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Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - Printable Version

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Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - jacob w.c. - 06-20-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — To say Jacob was angry would be a massive understatement. He was pretty sure this was the first time he'd come to the Typhoon without a rubber duck. Admittedly, he thought about it because he wasn't angry at Deniz, but he'd decided against it. He'd also thought about asking Natasha or Aizawa to come along with him just in case something happened but he decided to put faith in his allies. Deniz would do the right thing. He was sure of it. "'S Jacob, I need ta' see Pinch or, if he ain't 'ere, then your next highest ranked member. I've got somethin' serious ta' discuss," he called, settling down to rest his shaking legs. He hadn't waited long after patching Atbash up to march on over here and he hadn't given himself a break since he started the walk here.

[member=66]PINCHER[/member]  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - bubblegum - 06-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl certainly wasn't aware of what had happened, nor did she hold a super high position, but she did instantly recognize mister jacob as soon as he showed up. she moved happily towards the male, always excited to see him. but, by his voice, he didn't come with the happiest news. "something serious"? she wondered what that was. hopefully they were okay! she gave a small smile to the male as she got closer, curiosity rising.

"hiya, mister jacob!" she greeted with a nod, wondering what she should say next. she should probably sound a bit more professional, with her new responsibilities as striker and all. "uhh, papa or somebody else will probably be here soon! can i help at all? i'm a striker now!" she offered politely, deciding to add in the last bit to help build some credibility for herself.

Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

"A Striker is only a semi-high position, Golden." Caesar said sternly as he made his way over to the scene. He had a feeling he knew what was going on here, and that, admittedly, made his heart race. Fuck. This was going to compromise his position. Compromise his reputation. Compromise his plans. Maybe you can find a way out of this. Yeah, surely. He just had to make sure his dear sister was too afraid to admit who had attacked her. And unfortunately he couldn't do that, seeing as his powers were still stripped away from him. He'll figure out something eventually.

"For the meantime, though, you'll have to speak to me." Caesar turned his gaze to Jacob, giving the Snowbound leader a smile. Not a menacing one, nor one that feigned innocence. He didn't want Jacob to know that he had a feeling on why he was here. Just your normal smile. "Officer Caesar." Yep, that's right. He'd been promoted in the time Snowbound had stayed here, or did Jacob know that? Oh well, it didn't hurt to rub his position in the guy's face. "I'm the next highest position 'round here." Sure, Argus was an Officer with him, but she wasn't around at this moment, was she?

Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - jacob w.c. - 06-20-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob allowed a light smile when he saw Goldie but immediately began to shake his head. She didn't need to be around for this conversation. "Tha's amazing, Goldie! 'M sure you're doin' a good job. 'S okay, though, I think I should probably jus' wait for your papa," he answered. However, when he saw Caesar and heard his voice, the smile immediately fell. "Well, she's certainly doin' a better job than you ever could," the husky snapped, not caring to hide his disdain. At Caesar's next round of introductions and words, words that included his rank and Jacob's frown only deepened. "'N I'm Chief Jacob Wickliff Corleone. I don' have ta' do nothin' you tell me so check your attitude. I don' deal with bastardi tha' try ta' drown n' attack their own sisters. So I think I'll be waitin' for Pincher," he nearly snarled the words, his ears flat on his head. Jacob wasn't usually one to use much language or really get mad about anything but he wouldn't stand for someone hurting his clanmates, especially after he'd worked so hard to secure this alliance in the beginning. He wasn't gong to let one man mess all of that up and he doubted Pincher would stand for it either. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

Caesar was clearly taken aback by the sudden hostility Jacob had when he came over, and the demon briefly narrowed his eyes at Jacob. He was clearly trying to keep calm himself, with his tail flicking back and forth. "I don't have a sister." The demon stately flatly, but said nothing else on the matter. If Jacob wanted to wait for Pincher then, fine. So be it. Surely Pincher would trust the words of his own high position than the words of some ally, right?

Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - jacob w.c. - 06-20-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — "Ya' don' 'ave a sister, eh?" he asked, his tone growing increasingly more hostile. "Then I guess ya' know 'n awful lotta' cats with the las' name Cipher tha' all 'ave yellow fur n' black markin's, huh?" he sneered. "She told me 'bout ya' long before now. I knew you were a stonzo 'fore now. She don' have any reason ta' lie. She had ta' ask me if she could stay in disease infested territory jus' ta' stay away from you. After tha', when we came 'ere I made sure I knew ya'. My Babbo used ta' make me sniff people out when they did somethin' he didn' like at a meetin' or after it n' so I got pretty good at identifyin' scents. Ya' didn' even try ta' hide yours. Ya' attacked 'er n' tried ta' drown 'er. Tha's a violation ah' our alliance n', regardless ah' my friendship with Pinch, I ain't gonna stand for it. Am I clear?" he asked.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Caesar was rumored to have attacked a member of an allied group? And his own sister? Vanessa had thought the Officer was a bastard, but this just proved he was heartless. The Striker had made her way over and taken a seat beside Goldenluxery.

"How is she doing?" Vanessa would ask Jacob, a frown on her facial features and a slightly concerned look in her eyes.
© madi

Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

The fur on Caesar's neck bristled as Jacob continued speaking to him in a hostile tone, and the Officer was clearly getting more agitated as he spoke. Of course she fucking did. Caesar mentally growled to himself. Of course Atbash would tell Jacob, she was that much of a fucking coward who didn't want to face the past. Well unfortunately for her, it seemed like he found her before she could do anything. "She's not any fucking sister I know." Alright, fine, so that was confirmation that he did, in fact, have a sibling. But at least nobody seemed to know about Vigenere. Better keep it that way. He'd have to be more careful of how he was going to go about things, just in case Vigenere was in The Ascendants. Which didn't seem likely, but he didn't expect Atbash to go to Snowbound, of all places.

"You shouldn't be involved with her fucking life anyway." Caesar went on with a growl. "Her family relations have nothing to do with you." It was just between them - him, her, and Vigenere. Not Jacob, not anybody else. It was frustrating to know Atbash had run her mouth about what happened to Jacob and truthfully, the Officer was wanting to know what she said exactly. But unfortunately now wasn't going to be the time to ask that, especially not with this being a public affair.

Caesar's ears flicked again as Vanessa made her way over, asking how Atbash was faring. Caesar let out a loud snort at the question, trying to make it seem like Vanessa never asked.

Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - PINCHER - 06-20-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
If there was trouble, there was always a tie to the Typhoon. Pincher knew it was something he should expect especially with the clan being considered under the alignment of warbound. Yet, he had not expected the trouble to be sparked in the territory of an ally especially one that they had just recently taken in for shelter and food. He was loyal to his crew and he hoped they would understand the rules he had placed upon their home yet it seemed some refused to listen or care for the tender lines that could easily be torn down if things went south. So when he had been busy settling the plans for the biggest event in the Typhoon and for their allies, he did not expect a racing crewmate rushing with news of trouble. And it pissed him the hell off. He usually managed to keep his temper to a cold degree where members knew not to cause trouble but now small sparks of electricity began to spark around his figure as he rose and headed towards the commotion that demanded his attention.

"The fuck is happening here, eh?" Pincher's rumbling low voice crackled in the air as he arrived at the scene, his cool electric blue gaze now narrowed to slits as the obsidian colored doberman shortly arrived after Vanessa, catching a part of Jacob's speech and one of his striker questioning the health of a stranger. His fictional eyebrows furrowed and the Captain went to halt beside Goldenluxury, his pointed pricked with attention as he noticed the way that Jacob appeared. Usually the silver husky did not have such a way of words, dripping with sweetness but now it was poison instead, directed to Caesar. Turning his attention towards the brightly yellowed spotted feline, Pincher stalked forward with his upper lip slightly curling to reveal shark-like teeth. "You harmed an ally member, Caesar? Under what goddamn fucking order, huh?" The tone he held now was sharp, edged with what one would use as a threat. He had made it clear that Snowbound was allied and if Caesar was threatening that relationship that Pincher had planned for then he would not be pleased.
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Re: Then you stab // open+hps needed // me in the back - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

To say Caesar did not tense up when he heard Pincher start to make his way over was an understatement. The demon forced his fur to lie flat as the Captain approached, though by now the accusation had already been made and he'd already practically confessed to his deed. Caesar cast one last glare at Jacob before he turned to Pincher, trying his best not to flinch away from the Captain's stare. "Under my own orders." The demon stated flatly, as if he had the right to do what he had done. "Surely you'd understand family affairs, yes?" Now he was going to try and defend himself. He still believed Pincher would be on his side, even if the guy was currently pissed at him. Maybe, just maybe he could find a way out of this. This whole situation compromised his fame, his power, his reputation, and the only thing he cared about was trying to save that.