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GYPSY BARD // o, return to acivity - Printable Version

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GYPSY BARD // o, return to acivity - tristitia - 06-19-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Striker tags
She had been so busy, so entwined with so much stuff, that she had forgotten to actually show her face around the damn Clan! Her fur was frazzled, a mess,  and her eyes appeared to hold nervousness in them. Before she came back, she needed to look somewhat better. The muddy-colored lioness needed to wash off. She slipped through the ship, and headed down to the beech. Water. Water had to make her look even a tiniest bit better. Standing at the edge of the beach, she had wanted only to wash her face with her paws, but she tripped forward and fell face firast into the wet sand. Picking her head up, she growled, “Kriff!”
© madi

Re: GYPSY BARD // o, return to acivity - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

To be truthful, Caesar had forgotten about Sekai a little bit. But that was most because he wasn't particularly close to her, like he was with the others. He wasn't really 'close' to anybody, but he knew most others on a more personal level. Caesar had been alerted to Sekai's presence when he heard somebody fall into the wet sand and let out a growl, and the demon turned around from where he had been pacing along the beach (though he wasn't close to the water itself; water was not his thing). "Sekai?" The demon called to her, though his voice was just monotonous as ever. "When the hell did you pop back up?"

Re: GYPSY BARD // o, return to acivity - coldblue - 06-20-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]"Just now, probably."

Coldblue might still be young, but he is old enough to purposefully be a nuisance. Unfortunately for Caeser, he is the perfect target for Blue's snarky comments and bad jokes. The young Roux strolls over in his normal, arrogant manner; casual and perfectly aware of how beautiful he is. Granted, it is unknown if the egoism is a facade, reality, or merely an exaggeration of the truth. Whatever it is, Coldblue seems to enjoy himself. "I hate to break it to you, but you have a bit of sand on your face," he comments, lips twinged upwards with mild amusement. Glacial blue eyes sweep over the lioness' figure, observing her appearance for a fraction of a second before returning his gaze to her visage. Blue smiles again, seeming to brighten up his handsome features. "I do not believe we have met--my name is Coldblue." he bobs his head in a polite nod before casually rolling back onto his haunches in a sitting position.

Re: GYPSY BARD // o, return to acivity - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa had not seen Sekai around before so she had decided to approach the female and introduce herself. She had let out a small chuckle at the sight of Sekai accidentally sliding face-first into the sand, but she quickly hid her laugh with a smile and she offered a nod of greeting to the young female.

"Name's Vanessa." The Striker said to the lioness.
© madi

Re: GYPSY BARD // o, return to acivity - PINCHER - 06-22-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher had hardly seen Sekai around and honestly had begun to hold worry within his chest when she popped inside his head while he worked. It wasn't simply because she was a high position that he had been rather impressed with but also because she seemed troubled by some sort of personal matters that he was unable to piece together. The curiosity to know had always tempted him to question her wellbeing but he knew some crewmates preferred to keep matters to themselves and not have their stories or secrets run rampant in the camp fo the Typhoonians. So, the Captain had decided to simply let the situation go for now with his mind now solely focusing on the future and improvements that he desired to settle onto his clan.

He was spacing off nearby the Tempest since his own home, the submarine was sitting near the ship with the water gently lapping against his paws as he sat and stared out into the horizon. A dancing trail of smoke from his cigarette swirled around his muscular form as the cold male tipped his head to the side when he heard the voices nearby of his son, Caesar, and Vanessa. He glanced away from the lovely scenery, his piercing snake-like gaze locking onto the fallen form of the lioness with his fictional eyebrows pulling together with confusion. "Oi Sekai, you alright?" he questioned as the obsidian canine rose to his pale paws and trotted towards the others, halting beside Coldblue with his pointed ears pricked.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: GYPSY BARD // o, return to acivity - tristitia - 06-22-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Striker tags
The lioness glanced over at Caesar. Oh. It was him, that demon again. Sekai, in order to not look like she had just gotten a spa treatment, grabbed some water and splashed it onto her face. She had been ready to reply when the stoic Coldblue has answered for her. She nodded at his answer, he was right. “Yes... I ah, just came back now. And it is very nice to meet you, I am Sekai.”

Oh, and the next one was Vanessa? The teen had heard of this one. She nodded and smiled. “Oh! You are Vanessa? It is very nice to meet you, I am Sekai!”

Suddenly, at the sound of the captain’s voice, her ears flattened and her tail dropped. Right. She hadn’t been a good Striker. She should’ve done more, not disappeared and left. She offered an apology to the leader. “Yes, I’m fine. Though, I am sorry for suddenly leaving the Typhoon like this. That was not right of me, especially with a position like this.”

© madi