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HAZE ☀ herb training - arcy - 06-19-2018

Izuku isn't quite sure why Atbash had given this task to him. Wouldn't Jacob have been a better choice? Sure, Izuku knew enough to make it work, but he wasn't really qualified for this. But, well, a weekly task was a weekly task, and Izuku knew ... enough, so Izuku sighs. What should he teach? Basic herbs, obviously, but bandage wrapping? ... Probably. Stitches? No, too tedious. Remedies? No, this was more first aid stuff. It was probably just intended so that people could know enough to help injured people till the medics arrived. Which was good! Izuku couldn't always be there, and Jacob ... had enough duties
So, today, Izuku sets stuff up somewhere in the middle of the village. He's mostly got herbs set out, but he does have a little teddy bear with a roll of bandages next to it. That one'll be tedious too, since he's not quite sure how to explain the steps himself. Had he taken the idea from Jacob's session, though? Absolutely, without a doubt. "H -- hey! Herb training class over here!" Okay, bad wording, but who cared these days. Just so long as people knew what he was talking about literally nobody cared. So with this, Izuku seats himself and wraps a tail around his paws, feeling stiff and stressed as he always does when hosting some sort of event. At least he wasn't trying to melt into the ground this time, so that was progress! Just exposure to doing this seemed to help, as expected.
what was i worth

Re: HAZE ☀ herb training - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash knew Izuku was still in training, but this should be good practice for him in case he became the official medic and had to train somebody himself. Sure, this little session wasn't going to get as detailed as it would if Izuku was actually training a medic, but still. Atbash was confident that Izuku was going to do just fine. Besides, he couldn't really be doing much, not with his injury.
"Thanks for doing this!" Atbash chirped as she came over. She honestly was excited to learn, although being a medic wasn't definitely her thing. It'd be nice to know something in case of emergencies, though.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HAZE ☀ herb training - Character Graveyard. - 06-19-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha was not a healer. She was incapable of helping those injured and ill. Fighting was more suitable for her. But it wouldn't hurt to learn a thing or two from Izuku if an emergency happened and neither Jacob and Izuku were showing up.

She had walked over and taken a seat next to Atbash.
© madi

Re: HAZE ☀ herb training - guts - 06-19-2018

Aizawa himself was limited on knowledge about the topic of healing. He had known some about it when he was human, but now he knew pretty much nothing. Herbs? He couldn't really understand the use of them. But there were some things that had stayed the same, it seemed, which was a comfort. So he pads over and takes a seat, nodding encouragingly towards the maine coon.


Re: HAZE ☀ herb training - arcy - 06-19-2018

Three was probably the most participants they might get, right? At least half of them, and that's all Izuku needed he supposes. Anybody else was welcome to show up later, though. A little nervously, Izuku glances between the three of them, offering Aizawa a flicker of a smile at the other's nod. Oh god he was gonna die. Right. Okay. It's fine.
"It's -- It's not a problem! I just hope I don't mess up," Izuku smiles a little ruefully and curls his tail a little tighter around his paws. Okay. Okay, where does he start? Not bandages or cobwebs quite yet --  okay, he'd just start with Marigold, maybe. Yeah, marigold worked. Izuku liked marigold -- it was good for all sorts of things! So he turns to rustle in his bag and pulls out a flower. He'd grabbed some fresh herbs at the risk of his paw, basically. "Okay -- this is a marigold. Anybody have any idea what it's used for?" Izuku's grin is a little strained, and he's trying not to sound condescending. He waits for whatever responses may come, then moves on. He doesn't want things to slow down too much and all that. Anyways, he was gonna explain anyways, so what does it matter. "Marigold is most often used for infections, and that's how it's most widely used. But it can also be used for a ton of other things! It staves off bleeding, reduces inflammation, and can be used in a ton of eye-related stuff! It's good for burns, too!," Izuku had been pretty dead-set on knowing every possible use for marigold, so if he knew more about this one plant than any others, that was just how it was meant to be. Marigolds were his favorite flowers, why not? Besides, he had more of those than any others because they were his favorites, so he had a ton of ointments for them. Oh, but right, he should ... probably mention a thing about herbs too, shouldn't he? "It's a common misconception you apply the plants right to the wound, but that's more often than not wrong. You make it into a pulp, or an ointment, or sometimes a tea," A few people had done that before -- not anyone in Snowbound but at some point definitely. And it was ... kind of infuriating. If even one of his clanmates ended up doing it with the wrong plant, Izuku was either going to scream or off himself then and there. Izuku isn't even sure why he's so upset about it, or about people getting medicine wrong in general, he just is.
what was i worth

Re: HAZE ☀ herb training - jacob w.c. - 06-21-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had been interested in herbs ever since he was a child. Yet he hadn't always been interested in them. There was a time he could remember when he had no desire to be a doctor or to learn how to help people. It hadn't been until he met his Ma that the interest had come up in him. He'd been a quick learned and she was always handling them and he was always asking questions. Then his Pa had gotten sick and he started to veiw medicine as some sort of magic cure that would somehow save him. He went through every single book he could, asked every question he could think of, tried every possible solution there could've been. Every time though he only ended up treating the symptoms, not the cancer that was ravaging the stallion's body. In the end, there was nothing he could've done. He knew that now. Still, he didn't regret all the research and reading. He didn't regret the way his Pa died. He'd felt so guilty about it. Sometimes he still did. But it was better to be poisoned than to burn alive. There'd only been a few minutes to think of a solution- no; not minutes, seconds. There'd only been seconds to think of a solution and Jacob couldn't move the body of a great horse anywhere by himself, let alone in a burning building, and Harrison had been far too sick to move himself. But he still had the berries from what they'd talked about days before that point. He'd sobbed while it happened. He'd sobbed afterwards. But in the end he knew it was for the best. Didn't he? Archie didn't seem to think so, based on how he'd threatened to tell Pincher everything about that whole night. He didn't think that would change what Pincher thought of him but there was a part of him that didn't want to tell the captain about any of that, not ever. Not out of shame, but because this was supposed to be a new start. New starts didn't mix with toxic endings.

When he heard Izuku calling for an herb training session, the man made his way over with a light smile. He was always happy to see anyone interested in herbs and he was always happy to hear anything he hadn't before, or anything that could simply be a reminder to him. He gave his apprentice a light nod before setting down, choosing not to answer any of the questions for now. Izuku was doing a fine job and he was interested in seeing what his clanmates thought of it all. Perhaps he would look for another Tenderfoot soon. He'd like to have a bigger team but at the same time he knew he didn't have the time to train both Izuku and someone else who didn't know anything about herbs yet. At least Izuku had come to him with some basic knowledge, that was more than he had when Lottie began training him. In any case, it was always good for everyone to have a little bit of basic training in case anything ever went wrong so this was a nice event, no matter what it's purpose or what it may lead to. So far, Izuku seemed to be doing well and everyone else that'd arrived seemed attentive, which was all that mattered. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP