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hostage // open + battle training - Printable Version

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hostage // open + battle training - melantha - 06-19-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Atbash is a saint, truly. Of all the lame, nerd ass shit Melantha could have been given for her weekly task, Atbash granted her something that is actually useful and not totally lame. Nice. The only downside is that it still requires Melantha to talk to people which is obviously her favored pastime... Gritting her teeth, the young huntress silently prowls through the village until she finds a space adequate for performing her duties: a park. Well, more like a green belt where evergreen trees have been planted and several weathered picnic benches line the perimeter. But the open area is flat and clear of any debris so it should work out just fine for what she needs it for. Satisfied, the lithe huntress returns to the main area of the village, trying not to grimace at the idea of having to live in a former human den. She hates humans. But that's not the point of this whole shebang. "I am holding a battle training! If you're interested, follow me to the park and we will begin!" as much as she hates talking to people, her voice is strong and it carries far. Hopefully people show up, or else it will be awkward as hell.

Re: hostage // open + battle training - arcy - 06-19-2018

Izuku was pretty obviously ... not good at combat. He hadn't been when he was human, and he wasn't now. He's not kidding, his strategy for battle when he was human tended to come down to 'break my bones till something happens'. All Might was ... probably a bad influence. Anyways, now Izuku was here, without his quirk or brute force to back him up, and he was just sort of. Stuck. Had he been trying to learn? Yeah, but he couldn't ever figure it out. So when Izuku hears about the battle training, his first emotion is excitement. And then just sort of ... oh. His leg. Izuku scowls down at it -- he could still do stuff, enough to participate in some of the activities, even if it'll hurt like hell. Assuming Melantha let him participate at all, that is.
"Can I?" Comes Izuku's hopeful voice as he trods his way over. He's limping pretty heavily, because of course he is, but Izuku had never let injuries stop him. Like, literally, never. The only thing that stopped him half the time was other people. Right, anyways -- follow her to the park? There was a park? ... Of course there was, who's Izuku kidding. Oh well. Regardless of whether he was allowed to participate or not, Izuku was at least gonna watch. And obsessively take notes. Because that's all Izuku knew how to do anymore.
what was i worth

Re: hostage // open + battle training - Character Graveyard. - 06-19-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Battle training. Something that Natasha was used to. She had grown up training to be a skilled assassin. It was something she regretted, so she did not mention it to any of her Clanmates. Natasha had made her way over to Melantha and she stood next to Izuku.

"I'll come." The ex-assassin said.
© madi

Re: hostage // open + battle training - melantha - 06-21-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Melantha only just rolls back onto her haunches to rest when Izuku arrives, Natasha trailing after him shortly after. As much as the young huntress desires for her task to be executed successfully with decent participation from her clanmates, she does not want it to come at the expense of the participant's health. Izuku is no exception. Mel likes the guy, she finds him easy to get along with and good at his job--something she can respect. While they are not exactly friends, possessing Melantha's respect certainly goes a long way because it means the person has won her protection. However, he earns a disapproving frown from the young female as he approaches. It pleases her somewhat that the tenderfoot knows her well enough to ask her permission, but it does little to alter her stance. "Until you are completely healed, I do not want you to partake in any physical activity--" which, unfortunately, is the majority of battle training. "However, you are welcome to spectate and practice stances as long as you sit out on sparring." Melantha is no tyrant. Besides, she believes in the importance of learning how to fight and defend oneself.

Not wishing to exclude Natasha, the north american wildcat glances up at the other female and greets her with something that could be considered the ghost of a smile. "Wonderful." Now, as long as at least one more able-bodied person arrived, things will run smoothly.

Re: hostage // open + battle training - jacob w.c. - 06-22-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had never been much of a fighter. He knew how to out of obligation. His upbringing had been dangerous, not necessarily because of his own actions but because of where they lived and the business his Babbo had been involved in.He was pretty sure most people in Snowbound assumed he didn't know how to fight at all and he didn't really care to change their minds. He'd never had an interest in fighting and the thought of hurting people was something that terrified him from a young age. Well, at least majorly hurting anyone. He'd seen his family do terrible things to people and he'd certainly gotten in a few fights (that was only a natural byproduct of life when one spent their time with the likes of Jerseyboy and his friends) but nothing serious had ever really come from any of it. Then the fire had happened and his legs had given up on him. It made navigating in general much harder and his small size and speed suddenly didn't matter, both as he struggled to maintain a consistent weight and as he struggled to just learn how to walk again. It had all been a complicated, messy matter but, in the end, Jacob had learned how to walk again and he could even run now (although it was little more than a form of advanced speed walking). He also still knew the basics of defending himself if the need ever came up. With this all in his mind, he came and settled down among the group and looked towards Melantha. "Uh, I suppose I could try trainin' with ya'll but I might jus' slow ya' down," the husky admitted with a light smile.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: hostage // open + battle training - melantha - 06-30-2018

Jacob does not exactly fit the bill of "able-bodied." The unfortunate reality of Snowbound is that no matter how wonderful the people are, a considerable amount of the residents are injured or disabled. Not that it's a bad thing to be that way, but from a tactical standpoint, it puts the people of Snowbound at a severe risk from attack. As long as the Typhoon remains their ally, attacks on the clan are not likely, but Melantha is nothing if not a bit paranoid. The way she sees it, learning to defend oneself is of the utmost importance. The young huntress will never admit it, but she cares immensely for her clanmates and will fight tooth and claw to protect them. However, one powerless creature cannot defend the lives of every single other person. Especially if the humans ever return, which Mel is convinced will happen. So she simply smiles at the Chief's arrival. "No, you will not slow us down," she says with a shake of her head. "I'll just adjust my plans to accommodate you and Izuku." A good way to determine if someone is competent at their job is to test if they are able to overcome obstacles. Melantha is a terrible conversationalist and shitty at being emotionally vulnerable, but she's adaptable. Alright, time to get to work. "I had plans to hold a more, uh, physical class, but we can just talk for now." Maybe it's better than just launching them into training. The mountain lioness settles into a seated position, regarding all three of her "students" with sagacious olive eyes. "So to start, I would like to know how many of you possess supernatural powers and, if so, what types?" They'll see where she is going once she gets there.

Re: hostage // open + battle training - jacob w.c. - 07-03-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — When Mel assured him he wouldn't be slowing the group down, the husky's ears perked in interest and he let a smile spread across his maw. He hadn't participated in anything like this for a very, very long time. He wasn't even sure he'd been in a race. He used to race all the time with the other boys on his street. He was never particularly fast but it'd been fun. After everything happened, things just hadn't been the same. Not only was he physically altered but the way people saw him changed. Maybe that was why he'd never told his Babbo about everything that'd happened. Maybe he thought that the idea that his little boy was in pain would make him rush out and take care of him when all Jacob wanted anymore was to be left alone. Finally there was someone who wasn't so concerned with his safety. He knew he was being hypocritical but he didn't care. If someone was in pain or appeared to be struggling, Jacob was always the first to offer to take the burden rather than let them handle it. "Oh! Okay! Thanks Mel, ya' didn' have ta' do tha'. Anyway, no, I ain't got any kinda' powers." A lie. But one he felt was necessary. Jacob never used his abilities and none of them were very combative anyway. He'd only ever used them to take things, not to hurt people. Now he preferred not to use them at all. That was part of the old way he lived. Not anymore. He didn't have a use for them in Snowbound. — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: hostage // open + battle training - Dimitri - 07-04-2018

"Shapeshiftng." Delta, unlike her brethren, was more cold and defensive. That was what her job was- it greyed Dimitri’s policy of pacifism and let them protect themselves.
Delta, however, was more guarded than the others. It showed in the posture Dimitri’s body took on- they were held higher, they sat up straight, ears rotating and tail wavered. She was on alert and she never let it down.

"I- I’m Dimitri." She still attempted to talk like her core though. Posture was something they just never thought about. "I’d like o train too. I mostly use my Shapeshifting for battle or survival."