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MORTEM FAMILY // Open IC Plotting family - Printable Version

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MORTEM FAMILY // Open IC Plotting family - Whisper - 06-19-2018

The Mortem Family

This family was created by Argus in 2015 after she abandoned all of her own family names. It was a placebo for what was once a very important aspect of her life. In a place where families meant everything to her, she had none to speak of. Now Argus carries the name with the same relation. This family is opened to only the macabre and desperate, to the dangerous and bloodthirsty. A family for reforming killers and bringing a little collective to all of their experiences. For people who have no family left, and still feel the desperate calling of blood and attempt to turn away, need something to remind them of what living really means.

Rules .
. This family is created to build a support group for killers and animals with no where else to turn.
. Any hostility within the family will be dropped during meetings.
. Fighting within the family is tolerated.
. This family has the intended effect of reforming killers and bringing together semblance of connections in one another.
.There will be no tolerance for corrupting or retoxing a character into their old ways.
. The head of the family must be aware of what their family members are running from or trying to escape to join.
. The mortem name can be passed on the children.

Traditions .
Rite of omission . Newcomming right. Where the entier family will go to the person asking to join under the light of dusk. The rite is made by the the joiner writing what they are running from on a slip of paper and handing it to the head. Once accepted, the paper is tossed into a fire or into the sea. There is typically festivities afterwards. This Rite is offered to those who have been passed the name when they turn 8 months.

Trial by tooth and claw . When someone betrays the family or Omit a secret of a family member.  Is put onto trial. If found guilty the rest of the family will pierce the other with one claw or one tooth somewhere on their body. They are not healed and mean to scar. If they are in a trusted position within the family they are instantly 'demoted'.

Rite of passing . When someone passes within the family, their remains are collected and put onto a funeral pire. The entire family gathers to celebrate the other's life. The head of the family is in charge of omitting what they were running from. When their deceased family turns to ash, each member will mark each other with the ashes. Carrying with them the memory and life of the deceased mortem. This Rite is not exclusive only to the family and can be witnessed by friends of the deceased and typically hosted on the clan/tribal lands of the dead mortem.

Hollow moons . Checks will be every two new moon. Where the head will typically set up a meeting place within the loner lands, they gather and discuss their own struggles and joys in life. Mingling. Held usually by a body of water or at bonfires.

Family Roles.
Blood Sisters/brothers. Head(s) of the family. In charge of holding meetings and dishing out punishment. Must have vague knowledge of all the families histories. A new one can be elected when the last one dies, or a blood sibling can offer the rank to a kinmal that they especially trust.

Kinmals. The basic rank of a mortem. There is no hierarchy within the family beside the head role and the kimals. There is no teir line between adopted members or those born with the name, anyone who is part of the family can become a blood brother by creating connections to the rest of the family and being reliable during trials and Rites.

Re: MORTEM FAMILY // Death cannot hold us - Whisper - 06-19-2018

The Mortem Family

Members .
Blood Sister.
Argus M.

Kinmals .
Whisper M.
Calla M.

Realtions .
feralfront relations

current relations .
Argus Mortem is the step daughter of Lucifer Grimm (Ex-MHP on feralfront) and the current Officer (HP), past Striker (Shp) of the typhoon. As of now she has no other biological relations or past tanks on this site

Fourm .
. Once your character has requested to be adopted. There will be a three day trial period for both the blood sibling and the internee. (ic time)
. If a family member has an issue with an initiate then there will be a tooth and claw ceremony after their past has been revealed to the blood sibling to better understand the situation.

[b]Character name[/b] //
[b]Mun Account[/b] //
[b]IC relations[/b] //
[b]IC rank[/b] //
[b]IC history[/b] //
[b]Other[/b] // (anything? Plot idea points for the family and your character? I'm all ears!)

Re: MORTEM FAMILY // Open IC Plotting family - Luciferr - 06-21-2018

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