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I'M NOT DEAD, I SWEAR - Printable Version

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I'M NOT DEAD, I SWEAR - Bun's Ghost - 06-19-2018



Well, to clarify...Bun just happened to fall asleep with my phone still in my room through the night, mom notices and takes it. Internet? fucking clean as shit. Email? nope. I had notifs for BoB and I forgot to delete them, which lead to me not having a phone anymore. I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye, everyone. I'm a pretty shitty friend and I just want to let you guys no I didn't just leave everyone. I love you guys and I hope that everyone is doing alright. Bugsy is probably off making a gang because he's that ashole. I'm rambling now uhhhhhhhhhhhh I dunno.

Babe, I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to you. What a terrible girlfriend, huh? I promise I'll get back to you asap

Anyways, I've gotta dash. pray, hope or whatever you do to to just....someone get me back here. I don't wanna leave BoB. Nor my best friends. I love you guys .3.

p.s. I've started fencing like the....the sport. Swords stabby fun

Re: I'M NOT DEAD, I SWEAR - Orion - 06-19-2018

post approved.

Listen Bun, we're always here for you. If we're needed, send us a PM or hit us up over Discord to make sure we can stay in contact. I understand and have experienced the loss of internet friend connections after I went through the same thing with my own mother, hence why I was gone from a certain website for two years. Eventually, they gave in. There's always hope out there. Just keep on keepin on and remember that we are here if you ever need you.

<333 love you bun... come back as soon as you can.

Re: I'M NOT DEAD, I SWEAR - dreamiplier - 06-19-2018


bun, please don't worry about us!! i'm just glad you're okay and the fact that you were able to tell us that, though you had to go a long way to get here. and don't you DARE ever say you're a shitty friend because believe me, you're one of my best friends on this site. i know i say that about everyone in moonbase, but it's true. you were my closest friend, one of my earliest, in the main game, and we always had so much fun. i really miss you and i hope you can get back to us soon. and hun, always know i'm prayin' for ya, because i love you and i want what's best for you <333

fencing sounds cool as shit though, bro, have fun!!

Re: I'M NOT DEAD, I SWEAR - Sympathy - 06-19-2018


you had me worried af lord. im super super happy you're okay, though that entire situation sounds pretty sucky. definitely dittoing orion and dream! you aren't terrible. these things can happen, so you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. i love you and i hope you can return to all of us asap. and omg my bun can do stabby stuff now. hope youre having fun with fencing! :0