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you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - Printable Version

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you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - pallid-i - 06-19-2018

// [member=445]aizawa[/member] [member=183]izuku[/member] [member=442]S. FERRO[/member]

Harrison was a strange child, but he was entertaining at least. Today was no exception, and the young tom could be seen wearing a knight's helmet and holding a... toy lance. Yes, the black feline had a toy lance and a knight's helmet. Where did he get these things? The world may never know... however, he was ready to play a nice game of damsel in distress... All he needed was volunteers.

"Hello! Anyone wanna play pretend with me? I promise it'll be fun!" Harrison called out, tail flicking back and forth.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - COSMIIX - 06-20-2018

"I'll play with ya, Harris." The Malamute would bark as he trotted over angling both of his pointed ears forward, he had never played a game of pretend so he assumed this would be a fun game of sorts. He would offer a wag of his tail before sitting down and offering with a chuckle escaping him "I can be your noble steed," Hmm, he probably should have played these kind of games with his kids but he hadn't so he felt like he missed a major part of their childhood though he was happy to spend time with kids like Harrison.
© madi

Re: you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Harrison was playing pretend? How cute. Natasha had not been able to be a child when she had been Harrison's age. It was all training and preparing to kill targets. Nothing less, nothing more. She hated that place. The Red Room. They only took young girls and brainwashed them, into becoming assassins.

"Just watching." Natasha said to Harrison and took a seat off to the side.
© madi

Re: you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
//Retro oneshot

Atbash honestly couldn't remember the last time she played pretend. Definitely long before she and her family got exiled and before Vigenere had been selected to join the King's Guard. And she honestly missed it. "I'll play too, if that's okay." The she-cat chirped as she came over.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - arcy - 06-21-2018

Izuku hadn't really played any games before. Once he'd been diagnosed as quirkless, he'd been pretty violently ejected from the group he played with after just a while. Okay, so he'd done it before then, but Izuku was so young, just four, that he literally didn't remember it at all. And after that, sure, he'd play by himself, or even with his mom sometimes, but he just became kind of ... lethargic. Going through his days with muscle memory alone. So, he couldn't deny that all of these games that kept being announced was ... weird. Open to everyone? Izuku could play? He barely knew what the games were, or what he was doing! But, well, the allure was there, so Izuku beams as he approaches.
"I'll -- I'll play!" Izuku chirps, tail wagging. He's not quite sure what to say other then this, though. The Maine Coon just seems kind of ... wide-eyed and a little lost, though excited. Sure, he might be kind of old for pretend according to some people, but Izuku will be damned if he doesn't have fun regardless. Besides, older people were playing, too, so it's not like he'd be judged. Unless there's a key something that he's missing but anyways --.
what was i worth

Re: you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - PIERCE - 06-21-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
"I'll play, too," called Pierce as he followed after Izuku, a small smile painted on lovely freckled features. It had been so long since Pierce had played with a kid, Clem having been gone for so long, and even back when they'd been together, they hadn't been able to play much, since he'd always been out working; it was easier on her lungs to play more simple games, anyway, like hide and seek, puzzles, and coloring books. He couldn't help but wonder if she would befriend Jacob's little boy, though - he was sure they'd get along well, as they were both kind, well-mannered little things. "What exactly did you have in mind, Harrison?" the effeminate serval would question, head tilted ever so slightly to the side as he eyed the other's getup. Something medieval, it looked like, but who knew? You never could tell with kids. 


Re: you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - guts - 06-21-2018

Now, Aizawa usually didn't waste his time playing with children. He often had better things to do, but now with everything suddenly changed, he had plenty of free time. Plus he was pretty fond of Harrison. So he trots over, standing next to Izuku and regarding the kit with a vaguely curious glance. He was feeling exceptionally worse today, but that wasn't about to stop him from messing himself up even more. "I'll play I suppose," he says as he takes a seat.


Re: you're my favorite subject ❄ playing pretend, open - jacob w.c. - 06-25-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob didn't spend enough time with Harrison. It was a fact that'd bothered him ever since his son's return. He wanted to be around, really, but it felt like he was pulled away every moment for some kind of crisis or project. He just wanted everyone to be safe and happy and healthy but, unfortunately, that meant he'd spend considerably less time with Harrison. So, when he noticed his boy calling for someone to play with, the husky decided that whatever he was doing could wait as he made his way over with a wide smile and his tail swaying gently behind him. "I'd love ta' play with ya', Harry. What'd ya' 'ave in mind for all ah' us?" he asked. He was glad to see Harry out and talking to everyone again. After everything that'd happened with his biological mother, he worried that he'd be frightened to go out and connect with them all again but it seemed all was well. Still, that didn't stop Jacob from checking on him nearly every moment, quietly making sure he knew where Harry was at all times just in case. Just in case. He hated those words. He wanted to live somewhere where he never had to say them again. Where they never had to do anything just in case because there would be no way for anyone to hurt them. But, unfortunately, even here in Snowbound there were dangers he still had to protect his friends and family and himself from. So today there was a 'just in case'.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP