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DUCK DUCK ☀ geese.... - Printable Version

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DUCK DUCK ☀ geese.... - arcy - 06-19-2018

Like most mistakes Izuku makes in his life, he doesn't mean to. But Izuku inevitably must make a weekly mistake, apparently, because that's just how his life was, now. This was not the ideal week for mistakes, and neither would be the next few ones. This was mostly because Izuku couldn't even run from his mistakes. Or, well, he could, but he'd be in excruciating pain all the while.
Today, specifically, Izuku is just loitering out and about. Just near the lake, really, though it's fairly far from the village. His paw had been hurting so Izuku decided to just ... stop for a minute. The Maine Coon shuts his eyes tight as he seats himself, and leans himself so that he could keep his paw off the ground. Hm -- painkillers? Should he take painkillers? Or -- he had that tea he didn't finish, earlier. It's probably cold, but he's pretty sure that's a better way to deal with this. Seriously, when was the last time he had non-medicated tea. Izuku doesn't know. Anyways, there's honking in the distance, and that's kinda weird, but whatever.
Anyways, it's after only a few minutes of rest(who has time for rest?) that Izuku gets up again. He wobbles a little as he rights himself, and begins limping forward again. Gradually, the honks get louder, and Izuku has literally no idea what's going on. Till he does, of course, because a goose stands there. Just one. Izuku blinks. He didn't think there'd be geese in the tundra. I mean ... these geese are subtly weird in their appearances, and maybe they're a different type of goose? Then the goose honks again. Izuku blinks. It begins to advance and -- is that another goose. Completely bewildered, Izuku blinks, and, hesitantly takes a step back. He'd heard geese were aggressive, but he hadn't done anything. So Izuku's kind of delayed in his retreat, but there's three geese now and oh god they're running. Does Izuku turn tail and run for his life? Absolutely. He may or may not have let out a long, terrified shriek as he does so, because geese are terrifying what the fuck. Their mouths are full of teeth. To hell with Shigaraki or the entire League, geese are worse. They don't have plans. Or morals. They're just made of teeth and evil. It should be noted that Izuku has never seen a goose in his life till now. They're catching up oh my god. Teeth and furiously beating wings, and every step is just blinding pain because who in the world can run on three legs when the fourth would be dragging behind them. He'd like to meet them. He'd also like to know who let geese exist here, he just wants to talk.

//this is the funniest thread idea ive ever had and im Sorry i cant give it justice asdhfadsfsdg
what was i worth

Re: DUCK DUCK ☀ geese.... - Character Graveyard. - 06-19-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha hadn't excepted to come across any geese in their new territory, but nothing was impossible. The black-lupine had approached, noticing the hostile geese chasing after the young Tenderfoot. She would have found the sight to be funny, but it seemed Izuku was terrified.

The she-wolf had barked loudly at the geese, scaring them off and she turned to Izuku. "You okay?"
© madi

Re: DUCK DUCK ☀ geese.... - COSMIIX - 06-20-2018

Stark hadn't realized that Natasha had been trying to scare off the geese since he spotted them and his dog instincts to chase them had kicked in, he ran after them with tail high in the air and eventually he had came back with one of them in his jaws only to walk over where Nat and Izu were currently standing. "Heya Nat, hey Izu." He dropped the dead goose on the ground only to say with a pant and a wag of his tail "Did y'all see the geese? Of course, they ran off don't know why though." He put one of his large paws on the body of the goose only to add with a concerned frown "You looked like you've seen a ghost, Izu."
© madi

Re: DUCK DUCK ☀ geese.... - guts - 06-20-2018

Aizawa had watched it all unfold from a distance, amused to see the geese chasing Izuku. Then he noticed his terror and had planned to come over and help, but Natasha had already beat him to it. Oh well, just less work on his part. He shouldn't have even been up and about, anyways. He drags himself over, silently looking the maine coon over for injuries. He didn't look hurt, just a little frightened, thankfully.

Then he gives Stark a look as he walks over, evidently oblivious to what had just happened. "You're a dense one, aren't you?" he comments before looking back to Izuku.


Re: DUCK DUCK ☀ geese.... - arcy - 06-21-2018

Izuku, luckily, hadn't spent too long being chased before Natasha shows up. Seriously, his leg is burning. He squeaks a little, hearing Natasha's bark, but then then the geese are gone. Thank god. Or Natasha. Thank god for Natasha. He stumbles a little closer to the wolf and grins at her. He seems just a little bit shaky, and he immediately lifts his paw pretty far off the ground as soon as he gets the chance. Ow. Ow. It hadn't hurt this bad since the initial injury, and considering all the messes he got into, that was saying something. Ugh. He oughta check that he didn't re-open anything later. Could you re-open burns? Probably.
"Thank you," Izuku says, heartfelt. Geese are awful. All horrible, horrible teeth and evil. Also necks. Their necks gave them more distance to bite with. Izuku has never felt this much pure hate for a feral creature, and he'd like to keep it that way. But they deserve it. Then Stark shows up, dropping a dead goose. And then Aizawa does. The whole world gets to see Izuku's absolute misery. That was the real humiliation. Oh well. "I definitely saw the geese, considering they chased me," Izuku tells Stark, a little dryly. He spends a moment shaking out his paw because it feels weird, but then decides that it hurts and isn't worth it. Then, Izuku scowls, plopping down to sit and curling his tail around his paws. His paw. His one paw, because he refused to even touch the ground with his other one. "Geese have no morals," He decides. He's not sure what he intends that statement to be -- a joke? Facts? Izuku doesn't know, but he's still upset.
what was i worth

Re: DUCK DUCK ☀ geese.... - PIERCE - 06-21-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce loved pretty much every living thing - except for bees, but that was because literally one could kill him, so that was warranted, right? -, including geese, though he had never actually encountered one; only read about them in Riddlersgame's books. He'd seen some flying about from time to time in his old clan, and seen pictures in the books, so the only real thing he knew was that they were pretty much giant ducks. What was so bad about that? "Just because you don't understand them doesn't mean they don't have morals," Pierce commented lightly as he approached, though his honey gaze was fixed somewhat worriedly on Izuku's back paw. "Do you need something for that?" he went on to question, a small frown finding its way to his lips. The younger tom was the medic, sure, but even he could use a hand  from time to time, Pierce was sure.
