Beasts of Beyond
EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // open, pet - Printable Version

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EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // open, pet - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

Today was just your average, normal, boring working day and Caesar decided he deserved some rest and to actually let his body rest 'normally' for once. He knew the body was on the edge of collapsing and he thought he might as well let it rest before he blacked out randomly in the middle of camp.

As Caesar went towards his bed, he heard a hissing sound come from underneath it. The demon blinked for a moment before he crouched down, peering under the bed to try and see what hissed at him. And being the dumbass he was, Caesar used one paw to reach forward and poke the creature that was under his bed. Caesar almost immediately felt something bite down on his paw and the demon let out a yowl of surprise. Pain wasn't something he felt, but there was definitely a tingling sensation from where this creature had a grip on his paw. "You fuck!" The Officer cursed, pulling his arm back towards his body, dragging the creature along with it.

It was... a turtle. A spiky turtle. What did the NPCs call these things? Oh, right, alligator snapping turtle. But didn't these typically live near freshwater? How the hell did this one get here? Did it follow him from where he visited Tanglewood? If that's the case, then how did he not notice it before? Oh, well, what mattered was that this thing was still here and still attached to his arm. Caesar growled and use his other paw to try and pull the turtle off him. Which, after minutes of pulling, did succeed, but not without his trapped paw bleeding. Caesar barely noticed the black liquid coming from his paw nor did he really feel anything other than a tingling sensation, but still.

The turtle's head went back in it's shell as it retreated, staring up at Caesar with it's mouth agape. Caesar, being the child that he was, stuck his tongue out at it. Fucking bastard.

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // open, pet - PINCHER - 06-20-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pets for animals was always a weird thing that Pincher noticed was happening quite often in groups. Some preferred to call them companions or friends but the male just viewed it as some softish way to avoid the truth. Hell, he had his fair share of pets with one being Bonnie and now some random kiwi he had found in the tropical jungle that he had decided to name as Penny. He wasn't sure why he had decided to go search for a pet when he was perfectly fine being on his own. Yet, he supposed that it was just the fear of losing another pet that caused him to feel nervous about the idea. Not a lot of Typhoon members had pets from what he could tell which wasn't surprising because he knew certain crewmates were not responsible enough to maintain a healthy pet or they might just end up killing the poor thing.

Pincher was on his way to go find something to eat when he heard the explosive curse that he could only connect to it being the voice of cranky Caesar. He halted slowly to his tracks on the soft sand, wondering if he should go check it out or just be on his way to find some delicious fish. He remained still for a moment, grimacing ever so slightly when he felt his stomach let out a small growl in protest for food. The Captain let out a small sigh flow out of his lungs in an exasperated form, turning his direction of walking towards the home of Caesar. He reached the area where the other Typhoon crewmate was, his electric blue gaze locked onto the male with a puzzled expression dancing on his facial features. All that Pincher could see from his point of view was Caesar sticking his tongue out at something beneath his bed that was hidden from the eyes of the doberman. He glanced down at the small pool of tar-black blood dripping from the savannah's paw and raised a quizzical eyebrow, wondering what the fuck was happening. "Uh...the hell are you doing?" Pincher inquired, taking a step into the home of Caesar.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // open, pet - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-20-2018

Caesar definitely hadn't been expecting anybody to pass by his room, let alone peek their head into it and demand what was happening. The demon was still focused on the turtle when Pincher came into his room and spoke, and he jumped whenever the doberman spoke to him. The turtle hissed again at this sudden movement and Caesar walked back a few steps just in case this spiny creature went to bite again. "Oh, fuck! Don't scare me like that." Caesar responded as he looked over at Pincher. "There's a fuckin' turtle under my bed and it fucking bit me and I can't get it out." He explained before looking down at the small creature again and glaring at it.

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // open, pet - ROXANNE R. - 06-20-2018

Well, she wasn't far behind as she flew into the room standing next to Pincher offering a cheeky smile "Hey Pin. Hey Lemon boy," Her ears,angled forward at the sound of a hiss, her whiskers twitching "Have you tried coaxing it out with food, dumb dumb?" She said letting out a bored yawn and sitting down, she adjusted her wings at her side and curled her tail around her forepaws wanting to look at the turtle then again she saw this dumbass' paw and decided otherwise. She invited herself in only to peek underneath the bed only to say "Well look at you! A big tough guy! I think we're gonna get along," She tried seeing if there was some way to get it out, she thought for a moment thinking of using the talon at the end of her wing. She glanced back at Pincher and Caesar grinning cheekily at the demon "I don't blame the little dude for biting you. I would've bit ya too," With that said, she tried to reach with her wing careful with the turtles jaws and aimed to get a grip on its leg and if successful would tug it out from its hugging place. She hopped onto the bed so she didn't get bitten.
© madi

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // open, pet - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-21-2018

"Don't fuckin' call me that." Caesar growled at Roxanne when she called him 'Lemon Boy'. Yeah, sure, he was yellow, he got that, but that didn't deserve the name Lemon Boy. He looked absolutely disgusted as Roxanne invited herself into his room and watched her carefully when she moved around the area. Sure, he messed up his room a lot but he didn't want anybody else doing that for him. "Does it look like I have food around here?" He didn't eat very often himself, which causes a lot of problems for him, but he didn't care.

Caesar watched as Roxanne was able to move the turtle from under his bed without getting bit or hissed at, and he narrowed his eyes at the small reptile. Oh, so he was the issue then? Fuck you too, then. Caesar thought to himself. Fucking bastard. He didn't really comment on how Roxanne said she probably would've bitten him too if she was the turtle, since he didn't feel the need to have a response. Or act like more of an immature child in front of Pincher. "Take it out of my room." The demon demanded.