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she wild and dangerous // o, intro - Printable Version

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she wild and dangerous // o, intro - axiom - 06-19-2018

At three months old, the leopard cub was just starting to reach the age where she wanted to go on exciting, thrilling adventures - and, like all youngsters, she felt invincible. The Tanglewoods were all that she remembered, and she grew tired of the same old rusted junkyard. She'd been too young when she was adopted to remember anything but Fenrir and Amunet as her parents. For now, that made her spoiled rotten and insatiably demanding of her adoptive parents' attention.

Creeping slowly underneath the rusted hull of a half-crushed car, the black furred cub stalked deftly, avoiding the sharp pieces of exposed metal with clumsy luck. Noisy and wobbly, she still needed a lot of training and strength before she got good at this 'hunting' thing, but she grew increasingly confident with each wobbly step. Whiskers twitching, she followed her nose, tracking a rat's scent trail with quickening steps. Tumbling out from under the car, she wiggled her haunches and launched herself into the open - narrowly missing her quarry, as the rat saw her wiggling shadow in time to swerve and dart away from her small claws.

Landing face-first, the girl scampered up and shook herself off without fuss, sinking back into a shaky crouch as she tried to pinpoint where the damned rat scampered off to. Nothing would deter her hunt!

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - roman - 06-20-2018

Growing up, children are always warned to fear the monsters under the bed. As they grow older, they learn that monsters exist in every day situations, dressed as normal people. Not faceless creatures lurking in the shadows. However, they did not take into account the nature of Fish who, in spite of possessing (mostly) innocent intentions, can be quite creepy. And this is because no one adopted her like Hati, so she was forced to raise herself alone in the swamp with no one to teach her proper social skills. As such, the massive beast has the tendency to sneak up on others with intentions of making friends, forgetting that people have a hard time sensing her presence. It's easy to forget that she's a ghost.

Fish watches the young cub play from behind a pile of junk. Given that she is the size of a large horse, one might expect that even the blind would be able to detect her, but the water spirit is both incorporeal and camouflaged. Although not truly invisible, her normally oil-black scales possess the ability to shift colors like a chameleon or a squid to match her surroundings. The space where her head should be in interrupted by a rusted pole that passes diagonally between her lower left jaw and her right ear. For a friendly creature like herself, it is strange that Fish does not immediately try to interact with the child. Usually, she would. The problem today is that she has been thinking about her interaction on the riverbed with everyone and how they reacted to her eating an alligator. Was she really that disgusting? Did they not wish to be friends? And so the childlike entity is scared to approach the youth, for fear of scaring Hati away.

But when the rat scampers away from the leopard cub, Fish cannot resist. In one quick motion, she snatches the creature up in her jaws before sheepishly shuffling into view. Dropping her camouflage, the beast is easily five to six feet tall at the shoulder, and her iridescent black scales give the impression that her hide is covered in oil. Crouching low to the ground, the vague wolf-like monster opens her jaws wide, revealing terrifyingly sharp teeth as the rat tumbles out onto the dirt. A wide smile splits her maw, and the creature looks quite pleased with herself. "Hello!" she greets in a singsongy tone that does not fit her incredible bulk. "My name is Fish!"

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-20-2018

[Image: caucasian-mountain-shepherd-4-809x508.jpg]
[div style="text-shadow: 0pt 0pt 5pt lightgrey; color: black; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10px; margin-top: -15px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: right; width: 500px;"][i]TANGLEWOOD — PROXY — RUSSIAN BEAR DOG
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The dog was sniffing the junkyard today. It eroded his nose in new smells and rusty iron. He moved, following after a new scent. His own scent was drenched in the stink of swamp water and gator. He stopped at the smell of the cub and followed after her. "Kitty?"

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - COSMIIX - 06-20-2018

Hati had been quite small and well, having the small leopard cub around made her feel quite happy to say the least especially since the child was adopted by both herself and Fenris, they had basically became the parents of most of the Tanglers here. Hati reminded her of Kunta, when her own child was younger, how he had been so determined to catch something at such a young age. He had succeeded but through the process nearly got his tail bit off by a Nile crocodile though he had been much too proud to be startled by the crocodile. She was slowly getting better and recovering, the only thing that seemed to be taking a bit longer to heal was her wing which was still bundled up with bandages. The jaguaress would smile seeing both Zimavich and Fish there, she would walk over towards Hati and sit behind her smile growing big "What is my little huntress doing?" She nodded a greeting towards Fish and Zimavich, Amunet had to keep an eye on small Hati since she didn't want her daughter getting hurt anytime soon.
© madi

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - Nayru - 06-20-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
There it was again- that not so nice feeling that twisted her insides and caused her to pout.

Perhaps it was because she had been raised an only child. Her father, though terrible, had doted on her, sprinkling her in his own form of unconventional attention and forcing her to grow accustomed to not having to share. She wasn't a jealous being at her core, but Nayru was still a child and didn't quite understand that the introduction of more siblings wasn't a death sentence to her own relationship with Fenris and Amunet. As she thought on the nature of jealousy and the like, she realized that she had experienced similar feelings when Freyja had held that absolutely outrageous flirting booth of hers. Iota had been so willing to be flirted with by the chaser and that... that upset Nayru. Why? She couldn't quite say, not yet anyways.

The small goddess was visibly uncomfortable as she arrived, stealing but a glance at Amunet before her cerulean gazed fixated upon Hati. From atop her head, Chad let out a hiss, more than eager to announce their arrival. His amiable mood was short lived though, dying just after he spied Fish. He was instantly reminded of her alligator meal only days before and retreated to the folds of Nayru's scarf in result, hissing up a storm as he departed. The sawbone remained still as he readjusted, annoyance only briefly flickering in her eyes before it was replaced by intrigue. Time and time again, her gator companion surprised her with both his emotional and mental capacity and she supposed that now was no different. Had she possessed a notebook, she would have scribbled down his reaction with immense attention to detail.

Flicking a tail, Nayru was suddenly painfully aware of the fact that she was the smallest one here. A leopard cub, a swamp monster, a dog, and then her own, adopted mother... They all seemed to tower over her and she felt as if she stuck out like a sore thumb. [b][color=#6b7e99]"Um..." She began softly, trying to ignore her noticeable size difference, [color=#6b7e99]"Hi." She shifted her weight then, her analytical gaze studying Hati in some attempt to decipher whether or not she planned on stealing away her adopted parents from her. As expected, she turned up empty handed.

[color=#6b7e99]"I'm Nayru."

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - axiom - 06-20-2018

Before she found her quarry, someone else jumped on the hunt - hearing the rat's death squeal, her ears perked up as she swiveled her head towards Fish. At first, she only saw a wall comprised of random glimmers and almost dizzying patterns. Blinking rapidly, she crannied her head and looked up at the large and gleaming stranger. For colorblind Hati, the oil-like hue of Fish's scales were lost on her. Instead, the river monster looked like a shiny black wolf with strange 'fur.' At first, Hati seemed stunned, her mouth agape as she watched the large creature drop the dead rat - in an instant, her hesitation gave way to genuine fascination. "Wow, how'd you do that? Hunt it so fast and what happened to your fur?! That was so epic!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing like a bunny up to Fish so she could poke the large creature's paws. "Can you do it again? Can you teach me?!" she added, super excited at being able to do a melt-into-the-sky thing. It seemed like Fish just materialized out of nowhere with sparkles and shimmers!

At the appearance of an odd-smelling dog (probably because he was old, and she never encountered old bois before), she turned towards him and blinked. "Where?" she asked back, because she didn't know what these kitties were, as she was a jaguar like her mother. Well, she thought she was a jaguar cub, since the two species were extremely similar in appearance when both possessed the melanistic gene.

Distracted again at the appearance of mother and older sibling, Hati made a happy urr-urr purr-like sound, typical for leopard cubs around her age. "Mama! I was hunting and stalking, but the rat was really quick and I couldn't get it, but Fish got it! Next time, I'm gonna get it!" she exclaimed, scheming inside her little fluffy head. Realizing that she forgot to introduce herself, which seemed kind of rude given at least two people gave her their names, she glanced between Fish and Nayru as she chirped, "I'm Hati! Once day, I'm gonna be such a good hunter that I'm gonna devour the moon!"

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - Luciferr - 06-21-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"a bold claim I'm sure in time you'll live up to little warrior" War hummed as he padded onto the scene, stopping his stride briefly to gently bump the top of Nayru's head in greeting - the small healer a daughter to him now event as Hati was and something he was sure Father would have found delightful, the Grimm family had an awfully large habit of adopting children that seemed to be genetic - and then brushing against Amunet as he finally shifted to lie comfortably next to her.

And well, Fenris had once eaten Suns in his time before - that claim didn't seem so far out of the realm of possibility, adopted kin or not, so he merely smiled at Hati's bold claim - sparing a nod to Fish and Zima

/new idea: Fenris nicknames his kids or smthn who's with me (he should call Nayru 'little princess' or smthn)

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - beck. - 06-25-2018

    Recognized voices floating about the junkyard's discarded skyscrapers had finally swelled loud enough to distract Beck from his work, sifting through trashed appliances for scrap metal and possible trophies to add to his collection. He hadn't found anything suitable yet, having picked his surroundings clean already from prior visits. Nothing had been abandoned here since then. But the company was a new change. Usually nobody bothered to squeeze under the junkyard's fence just to play among man-made garbage; today must have been different based on how many creatures were flocking to converse.

    Pulling himself away from the remnants of what he assumed used to be a washing machine, the mangy feline rounded the corner of a crushed car, following the scents of five individuals -- no, wait, six? His inky nose twitching in an attempt to identify the sixth animal as he stalked closer to the motley group, nearsighted eyes drawn to the small black smudge in the center and her fantastical claims. "Ya can't eat the moon!" Beck scoffed, vibrant blue chemicals threatening to spill over scarred lips as he rasped, "It's the moon for cryin' out loud." The moon and other heavenly bodies had been a constant throughout his existence, looming above his head and staring down with her blind eye. To think a lowly cub barely able to catch a rat would be able to stretch up on her tiptoes and make a snack out of Earth's natural satellite was ridiculous.

    His honey-colored glare met her own gaze with a skeptic glint, pupils flitting about as he watched for telltale movements of personality. Where did this kid even come from, anyways? She smelled like she had been in Tanglewood for long enough to not be a stray child wandering into their territory, but there weren't any couples he knew of that had been expecting either. Unless... Beck jerked his attention away from Hati to blink at Fenrisulfr and Amunet, split brow shooting up in accusing surprise while blurting, "Oh, ya two got busy, didn'tcha?" He never was one for subtleties. The only hole in his conclusion-jumping was the lack of extravagant, "godly" features on plain little Hati. But genetics were finicky, weren't they?

Re: she wild and dangerous // o, intro - axiom - 07-01-2018

Grinning up at her dad, the young cub happily nodded in agreement - even if he was the only one who believed her vow, that amounted as enough for her. She'd been told the legends of Fenrir and his sons of some Norse mythology, and now she was convinced she was Hati incarnate just like the rest of the gods in the Clan. It seemed an easy enough assumption to make, given how common gods and demons were these days.

Tail flicking, she looked over to Beck, frowning as he scoffed at her vow. "Well, you just watch me!" she countered, in the manner of young children - without facts, but certainly not lacking for emotion. Bouncing over to him, the young pantheress raised her paw as she attempted to boop the snoot!