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revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - Printable Version

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revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - wifewoof - 06-20-2018

europa might be able to support life and heck that's exciting!! what if we find fish underneath its surface one day (if it turns out to be an ocean underneath the ice and their data is correct in there being a vapor plume emitting heat)??

tbh i'm desperate to talk to someone...sorry

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - Orion - 06-20-2018

im shook
i can't wait till we can finally investigate further tbh!!

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - Cheeters - 06-20-2018

eXCUSE ME WHA T, europa being able to hold life? i honestly would love that to be confirmed and finding it would be so neat because maybe if there are fish then i wonder what they will look like 00:

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - wifewoof - 06-21-2018


space fish!!!! 0: I wanna draw some freaking space fish now lol what would they look like???
tbh deep sea fish look very alien lmao

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - Imortapose - 06-22-2018

Hey!! I don't know that much about space, but it's always interested me and I've been wanting to learn more about it recently.

Deep sea fish do seem alien, that's for sure! Honestly, just thinking about how strange fish on Europa would look gets me excited!! From what I've read about it, it seems to be so different from Earth... Imagine all the ways they'd have to adapt to live there.

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - astre - 06-22-2018

the fitnessgram pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that gets more difficult as it progresses

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - Una. - 06-24-2018

drops in


Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - wifewoof - 06-24-2018

the temperature at Europa, I think, is much much much colder than earth's so having to adapt to that would prolly make them have either really thick scales or be a more extreme version of our deep sea fish since they have to adapt to both colder temperature and more pressure.

(fitness science, one of my faves up study but to never do lol) I remember doing one of those in my law enforcement classes to see what it was like (cause one of the many I took dealt with fitness & health), god it was awful considering I'm nowhere near athletic lol

hullo!! welcome! <3

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - Imortapose - 06-25-2018

Oh yeah!! I searched it up and apparently the surface temperature at the equator never rises above -260 F (-160 C), nevermind the poles which never rise above -270 F (-220 C).
I imagine they'd be like more advanced forms of our deep sea fish, since they'll have to deal with similar a similar environment, just with more severe circumstances (if you get what I mean). Dark, extremely cold waters with high amounts of pressure on them constantly.

EDIT:: Actually, searching up "Europa fish" is really cool. I'm not sure how accurate the images are, but from what I've seen artists are drawing them as pretty much just extreme deep sea fish. Like this one image, where three fish have been drawn. Again, I'm not sure how accurate that picture is, but it's really cool to think about how there might be a whole moon filled with creatures like that. It also makes you wonder what some of the deep sea fish that we haven\t discovered on our planet look like?

I've, luckily, never had to do one of those. I've done 12-minute runs before but not a Pacer test. Wink

And, hello!!

Re: revenge of the nerds | chat for nerds & geeks - wifewoof - 07-27-2018

sorry it's been awhile! I've been dealing with some personal issues and applying for college ;n;

is anyone else super upset that north america won't get to see the total lunar eclipse??? I wanna see one so bad since I never keep up with them (we had a total solar eclipse visible literally 45 minutes from my town, but still, lunar eclipses are cooler ;nWink