Beasts of Beyond
B) theme weeks? - Printable Version

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B) theme weeks? - Guru - 03-19-2018

we should def do some theme weeks, y'all.

Re: B) theme weeks? - georgie - 03-19-2018

hells yea
if u need suggestions i can come thru w some generic ones ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Re: B) theme weeks? - Verdigris - 03-20-2018

  -Disney week (or Dreamworks week if we want to subvert expectations)
  -anime week
  -Pokemon week
  -Sonic week jk

Re: B) theme weeks? - Guru - 03-20-2018

i'm all for disney week
i'm really basic tbh

Re: B) theme weeks? - vellichor - 03-20-2018

yes yes yes

i'm down for disney week tbh

Re: B) theme weeks? - Guru - 03-20-2018

B) oof i'm hype for it then
i can make it if y'all would like

any other suggestions for other weeks?

Re: B) theme weeks? - georgie - 03-20-2018

film genre weeks ?
like. horror movie week. hallmark christmas flick week. musical week. idk

Re: B) theme weeks? - Verdigris - 03-21-2018

  hallmark christmas flick week
  also musical week is a yes

Re: B) theme weeks? - Guru - 03-21-2018

i'm all for the hallmark christmas week
will make disney in a few