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MOVE ALONG // o; joining - Printable Version

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MOVE ALONG // o; joining - ARLO - 06-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]It wasn't everyday that one would typically find themselves wandering an unfamiliar island, having gotten lost. In Arlo's case, however, being lost was a common occurrence - only he wouldn't admit that he was lost. No, that wasn't the word for it. He didn't know where he was, but he had no particular destination to head towards either. He was simply exploring the earth, his pawsteps light against the ground as he moved forward, gazing around with awe-filled caramel eyes. "This place is amazing!" He exclaimed to himself, not knowing where he was, but knowing that he was already in love with the bountiful vegetation all around him. The boy had quite the fascination in plants, and well, to him he had stumbled upon plant heaven. Clearly this was no accident... he was meant to be here!

The tiger cub halted as soon as something bright caught his eye. He turned in its direction and calmly approached it, his smile only widening at the sight. It was a daisy of some sort, with a very tall stem and large white petals. For a short moment, Arlo only stared at it, but only seconds later he extended a paw to gently touch it. For most, touching a flower didn't mean anything. For Arlo, this was an experience which he felt himself bursting with excitement over. Quite honestly, he never wanted to leave this place. But... what was this place even, exactly? The kid didn't even know where he was. Still, he sat there, admiring the flower in front of him, feeling as happy as anyone could be.

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - bubblegum - 06-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie didn't actually go into the jungle too often. she thought it was pretty and enjoyed all of the wildlife it had, but she preferred the openness of the beach. the smell of the sea and feeling of sand under her paws was comforting to her. but, she was trying to learn a bit more about herbs lately, which is why she could be found walking around here now. she didn't have a particular interest in medicine, but she figured it'd be useful information. she was growing bigger and she ought to start learning about many things! she'd be half a year old in just a few days, after all.

so, she sniffed around, when she caught the scent of a stranger. she moved towards it curiously, ears perked. a tiger just looking at a flower. she gave a small smile at that, trotting over happily. "hiya," she greeted as she got closer. "you're in the typhoon. who the heck are you?" the girl would say next, keeping her tone mostly friendly and curious.

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

To be truthful, Caesar preferred the jungle than the island that everybody mainly lived on. To him, the jungle was much less restricting. So it was typical of him to occasionally take a walk in the forest, and today was no different. For him, anyway. What was different, however, was a tiger cub waltzing in the territory. Luckily for Arlo, Goldenluxury had been the one to approach him first. "And do you have a reason for trespassing our borders?" The Officer demanded with a flick of an ear.

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - coldblue - 06-19-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]"My guy, my dude, Caeser, buddy, I hate to break it to you, but the kid is obviously lost."

Don't have to be a mind reader to see the genuine glee and mild confusion behind the tiger cub's brilliant golden eyes. Coldblue is almost positive that even Caeser's frigid and cynical self can see that much, he just likes playing the role of clan dickwad. And that's okay. Blue likes Caeser just the way he is--makes it easier to give the guy a hard time. Smirking to himself, the handsome young male casually strolls over behind his sister, flashing everyone in attendance a shining smile--we're talking maximum wattage, so dazzling that it blinds you. It is paired with a lazed expression, as if he is an immortal who just awoke from a thousand year nap. A bit arrogant, but Blue is harmless enough. Sometimes he gives the impression that he enjoys pretending to be a lot more egocentric than he truly is. Life is too short to be genuine all the goddamn time.

Ever so gently, Coldblue brushes his shoulder against Goldie's in an affectionate greeting. "Good morning, sister," he says quietly so that only she may hear him before redirecting his attention to the unfamiliar tiger cub. The first thing Blue notices is the kid's nigh overwhelming happiness. He radiates joy--Blue would not be surprised if he was buzzing with all the energy. "You're awfully happy," the young male comments, amused. How charming. "My name is Coldblue Roux. I certainly hope you're going to stay for a while because I like you already~" Most people in the Typhoon scowl too much, except for Goldie, of course. His sister is an angel.

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

"And what's your fuckin' point?" Caesar shot back to Coldblue, narrowing his eyes at the cub as he spoke to him. Indeed, Caesar felt like it was his 'job' to be the group's local dickwad, but it was just who he was as a person. Or, well, the person he told himself he liked to be. Somebody had to enforce the rules around here, because it obviously wasn't Pincher. Oh, when he became Captain, he was going to make it clear who was in charge here. "Lost or not, the kid should fucking know how to smell." Unless the borders weren't marked properly recently, then that was a whole other issue.

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - purgatory - 06-20-2018

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - PINCHER - 06-20-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher always had a fondness for the beauty of the jungle. It was something that could not be found in all the other clans especially with the wide diversity of species that came from it. He knew it was similar to that of the Amazon or whatever he had read in a map book, a massive part of the world that was filled with all kinds of life. But to be fairly honest, Pincher was always fond of the sea and the expansiveness of it. He had become comfortable with how it moved and changed currents, the ship that was now anchored the one he had been on plenty adventures on. Part of him desired to go back to being a nomad group, the ones that bounced place to place but Pincher knew that the Typhoon belonged on the volcanic island especially with how fortified and secure it was. The craving of seeing the world was now left dormant in the back of the canine's head, his mind focused solely on having the crew become whatever they wish to be.

He was currently busying himself in cleaning out a treehouse, a chore he did to make sure there was enough room for joiners to have. He knew they could always live in the ship as well as the beach huts but he knew that some crewmates held a fondness for being up high and he could understand that. The dark male was pushing some furniture into place when he heard the commotion from below, his piercing icy blue eyes flickering up from his work. He could distinctly make out the voices and so he rose, deciding to see what was happening outside. He headed down the woven tree stairs, his footsteps softly thumping against the wooden plank boards until he reached the bottom, the soft earth pressing against his feet. A few feet away was his crew, surrounding an oddly colored tiger. Pincher was used to seeing tigers with the brilliant flash of orange but this one held a color that one could find in ash yet he rather liked it since it definitely stuck out from the greenery that surrounded them. He went to follow Cronas, glancing down at the small child as they explained in the formal form of speaking. It caused a faint twitch of a smile to trace his jaws yet he decided to focus on what was happening though he let a small growl of warning rumble in his throat to warn Caesar that he should take it down a notch. "As everyone says, you're in our territory, kid. So if you've got a good reason, better say it now." He commented lightly as he went to a sitting position, his large velvety ears turned towards the wildcat cub.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
The jungle was certainly a beautiful part of the territory. While she had been on her own, she had not seen a jungle like the one they had, nor did she and Wade see one on their way to join The Typhoon. The only concern she had, was the volcano. She had not heard much about it- so she was concerned about whether the volcano had a chance of erupting or not.

The female had arrived to the scene, right after Pincher had and she decided to remain silent while they awaited the young male's response.
© madi

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - ARLO - 06-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Before Arlo could even realize it, suddenly others were approaching him, and while it was a bit overwhelming the boy was happy to be able to get the opportunity to meet new animals. It had been a while since he had run into anyone else, so this was actually quite exciting! Only one of the strangers in particular, a golden feline with an aggressive demeanor, seemed to already be on the tiger's bad side. Arlo was pretty quick to judge others and decide whether or not he could put his trust in them, and well, this guy in particular seemed to be someone that he'd ought to keep his distance from. All the others seemed either friendly or calm, and the kid was relieved by that.

The two bengal cats appeared to be especially friendly to Arlo, and also seemed to be close to each other, too. The gray-furred tiger couldn't help but wonder if they were related to each other... like siblings. Arlo never had siblings. Once it was just him and his mom, and they did everything together; then one day she was suddenly gone, and Arlo had been on his own from that point on.

"My name is Arlo!" He exclaimed, his voice both gentle and excited, and his widened gaze studying the faces among him. He flashed a smile in Coldblue's direction, happy to already be liked by the other male. He decided to himself that he liked him already too, but what he had said that stuck out most to Arlo was the fact that he was hoping he'd stay here for a while. He could really do that? Stay here in the... what did they call it again? The Typhoon? Everyone else around seemed a bit concerned about him trespassing in their territory, but he didn't mean to upset anybody. He was just lost, and very lonely.

"Oh, uhhh..." His voice trailed off as he opened his maw up to speak once again, pondering over his thoughts for a moment. So if I asked to stay here... would they really let me? Arlo knew that he didn't really have any place to call home right now, and he wasn't a huge fan of being alone for too long. He liked being with others, and most of the animals here seemed pretty chill, despite them getting mad at him for 'trespassing and all. The chubby little wildcat raised his head to gleam up at Pincher, deciding then and there that he might as well give it a shot. "I'd uh, like to stay here, if that's okay!"

Re: MOVE ALONG // o; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

"Yeah, sure." Caesar grumbled, clearly still not very happy over this entire situation. It's not like we can deny you. The demon thought bitterly to himself, but of course didn't say it out loud. After all, Pincher was here. "Name's Officer Caesar Cipher."