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filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - Printable Version

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filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - cry - 03-19-2018

Cry is the new raven in town and I want to get her kick started quickly! Shes rude, cold, and an over all bitter person. Though, her heart is frozen and can melt for people that put time into her and want to build a relationship. She's a loyal soul and will stick by anyone's side that manages to gain her trust, so you have something to work towards.

Open to:
- interaction threads
- allies with benefits
- enemies
- rivals

Picky on:
- friends
- adoption plots
- love interests
- injuries of all kind

closed on:
- maiming or death
- litters (litters? Bird? Idk)


Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - vellichor - 03-20-2018

aaa i know we already talked but i feel like jake's going to get really attached to her lol. he loves birds and he's very stubborn when it comes to making friends and whatnot so he'll want to make sure she feels safe and everything haha. maybe we could have a thread following her joining thread where he's kinda getting her some food or just generally taking care of her or something?

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - cry - 03-21-2018

Course! I love jacy so far.
Ive decided thay cry is gonna sorta play dumb so far but she might speak to jacob.

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - jacob w.c. - 03-21-2018

sorry for the late reply, i totally thouht i already replied to this

and that sounds good to me! who would you prefer makes the thread?

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - cry - 03-21-2018

If yoy want! If not i can make it tomorrow, though the starter might be a bit dull

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - jacob w.c. - 03-21-2018

I’m actually heading to bed right now haha. I can probably make it sometime tomorrow morning, though, but otherwise if you have time and want to make it, that’s fine too!

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - cry - 03-27-2018

guess what i finally got around to c:

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-27-2018

Something will Killua? : o this is either gonna go bad or go somewhat okay xD
if killua gets annoyed of her he might threaten her life and force her to keep it a secret so they won't have any issues

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - cry - 03-27-2018

Ye! We can always make a thread and just see where it goes? Though cry is a bit irritable right now since she's on edge and scared since her wing is broken.

God the last thing we need is two highly trained assassins at each others' heals. Lets try to avoid that LOL

Re: filled with cancers and poppy tarts [♥] plot with cry - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-27-2018

Wait she's an assassin? xD
Sure I'm totally up just to have a thread and see where it goes! Who makes? : D