It was cold and dark, and he wasn't in any power. Nobody knew him. But he had grown used to the fear people felt when they were around him, and he had grown to crave it. Caesar eventually started finding other exiles and began conspiring with them to end the King and destroy the Dimension. And that's exactly what he did. Caesar killed the King, set his home Dimension on flames and left it to rot. He barely escaped with his siblings, and he didn't escape with the people he conspired with. But Vigenere and Atbash dismissed him, claiming he was too lost for them. Vigenere threatened Caesar, and Caesar, not wanting to be killed, ran off and ended up here on Earth.

And now comes the present times. Caesar still craved the fame and power he felt during those last moments of having control over Dimension FiveX. And he was slowly rising in the ranks of The Typhoon, slowly working his way to Captain, slowly getting to the place he wanted most. It was great. Caesar liked the way it felt having authority over others, even if most Crewmates didn't particularly like or listen to them. He wasn't Captain just yet, so they weren't obligated to listen to his every word. But oh, once he reached that position, they will. They will learn to heed his warnings.

As always, Caesar was up at night. He didn't really do much other than conspire and plot about things in the night, or on his bad days, tear apart his room at night. Tonight wasn't one of his bad nights, luckily, but he was starting to lose his temper upon learning that both of his siblings were here, on the same Earth as him, and that they dared to stay away from him. It was disgusting. They should be with him. He was clearly more powerful than them, even with his powers being taken away. They should be on his side. Caesar threw a pillow across the room, letting out a snarl at himself. He should have captured them while he had a chance.

Caesar stormed out of his room, making his way towards the beach in hopes of getting out of feeling trapped in the ship. Being outside would help calm his anger, believe it or not, and maybe killing some prey would ease his feeling of wanting to tear everybody apart. But Goldenluxury's cries stopped him in his tracks, and the demon's ears pricked, trying to catch what she was saying. "Pincher's hurt!" What? At first, Caesar didn't believe her. Sure, he knew most people here weren't invincible, but Pincher was the Captain for the star's sake. He shouldn't just let himself be injured like that. Caesar ran over to where Pincher and Goldie was, gritting his teeth at how fucking disgusting the wet sand felt on his paws.

By now, the sun had started to rise and Caesar could clearly see the wound on Pincher's chest, and the demon's eyes widened with shock. Sure, he didn't feel any pain or worry, and certainly didn't care much about the fact that Pincher was dead, but it still shocked him to see the Captain like this. The Captain was supposed to be their leader. He was supposed to be the one leading them, the one who was supposed to be neigh-invincible. Slowly Caesar's shocked look turned into his normal monotonous one as he watched Goldie sob over Pincher's body. He didn't understand why she was so upset, but whatever. "You need to move." The Officer growled at Goldie, his tail tip flicking with irritation. "We've gotta dispose of his body at some point." Sure, Pincher had just died and Caesar wasn't too caught up on The Typhoon's traditions to know of the funerals they had, but this was mostly Caesar just being a dick. Goldenluxury shouldn't have been that close with her father, anyway. He was bound to die at some point, even if Caesar believed he should be near impossible to kill. He was mortal. Of course he was going to die.

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - bubblegum - 06-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she curled around her papa carefully, hiding her face on him, wishing that he would just move. just breathe. that's all she wanted. she just wanted him to breathe. her face rubbed against his feather earring softly, tickling her. for a moment it felt like she would stay like this forever. she certainly could. she didn't dare let go. that was, until caesar spoke. no, actually, he growled. her tear-filled striking green eyes shot upward towards the male, just staring for now.

he didn't even care. he was annoyed by this. her grief stricken expression turned into one of anger. she didn't move yet, though, and tears fell from her eyes even faster now. "don't yo-you dare tell me wh-what to do. y-you don't even ca-care!" she hissed quickly and furiously. she wanted him to go away. she wanted him to leave right now. she didn't want to see or hear him. she didn't want to see or hear anybody who didn't care.

she would immediately put her head down again. she didn't have to see him if she just focused on papa. she wouldn't ever move for somebody who didn't care. they wouldn't take papa away from her. they couldn't ever do that. she wouldn't let them. she wanted people who cared. they wouldn't try to take papa away from her.

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa had arrived after Caesar suggested that they dispose of Pincher's body quickly. The Striker would bristle and she would take a seat next to Pincher's body, shooting an icy glare at Caesar as she spoke. "We will not be disposing his body. We will give everyone to mourn before his funeral."

Vanessa would then lie down next to the Captain's body, putting both of her front paws on his side, to prevent Caesar from attempting to drag his corpse away if he tried.
© madi

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - Wade Wilson - 06-20-2018

actions "speech"
Death was... inevitable. Everyone dies. Even the so called "immortals". Those guys die eventually anyways. Unfortunately, nobody was ever really ready for death. And while Wade had never been too close to Pincher aside from getting a good look at the man during meetings, the long legged wolf still felt for him, especially watching Goldenluxury. She just lost her own father. He could only wonder how broken she must be feeling inside. His own dad was a piece of shit, so he was unable to really empathize with the young child. As Wade approached, he shot a look to Caesar and brushed gently against Goldie in attempt to comfort her. "Let her grieve, man." He huffed before looking to Goldie. He didn't know what to say, really. A comfort cuddle was all he could really think to do.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

"You're right, I don't." Caesar responded to Goldenluxury, as if that made this entire situation better. "And you shouldn't, either." He went on quickly, rolling his eyes a bit. How pathetic it was to see that Goldie was letting grief get the best of her like this. But then again, Caesar supposed she was still young and also a girl at that, so of course she was going to let emotions get the best of her. "Pincher's gone. Accept it." His words were cold and demanding, and he rolled his eyes again as Vanessa and Wade came over, both trying to comfort Goldie.

"Why should I?" Caesar asked Wade with a shrug. The funeral thing was understandable, he supposed. Pincher had been the Captain after all, and funerals were a thing people on this Earth liked to have as a final 'acceptance' sort of thing. "These things happen. She shouldn't be letting this get to her so damn much." Or she should at least have the decency to not cry in front of everybody, if she had to cry.

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - bubblegum - 06-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the comfort of vanessa and wade would slightly make her feel better. they cared. she would lean into wade slightly as he brushed against her, not lifting her head from papa. it hurt so bad. she didn't know what to do. she just wanted him to breathe again. she should have stopped this. she shouldn't have slept last night. she could have stopped this. she wished she had. but she couldn't even think about that for very long because somebody wouldn't shut up.

man, did he ever stop talking? she didn't bother responding at first, hardly listening to his words. she didn't want to hear his voice anymore, but he wouldn't stop. she couldn't handle it anymore. without hesitation, she leaped from papa and aimed to harshly swipe caesar across the face. if it hit, it probably would knock the male back due to her own unknown strength. "if y-you rea-really d-don't care that much, th-then leave! go away! y-you have no pl-place telling oth-others how to re-react. shut up!" she snarled at him. with that, she would move back towards her place and sit where she was again. it hurt so bad. it hurt worse than anything she'd ever felt before.

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - ARGUS - 06-20-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Mortals were always fickle things. Dabbling into their lives was a double edged sword. Helping people- merely walking along side them was a dangerous thing to do. She could help them, allow thier spirits to ease and walk along side their lives and protect them. A shinigami's first role was to send souls to the afterlife, the second was to protect the living. Ensure that they die peacefully and not by supernatural means. But Argus has long since abandoned the title of pretending to protect. When her paws are stained too deeply with red to even pretend she still had that role, when the hole across her throat made it glaringly obvious how she had not only ignored the role- the curse she was forced to take hold of, but she went against it.

But this was not the most dangerous thing about mortals. No it was their mortality that was damning- to an immortal it was very are that they allowed themselves to grow attached. Most of them grew distant and detached to the mortals for this reason- Argus has always walked by them. To be reminded by their own fragility made her aware of her own. It was comforting as much as it was worrying- anxious. Because they all die and Argus- immortals did not like reminders that all the friends threat they made could fade away- and many still were rotting in the ground while she walked it with new faces and descendants- playing the same game. Protect, deliver, serve watch.

When Argus spotted the small group around the body amidst the shoreline. It was with detached curiosity as she wondered who they had lost. Caesar's defensive and cocky attitude made the perfect person to lash out on- for the youth that seemed to be the first one to spot the body. Her tear stained eyes making Argus wince slightly. Wayne and Vanessa were both dampered- and the whole scene tinged with dread. Argus has been here since the begining of the clan- since the foundation party. She knew next to everyone. Even the newcommers- she


The dobermand's body was slayed across the beach with words scribbled into the sand. The wound that seemed to do this was the one that they had treated before. At least it didn't look like he suffered. There were worst ways, to die than bleeding out... Argus could not for the life of her read, as if her mind only understood the symbols as a child's. Just symbols. Conversation drifted between her ears. Caesar wanting to dispose of the body and Pincher's kid- goldie  was here. The white officer  let her focus snap back to attention.

"Caesar, knock it off. We're not getting rid of his body." Argus was still his seinor when it came to ranks. Without pincher she was... "technically' in charge. " You are right in that though. We'll... work on a burial for him in the morning, for now we need to move his body. I dread to think what kind of creatures would wash up at the scent of his blood." Argus has never seen a siren, but she was seen enough bloody supernatural to know that there was always something dangerous. She looked over at goldie, dark red eyes watching her's for a moment. Not asking permission, but waiting for the other- giving her time to object. She was his daughter of course. Argus did not want to hurt her- or traumatize her any more than the fact that her father was dead.

"Wade or Vanessa, either of you think you can.. help? We should try to preserve this message if we can. I'm sure other's would like to see it." Argus felt her own voice lower at that. "Caesar, Get yourself together and help or leave. As it is you shouldn't antagonize a kid"

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

Did Caesar ever stop talking? No, absolutely not. He believed that he had a right to speak his mind and that everything he said was law. And it seems like he wouldn't ever learn his lesson any time soon, especially right now at this moment. Caesar was indeed knocked back by Goldie's attack, though it was mostly from where he was shocked that she even lashed out in the first place. Black blood started to form at the scratch marks she created, and Caesar could feel a tingling sensation in the area where she hit. Caesar started to growl at her, and he opened his mouth to say something, but luckily Argus had come over just in time.

Caesar wasn't an idiot by most means (and in many ways, he was an idiot), so of course he wasn't going to just be outright rude to Argus. Even though she was in the same position in him, she had been promoted first and therefore, had more power than him. And he had to stay on Argus's good side if he wanted to go anywhere in this damn group. Caesar dug his claws into the ground as he glared at Goldie, but stopped growling at her by now. "Fine. Have fun planning some dumbass funeral." The demon stated with a flick of his tail before he stalked off, heading towards the forest.
